You know what Toronto is the place to go to get a higher price but just because they are asking a higher price doesn't mean that they are getting it consistently because there's so much competition. I've seen and heard a girls say they charge $400 or $500 an hour and they haven't had an appointment in weeks and they can't eat then they can't pay their bills. It's almost shameful for them to drop their prices because it means they can't call themselves high-end anymore. A really cute girl with great service could clean up in Peterborough. If one girl committed to staying in Peterborough she could probably make more money out there than if they were in Toronto. The misconception is that Toronto is the place to go and that's a reality for a lot of people. There is more competition there is more b*******. There are more people out there trying to hurt us.
The problem that I personally have with Peterborough and I'm sure a lot of girls would agree. not the advertisers here because they just act like everything's sunshine and rainbows, but people who have actually worked at a feeder oh and people who refuse to go there can pretty much all agree that it's not worth it. People have a really negative view of escort out there they think we're all like the girls on Bethune Street and they can use that as leverage to try and undercut us, rip us off, lie to us and assault us. I think that since we're already there that we need to take whatever money they offer us because if we don't they're just going to take that money to Bethune Street. E transfers have always been an issue. the guy who used to work at the Peterborough examiner not only tried to not pay me but still have sex with me. That's happened twice with two different people in Peterborough and I don't even travel there on a regular basis. People will call me out there and when I arrive they completely changed the circumstances to the point where if I knew what they wanted to begin with I never would have left. The people from Peterborough for the most part are cheap, manipulative, aggressive and disrespectful. My time and my expenses mean nothing my dignity means nothing my safety means nothing. As soon as I hear that somebody's from Peterborough I am immediately am not interested. I read your reviews with like really terrible people who just don't give a s*** about their clients but you know what clients can treat us the same way. It's kind of hard not to have the attitude where we start treating people how they treat us. I think young and vicious travelers stop in Peterborough and realize that it's not worth it. Even if they clean up there there are so many time wasters and people that don't even treat us like we're human beings and we aren't meant to be respected and they just want to waste our time and get as much out of us as possible for as little as possible. Don't get me wrong some of my best clients have come from Peterborough. But I have had far more terrible experiences in Peterborough then I have had good clients come from there. That small handful of people from Peterborough I love them to death but Peterborough as a general rule, I would rather recommend Bethune Street to someone if they don't want to make a deposit. It is almost ridiculous it's like somebody is just spending all of this time trying to aggravate women on leolist to get them to stop coming to Peterborough. It's crossed my mind that it might be another person who is trying to get people to stop coming to Peterborough. it's kind of strange that every single call to Peterborough has been absolute BS.