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Why do we gravitate toward such young SP's?


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
Been thinking. It is common that a young SP will tell us she prefers to see older men. "Gentlemen over twenty-five," "gentlemen over thirty," "gentlemen over forty," or whatever number she chooses. Sometimes we read on this board about the problems young guys have even booking with an SP, when these men's tender ages are revealed.

Then when we discuss the subject on TERB, we hear all the stereotypes trotted out: that the young guys are too demanding, or less courteous, or more prone to temper, or whatever. While I believe there are fine clients in every age range, plenty of escorts tell me that they do prefer men who are beyond their twenties.

But correspondingly, why don't we men prefer SP's who are themselves a bit older as well? Why is the older SP an acquired taste, or just for one segment of the client public? I don't get it.

Usually when I see a young escort (say, under 24 or 25), and I do often, she is really not what I would call a sexual woman. Never mind a sensual woman. Never mind a woman one can converse with. All these things take time to develop.

I am not saying there is any ideal age for an escort, and I enjoy variety. But I remain curious why the over-25, and the over-30, and the 35-and-up escorts are so in the minority? Is it really just the young bodies we crave? Or is it youth as a concept that we crave? Or is it simply that most escorts tend to be young, and so we clients select what we are offered?

Any wise thoughts?



Distinguished Member
Personally, I do not think it is "youth as a concept" that we crave, but I do think we sexually crave the young bodies. The taut skin, the youthful glow, the perception (or misperception) of innocence, and the psychological factors associated with the raw feeling of wanting a "tight fit" all come into play. ---Dr. Moe

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002

Einar, see Northred's post regarding nic's.

Lets see if this makes any sense. The young women you speak of are out to make a quick dollar. Someone mentioned this line of work and how easy it was, so they give it a try. Something that has always baffled me was , what do you tell your parents/family that you are doing every night??

So they give it a try and it really is easy, and the $$$ really is Good! At first because they are new and novell they do quite well without really trying, lets say there looks get them through this stage. But after awhile, business starts to slow down. And, if they enjoy the line of work ask for advice. Some acting on the advice, at this point, start to hone their craft. Others, if they don't, fade away. As for a time frame, this could take weeks, months or even years.

So now we have 2 very different providers: one that is really into her work, and one that is in it for the cash. Funny thing though, the one in it for $$, now has to spend more of it to attract new clientelle as boards like this out her service. The one honing her craft now starts to blossom as she matures and starts to make some serious coin as well. So we have 2 polar opposites.

Of course different things shape Sp's lives as it does for their clients. As we get older, we are more established and therefore have more experience and $$. We aren't so demanding and we appreciate good service, and reward it accordingly. Of course this is a broad stroke of the brush and will not apply to everyone, but it is consistant with life outside of hobbying as well.



Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
My thoughts

I have some thoughts; whether or not they’re wise is up to the reader to decide.

I’m over 50, and I’ve used the services of escorts for more than 20 years. During that time, I’ve always preferred ladies between 30 and 45. I’ve only deviated significantly from that age range when no one else has been available and I’ve requested company on short notice. I have only very rarely enjoyed the company of early-20-something escorts as much as that of the older ladies. I can’t speak for other men in my age group, so I have no idea why a lot of them seem to prefer the really young escorts.

My preference for older escorts has increased over the last five years or so, not simply because of my own age, but also because I usually book for two hours with higher end indies or ladies from the better agencies. Even when I was younger, I couldn’t just f**k for two hours straight. Now I definitely can’t, and the lady has to be a good companion as well as sex partner. That combination is rare among women younger than their late twenties.

The companion part is easy to understand, and I presume needs no elaboration. As far as the sex partner issue is concerned, I believe that most young escorts just haven’t had enough sexual experience with experienced partners to be good at it themselves. If all they’ve experienced in “civilian” life is equally young and inexperienced men who just want to get off as quickly as possible, they won’t have learned to enjoy sex fully. Therefore, their service as escorts will reflect this. The majority of escorts who receive bad reviews for being mechanical or unenthusiastic are quite young. Had they waited a few more years before turning to escorting, things would probably be different. Once women reach their late twenties, they have usually learned to enjoy sex themselves and they make better providers. I’ve met many women, including a lot of escorts, who have confessed to me that they didn’t have their first orgasm until they were over 25; one I used to see was 36 when it finally happened. How could a woman who’s never had an orgasm provide good, enthusiastic service? (well, OK one famous, now-retired Toronto escort did, but she was very much an exception).

I’m not knocking the younger escorts here. It’s just that most of them don’t have what it takes to keep me interested in the same way as an older escort would. I’m sure the successful older escorts were just as callow when they were younger; time usually takes care of the problem.

When I use incalls here, I’m a little less fussy about the ladies' ages because I’m usually there for less than one hour. The companionship issue doesn’t come into play nearly as much, so a 24-year old who is pretty good at sex and is enthusiastic would be OK.

