Actually I like Pierre's take on it. It's not about the immigrants and it's not their fault. It's about Justin and bad policy in taking in too many too quickly and not supplying the programs like ESL, community engagement and mentoring that previous refugees were given to assist with assimilation.
But yes worsening economics, the pandemic and other factors have increased xenophobic tendencies. Justin screwed the pooch on this. Didn't plan for worsening conditions. And the ones suffering are those who came with promises and were abandoned .
Pierre’s job as opposition leader is to oppose the government obviously and blame put the blame on the PM. This PM has been in power for coming up to ten years now and as such , all the problems that we are having now, Justin Trudeau wears them.
The immigrants to Canada in 2023 brought in 11 billion dollars and perform jobs that Canadians cannot or will not do.
More mass immigration in Canada is imperative as the population growth is negative.
Over 50% of the medical staff looking after the geriatrics in Canada are immigrants and this number is going to sky rock as the boomer cohort retires in mass and will require vast amounts of medical care. The service and retail in the GTA depend on immigrant labour .
There are enough able bodied Canadians on welfare or drugged out Canadians that should be rehabilitated and join society that are a huge wasted resource that could offset the need for some of the immigration that we are currently seeing.
Conditions are bad in many countries including America, Japan, the UK etc and Canada, but Canada would be worse off without this immigration.