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Why do men do this?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I had a similar experience as sweet guy: Hold the door open for a woman and get the "I CAN DO THAT MYSELF" look....some women are so "liberated" they can't tell the difference between "being polite" and "recognizing that she is a liberated woman of the new millenium who can do everything a man can do, be better at it than men, and can pee standing up while writing her name in the snow".....

As for the whistling: lately I feel that a guy approaching a woman for any reason is considered "hitting on her" which in turn is bad bad bad. IMHO whistling or ?? at you is just them acknowledging that you are an attractive woman. To me, this seems like a similar complaint i read lately about a woman who wears a push up bra, a white crop top and skin tight hip hugger jeans complaining about guys staring at her....

I'm sorry you didn't get the reaction from them you wanted but hey, at least they thought you were hot, which is a good thing..no?


New member
May 29, 2004
Actually, it wasn't the whistling that put me on a rampage nor the lack of assistance - it was a conjunction of the two in two separate instances spaced less than an hour apart. I'm flattered men find me attractive and I'm equally flattered when someone (male or female) offers their assistance. I don't appreciate being gawked at while I'm clearly in need of aid. And tboy, I did get the response I was hoping for - most men would have either shut-up or offered their help either which would not have inspired this thread.

Goober's Mom

New member
Oct 6, 2003
BoxHunter said:
Goober, did you're mother raise you this way? lol
Damn straight I did. I taught the boy all he knows!

So, you Bi? Nice tits, baby. Woohoo!!!! Shake your money maker!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Mom and I used to go out on weekends. Sad thing is she picked up more than I did. :confused:


New member
May 29, 2004
Goober, I should instruct you that your mother is out of line - i might have to take care of her the good old fashioned way (with a wooden spoon and vibrator) - or do i need to take a number?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Hope it's a big wooden spoon. And the line forms to the left...

</just saying>


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
box, and like everything else, there are good guys, bad guys and those like goob! lol.

Sorry no one offerred their assistance but like the time I was on the subway with a broken leg and on crutches and no one offerred me their seat, even after I wiped out when the train lurched forward....not everyone has class.....


New member
Feb 28, 2004

Fortunately not all men are this obnoxious. Believe it or not some of us have respect for women and will actually help them when they are in distress for no other reason than to be helpful.

Honestly, we are out there.


User Friendly
Jan 17, 2004
Jerry Seinfeld, in his renowned comic routine I’m Telling You For The Last Time, revealed, from the mind of a man, his opinion on the matter – sharing with the female component of his audience:

“We like women, we want women, but that’s pretty much as far as we’ve thought. That’s why we’re honkin’ car horns, yelling from construction sites – these are the best ideas we’ve had so far. We’re working on some new programs, but it’s not easy when your mind’s a blank. Honking the car horn, to me, that's the lowest level. This is the last living brain cell comes up with this one. What is this? He’s in the car, she’s on the street - [beep! beep! vroooom] What is he thinking? ‘Well I guess I’ve made my point.’ What is she supposed to do? Kick off the heels, start running after the car, grab on to the bumper. Car comes to a stop. “It’s a good thing you honked! I had no idea how you felt...”


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You tryin' to tell me that DOESN'T happen? Well I say GODDAMN I wish I'd a known that, coulda saved myself a lot of tootin' ovah the past twenny years!!

Wait, don't tell me, you mean they DON'T like it when we grab their ass when they're walkin' up the steps into the streetcar?

what IS the world coming too!!??!!


Feb 13, 2004
Big Farking Deal!!

I have no problem with boxhunter, but I do have a problem with the post.

From personal experience in my younger days, 10-15 years ago, whenever I saw a woman in public, driving/walking/shopping whatever, I would always make a point of whistling, honking, offering up assessments of their physical features etc. Not during anyone of those instances did I get a negative reaction. On the contrary, I got lucky quite a few times, and at a minimum got some play from the girl. Back then I was a varsity athlete and was somewhat of a hunk and I think that is the reason that I never got attitude like this.

Now thats not really what bothers me. Its the fact that (big but sound generalization) North American women, more specifically in Toronto are so hypocritical when it comes to being hit on by men.

Boxhunter, what you should have said was that these guys did not appeal to you physically,so therefore that is why it annoyed you. And don't give me that BS that it wouldnt matter what these two looked like. If Brad Pitt and whoever...or maybe for you Salma Hayek and Pam Anderson were standing across the street and were doing the same thing, it wouldn't excite you?

"So boxhunter go sell crazy somewhere else...we're all full here" Poor you having to go through such a horrible experience

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
BoxHunter said:
The other day i was bombarded with packages, transfering them from my car to my house in a series of trips. Two men stood across the street staring at me and whistling like two morons. I unloaded my purchases, went grocery shopping and repeated the task. And guess what - the two brain surgeons whistled louder, accompanied with a chorus of "hey! hey!" I was floored for a number of reasons;
1)Although I am cute, I do not resemble any breed of dog so why do men whistle at women?
2)Did it not cross either of their minds (clearly it did not) that I was ignoring them? Why did they increase the volume of their cat calls?
3)Did they not realize that they probably would have got a little further down on my shit list if they had offered their assistance?
Anyways, I just wanted to vent and hopefully enlighten any jack asses out there who still whistle at women that we don't consider it a compliment. Try asking for the time or something!
Boxhunter: the rational for thier whistling at you should be quite obvious. It was a very cold January day. They whistled at you because it was to damn cold to take out thier winkies and wave them at you.


Feb 13, 2004
great bear said:
Boxhunter: the rational for thier whistling at you should be quite obvious. It was a very cold January day. They whistled at you because it was to damn cold to take out thier winkies and wave them at you.

Pssst... GB!!! The original post was from June
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