Questor said:
2. A common sub-condition of the Asian Nice Guy Syndrome where the afflicted male alternates between putting pussy on a pedestal, and then hating the object of his affection when he is rejected for being an creepy idiot. Rather than face the reality of his own social and sexual dysfunction, he will find it easier to hate and blame the other that has become entangled in his web and then struggled to be free.
LOL. Okay, but aside from the SP scene, where is the fun of romance in the civilian world if one doesn't put the girl on a pedestal? I mean, the romantic pursuit, the tokens of affection from knight to his fair princess...that is fun. Dating would be a bore without a little pizazz imho. Some girls are sick of guys who treat them like crap and LIKE being treated as a princess TO A DEGREE. The thing for the guy to keep their respect is to have limits and not be pussy whipped and abused by her, and also not to be too emotionally needy. It is quite possible to be a gallant knight who treats his g/f like a princess and not be a emotionally needy pussy-whipped plaything.
Nice guy who sets limits and isn't emotionally needy = fun date for girls who like being a princess.
Nice guy who sets no limits and is emotionally needy = ball of yarn pussy cat plays with and swats at for her amusement for a time, but quickly grows bored with and ignores, leaving Mr. Ball of Yarn with nasty claw marks and all alone.