Why do most ads by black women say no black men ?


Active member
May 22, 2011
Actually this happens from time to time, Asian SPs will not see Asian clients for the reason of staying more anon among her culture. Sometimes they get more specific in that they will not see Chinese, Korean or whatever nationality they are, but they will see Asians outside their nationality.

I have a few SP tell me that they do not see Black or Indian clients due to bad experiences in the past. Sometimes bad financially, sometimes bad physically, sometimes both.

Perhaps it is time for a new movement ..... BDM? Black Dicks Matter
Ah, I don't check out Asian SPs, so no wonder I've never seen it. One thing's for sure, I've never seen a "No White guys" warning.

As for SPs saying "No this guy" and "no that guy", I am 100% confident it has more to do with with other factors than the reason "I don't want to bump into someone my their community".

But no SPs have the guts to say it on this board.


Mar 31, 2009
As for SPs saying "No this guy" and "no that guy", I am 100% confident it has more to do with with other factors than the reason "I don't want to bump into someone my their community".
I've seen a few ads from SP's who offer Greek say "size appropriate only". Is that code for no --------------?


Aug 31, 2010
I look at it as they are doing you a favor. Why would you want to go and get a lacklustre service? Once I see ads that start saying NO( .....); I immediately ignore and move on, not worth my time. I stopped trying to understand why


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
You've just proved what I said.....the first link has a graph that states average Black / African American's are 0.25 cm or 0.0983 inches longer than white's. That difference isn't even noticeable. Also, the source of the graph is not cited so who knows how accurate it is.

The Yahoo link are people measuring themselves, and quotes by condom companies who are known not to cite accurate info.

We could discuss this all day, and not cum to a conclusion, nor find accurate data to support or refute the claim.
You are yet to post your source(s), Is it because one group makes up 99% of a survey.


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
You are yet to post your source(s), Is it because one group makes up 99% of a survey.
I haven't posted sources, because 99.9% of them are inaccurate. Here are some that state race makes no difference https://www.buzzfeed.com/caseygueren/hard-facts-about-penis-size?utm_term=.wxOPMaXp8#.pm21bkxW7 and another http://www.livescience.com/4489-penis-myths-debunked.html

I read one some time ago that stated most are because the candidates are 'self-measured', most will exaggerate their size thereby skewing the results.

There are no definitive facts about this subject. You will find as many saying if makes a difference, as ones that say it makes no difference.


Jul 10, 2016
The truth is simple demographics and numbers.

A Black SP attracts mostly middle aged white males, the biggest demographics of clients in this industry.

She will more than likely keep attracting and maintaining her client list if she gives the illusion that she doesn't see black men.

Very simple, most middle aged white guys do not want to be bumping into the stereotype gangsta black male with his 12 inch cock, his gun toting posse gang while getting his chocolate fix for the week.

Not saying it's fair or truthful, but business is business.

Besides, if all black guys have 12 inch cocks, why would they be paying for it, aren't women throwing their pussies at you you,
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