One last thing – no matter what, I would never use the services of anyone under 21 or 22. I’ve long gotten over any guilt feelings I might have had about escorts, but I know I’d feel very ashamed of myself if I were with someone significantly younger than my own daughter.


Jan 6, 2002
Interesting Thread:

There is probably as many reasons that some people choose younger SP's as there is people. I t would be to generalize and say this is the reason or that is the reason. Having said that i thought I would add some more thoughts.....

As SP's get older they tend to burn out from this occupation. It is very stressful and it takes a certain personality to contiue on for some length of time.

Others may have set a goal, achieved it and go out.

Some may have been scared out of the business for who knows how many different reasons......fill in your own blanks here.

They may have found business just dropped off too much, as men always seem to want to try someone new......thus leaving them high and dry.

There are many more reasons, just thought I would add some not previously mentioned.


Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Re: My thoughts

Avery said:

How could a woman who’s never had an orgasm provide good, enthusiastic service?
Easy, the smart girls learn to enjoy trying to get there too!

I am one of those girls who doesn't orgasm easily. Although with time it is becoming much easier. I didn't have my first until I was around 22-23 yrs old, and I am sure that they were very few and far between for a couple of years after that, infact they still are sometimes.

I know some of you men might find this next statement rediculous but you can have awesome sex without having an orgasm. It does exist..... as long as you let it!


Jun 3, 2002
Line from a song:

"...I had such a good time making love
I plain forgot to come!"

Orgasms are nice, but not absolutely necessary.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Meesh said:
Line from a song:

"...I had such a good time making love
I plain forgot to come!"

Orgasms are nice, but not absolutely necessary.
And not always possible... depending on how worn out you are! LOL


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
Re: Re: My thoughts

Sasha Jones said:

Easy, the smart girls learn to enjoy trying to get there too!......

.........I know some of you men might find this next statement rediculous but you can have awesome sex without having an orgasm. It does exist..... as long as you let it!
Fair enough, and I don't find that statement ridiculous at all.

However, you know you can achieve orgasm sometimes, and presumably have at least a modest expectation of having one. If you had never had an orgasm in your life and therefore had no expectation at all of having one when you were having sex with someone you'd just met, you might then have a problem delivering good, enthusiastic service. I think that's what happens with some of the younger escorts.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
bigmoe69er said:
The taut skin, the youthful glow, the perception (or misperception) of innocence, and the psychological factors associated with the raw feeling of wanting a "tight fit" all come into play. ---Dr. Moe
I know Moe got a hard time here on his totally unnoticed joke about covers, but I wanted to give him credit here for a nice set of phrases.

Call it societal conditioning, but our social norms have always a) presented youth as the ideal of female beauty, and b) approved of the older man/younger woman pairing. I will not get into the whole anthropology and sociology of it, but there are many valid reasons for why b) is so. I am in my late 30's and definitely prefer an sp who is younger, with the ideal being 19-23 years old. I see sp's to have sex, not for conversation or companionship, although it is always a bonus if those things are there as well. All things beng equal, I like the sp to be as physically attractive as possible. I have nothing against the idea of seeing "older" sp's, and in truth, I really haven't seen that many, but I just find myself more sexually attracted to younger women. A younger woman's body is generally tighter and less likely to have been effected by gravity yet. Shallow, I know, but that's who I am.


New member
Aug 21, 2002
Barrie Area
Gravitate towards younger SP's

With regard to the age and experience of providers, I agree with Avery about the skills and enthusiasm of the mature woman. I too have passed 50 years of age and some of the most enjoyable sex I have experienced with women in the 40ties. Those women had spectacular bodies, firm, tight and toned. Every bit the equal of any 20 something year old with the addition of years of experience, not only in the sex act and techniques but also in the skills of giving and receiving love and appreciating the company and needs of the male species.

I have been living alone now for the past dozen years or so and have been making frequent use of SP’s mostly outside of Canada and mostly in Scandinavia from where I hail. Everywhere I have found that I prefer a mature SP more so than the very young and inexperienced ones. I do believe that most young girls would benefit from spending a period of time with an older experienced male.

Too many young women grow into adulthood without ever experiencing all the joys and satisfaction, never mind peace of mind that comes as a result of giving herself totally an unselfishly to her companion of choice. As far as I am concerned, if all you receive from an SP is a BJ and F***k, you may as well do it yourself.

Unfortunately the attitude of most North American women is that they are doing you an enormous favour by letting you use their bodies to satisfy a purely male craving for orgasms. That is less so in Canada where especially in Quebec, it tends to diminish especially among the French Canadians.

While Scandinavia is not totally free of this, having had the benefit of growing up in an area known worldwide for its sexual liberation, the young girls (and boys) seem to acquire a wealth of knowledge and skills since this is generally looked upon as being very beneficial to both sexes.

