So you can't leave. Once you're stay inside...then they turn into gigantic praying mantis and bite off your head...see, simple, eh. 
If for nothing else, I'm willing to bet it's COLD when you open that door and you're half or even fully naked. Honestly, it must not be fun at times being
a sex worker. I'm fat, ugly and my breath stinks. If I were a sex worker and I came in, I'd hide behind the door with a bottle of Listerine and a tennis racket.
If for nothing else, I'm willing to bet it's COLD when you open that door and you're half or even fully naked. Honestly, it must not be fun at times being
a sex worker. I'm fat, ugly and my breath stinks. If I were a sex worker and I came in, I'd hide behind the door with a bottle of Listerine and a tennis racket.