Wifi and Ipod Touch: Connection issues

So we got a few of these little gadgets for the "cyclette's" for Christmas... and I "upgraded" my home network to wireless... I first tried the wireless router in the basement where my previous Hub/ DSL modem was... had some connection problems, so I moved it upstairs to one of the cyclette's rooms... still having connection issues. I went online and renamed the network and the password and that helped a bit... but still having intermittent connection issues.

We currently have a Thomson DSL Router (supplied by Primus- our ISP). My computer (in the basement) and the 3 cyclette's computers connect via Cat 5 network cable which was installed in the house when we built it, but the Ipods require a wireless connection which, as I say is rather finicky...

Sometimes they can connect and sometimes not. Is this normal? What is the "range" of wireless... and does the distance or location make a difference? :confused: Any pointers?


New member
Oct 28, 2006
The range varies but this advertising claims 802.11n has a range of up to 300 ft.


But you could have interference from other devices which may be operating at the 2.4 GHz range.

And you may have issues with concrete walls, etc.


Aug 19, 2006
Wifi and iPod touch

I have a Linksys (Cisco) wireless router at home and after configuring the security settings on the router and then using the "code" to connect my iPod touch it works without an issue. It even connects as I make my way down the street when I come home from work (about 2 houses away).

I suspect that the "Thomson" router is the issue as I have heard that they are a bit flakey. Not sure what the settings are but if you turn on the security settings ie WPA encyrption then you will need to enter this into the iPod touch to connect.

Have you tried other wireless devices like a laptop. This may help to determine the issue. Also you can still add another router to the network and use it just for wifi connections.

Good luck.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Cordless phones have also been known to interfere with them
Fluorescent lighting and light dimmers may interfere also.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Wireless has come a long ways.
That said I still prefer a solid wired connection.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Apple support is a good thing.... http://www.apple.com/support/ipodtouch/


Also, how many of the iPods can go on at the same time. Is another laptop or iPod knocking the device off line?

If that doesn't work...
From the main screen of the iPod, choose settings, choose wi-fi... if it shows you are on your network then select it..... scroll down and select the "Renew Lease"

Hope this helps


Now.... My PC crashed last night. I have reinstalled windows XP, and installed the lasted version of iTunes. Every time i plug my iPod into the PC to recharge it, it freezes the PC (even turns the fan off if its going!). Have to shut it down manually.

Anyone got the fix for that?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Apple support is a good thing.... http://www.apple.com/support/ipodtouch/


Also, how many of the iPods can go on at the same time. Is another laptop or iPod knocking the device off line?

If that doesn't work...
From the main screen of the iPod, choose settings, choose wi-fi... if it shows you are on your network then select it..... scroll down and select the "Renew Lease"

Hope this helps


Now.... My PC crashed last night. I have reinstalled windows XP, and installed the lasted version of iTunes. Every time i plug my iPod into the PC to recharge it, it freezes the PC (even turns the fan off if its going!). Have to shut it down manually.

Anyone got the fix for that?

itunes, safari and apple products/software are known to freeze up PCs or slow it down. maybe you need a Mac for your ipod/itunes

try using winamp for you Ipod



May 8, 2005
another sugg. If the wireless router is upstairs move it downstairs aka basement. As the signal leaves the router it spreads out like a fan. And the starting point should be at the lowest level. Might be wrong but think of it as a sub sending out sonar signals. Encrypt your network and give it a name. Try to stick with "name" brand stuff ie linksys, dlink, belkin, netgear. Use wpa2, wep is shit. Do your homework routers aren't cheap nowadays.
Thanks for all the suggestions... I too prefer to use a wire for this very reason, and is also why I'm glad I ran network cable throughout the house when it was being built. You can't beat a wire!

Having said that, Ipod's don't use wires... We do have a cordless phone though, but no laptops (yet...) My new Blu-ray has wireless capabilities as well... But i think I'll use a wire on it instead.

Another question: would any of you know if my luck would be any better with the WPA2 or WPA+ WPA2 settings? My router is capable of all 3 variations... (It is currently on WPA2 only...) :confused:
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Lou Siffer

Evil Prick
Nov 15, 2007
Hey CG, we have a couple of new iPod Touches in the house too. Kids are loving it.

Instead of using the security settings on your router, you could disable security and just use the MAC address filtering. If you set your router to allow only the MAC addresses of the iPods, the connection might be a little more stable and you still prevent anyone else from jumping on your network. I'm not the most tech savvy guy though, so I don't know if this opens you up to any kind of "MAC spoofing", if there is such a thing.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
i had one of those thompson routers and had nothing but trouble-got a dlink and never a problem since

T Rush

New member
Aug 25, 2008
Wireless Routers

If the wireless modem was provided by your ISP it is most likely using the 802.11G standard and not N so the range is significantly reduced.

You may want to try changing the router to channel 1,6 or 11 as they do not overlap and will reduce the possibility of interference.

An solid object will block the signal so try to place the modem in the middle of the house ie 1st or 2nd floor if you are 3 stories and idealy someplace where the signal can radiate outwards and not get bloacled by walls etc.

If you do go for another wirrless router go for the linksys products made by cisco they are a bit more but much better than the others.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Hey CG,

Return the Thomson if you can, its range is really poor and finicky.

Go with the linksys cisco routers, and get the big bunnie ears to cover if your walls have allot of wiring and steel or other interference. Look at the hrtz ranges on your cordless to make sure the band doesn't interfere.

Another suggestion is to go with mac filtering as stated above and skip the WEP, but chances are its just signal strength that is your issue.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
Not an expert

But, before solutions are offered, it is sometimes wise to understand the problem. just sayin'

"Sometimes they can connect and sometimes not"

Unfortunately, this symptom is not very specific. Are you using DHCP? Does the first ipt turned on get an IP? does the second? third? What is the signal strength? Does it work if you stand very nearby the router?

FYI: IPT's only support G right now. Not N.

Does your router allow control of broadcast signal strength? If so, set it to strongest (longest range or whatever).

WPA2 is the one to use but I would do my troubleshooting with no security and SSID broadcast. It'll be OK for a little while.

I would log into the router and see what is connected while turning the ipt on. if you can.

If nothing works, get a Starbucks account and test the ipt there. Or at any other hotspot. see if the ipt is the problem or something in your home.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
I would first see if there is a firmware update for the router. Any router issues I have had have been resolved by firmware updates.

You can buy a Linksys router, and go to custom firmware and upgrade the antennas if you want to go with a basement setup and are having signal strength issues.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
another sugg. If the wireless router is upstairs move it downstairs aka basement. As the signal leaves the router it spreads out like a fan. And the starting point should be at the lowest level. Might be wrong but think of it as a sub sending out sonar signals. Encrypt your network and give it a name. Try to stick with "name" brand stuff ie linksys, dlink, belkin, netgear. Use wpa2, wep is shit. Do your homework routers aren't cheap nowadays.
A basement is about the worst place to put a wireless router, unless you live in a sub basement. :)

Radio waves spread best laterally and down. Why do you think that companies put broadcast antenna on towers?

My iPhone doesn't get the greatest wifi reception in my home. I think that it may have something to do with the antenna in the iPhones and Touches. My laptop will get full bars in the exact same spot that my iPhone shows a consistently weak signal.


May 8, 2005
Thanks for the correction, I was given bad info by some people. If you adjust the antennae to lateral/down, that will give you the best signal? How/where should the flat flying saucer looking ones from linksys be placed? Did the op's problems get resolved?

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