And as far as what Sasha is talking about, having great and enjoyable sex without an orgasm is concerned; I know that as being possible. The body is full of erogenous zones through which one can achieve enormous satisfaction if properly manipulated by a skilled and experienced partner. But as the old saying goes, it takes two to Tango.

I will finish here in praise of the SP’s who truly enjoy giving pleasure to their clients. Who take pleasure in leaving their clients in a warm glow of contentment and satisfaction and wishing that their companion could stay a little longer? One should be lucky enough to meet such a woman and enjoy an ongoing and lasting relationship that would benefit both.



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I prefer women around the age of 24-30, which is in my age group. If they are too young, then they seem to be missing some sophistication while too old and their bodies are not as tight as they used to be. I found that the older SP's were better at catering to my fetishes of lingerie and attire and tended to provide more of a GFE experience and used to seek out older SP's but currently have shifted towards the younger ones recently.

Obviously there are exceptions to the rule. I have found some very intelligent and great GFE experiences from some young SP's and have met some older SP's with great toned bodies.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2002
New York

The one word answer to the question is biology. We are programmed to seek out a mate with whom we can most successfully pass on our genes. The genes which would cause us to seek out women past menopause died out ages ago. To successfully pass on our genes we need a woman young enough to bear a child and provide for it for many years, 12-14 perhaps, after it is born.



Distinguished Member
Bob, your point is well taken. Despite all the precipitating psycho-sexual factors which interact with our biological predispositions, "biology" plays a major role in the manifestation of our raw urges.
---- Dr. Moe
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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey Gentle-man, I totally agree with your post, very well done. I also gathered from your post that you also see something wrong with the way our "man/woman" situation has been formed. That it seems here, (for the most part) it does seem as if its the guys chasing and the women "giving it up".

I always wondered why that was. Even in relationships I was always the instigator (ok, maybe once she came on to me).........

As for the subject at hand, I have never seen an sp in her early 20s, maybe I should? Mostly its been with women in their late 20s early 30s and have had good experience.

Frankly, (and this may offend some) if I wanted an older woman, why would I pay for it? I mean, I am not saying older women are easy by any sense of the word but for someone my age to get "with" a 20 something, ummmm its a little tough. Being as that I don't have 4 mil. in the bank, don't look like Harrison Ford etc. and don't have fame and fortune.......

Again, this may offend, but in my experience, women in their 40's tend to let themselves go physically. Maybe I am hanging out at the wrong spots but rarely do you see a woman in her 40s with a great (and the operative word here is GREAT) body, but I find that men in their 40's tend to be in better shape. I know it sucks but that old saying holds true "men get better with age...." I guess that is god's way of paying us back for all the chasing we had to do in our lifetime hahahhahaha.....Not to brag but I am in better condition now than I have ever been in my life (not counting the crey chest hairs I mean ha)
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Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area

Appreciate all the thoughtful replies. Obviously the world of desire is a complicated business. Interesting how we have yet to discuss the concept of seeking out SP's who are significantly older than we men are. Just as in civilian life, this is rather rare. And borderline taboo -- maybe because it so clearly violates biology.

Not that biology holds much interest for me. Why, every time I practice contraception (which is 100% of the time) I am violating biology.

And doing so with a mixture of relief and glee.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't know if its taboo or not, but I look at it this way:

Women, while they are young, better enjoy the ride cause there is/are another whole new crop of younguns coming along to take their place!! lol (ok, crop wasn't such a good choice of words but....you get my drift)


Jan 6, 2002
Just a further note to what Vanessa said.........COUGARS are becoming very popular.

I also have chatted with numerous "middle aged women" on Lava Life who say that the young men are constantly pestering them....wanting dates and who knows what else.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well vanessa, that's a good point you made there. However, (after going to the website and checking you out as it were) you are by far, not the norm for a woman in her late 30's. From your pictures you obviously take care of yourself and from what I can see, you are truly beautiful. But this is not the norm (and no, I don't mean the big guy from cheers!!!).........


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
Vanessa, glad to hear that age is not only not a barrier for you in this profession, but maybe even part of the client allure. But I daresay your maturity and smolder-appeal were likely always present in you, even if they have grown over the years. Too bad for us that you are Select's only woman d'un certain age!

And too bad for us also that the other major Toronto agencies except Allison's generally avoid women over 30, and never admit to a woman over 35. It's an odd youth culture we inhabit here in North America. Amend that: it's a rather *unsexy* youth culture we inhabit here in North America.


P.S. I don't agree with tboy at all: there are thousands of gorgeous women in the GTA -- as there are everywhere -- who are over 40. Who are over 50. I see them daily on the streets.

Some who know they are gorgeous; some who don't; and some who know, but could care less. Bless 'em all....
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