why do guys find porn more interesting than girls?


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
This question is very different from your first one. I think men are more interested in sex because men have a different reproductive situation than women. Biologically/evolutionarily speaking, of course. Men can produce many million fertile sperm several times a day, every day for almost their whole life once they mature. They also do not have to commit to any long term relationship to raise the offspring.
However, women have a finite/limited number of eggs in their ovaries to release, only on certain days (e.g. ovulation occurs usually 2 days/month) and view sex as a riskier activity than men b/c we run a risk of pregnancy, which seems like quite a burden for 9 months, that men will never have to deal with biologically.

I think one of the biggest factors is the risk and burden of pregnancy (and all its associated hormones, etc.) that only women face, not men. Sex has less consequences for men than women, thus our behaviour has adapted to that biological reality. It's just nature.

To be clear, I'm not passing judgement
It is stronger in men than women because the total overall consequences of sex are different for men then women.
All of your points of course have merit, and there is a lot of truth.

My post was to make a little joke, and also point out the obvious fact that more men than women enjoy porn likely due to the higher average sex drive in men as opposed to women. Men use (need) porn as an outlet for this sex drive that generally cannot be met.

Id also add to your list of reasons that girls / women are still socialized to think that sex is "dirty" and women that want / enjoy lots of sex are sluts etc.... In addition specifically with respect to porn, there alsomis a strong mainstream feminist sentiment that porn exploits and objectifies women, that is another reason that fewer women like porn.

The reasons are innumerable- in the end its a mix of biology, as well as our continued puritanical (and often hypocritical) views on sex.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Probably because generally porn is more accessible.
Porn never says no and thanks to the Internets is there 24/7....:D


Nov 20, 2006
Porn doesn't nag
Porn doesn't blather on about bullshit like fashion labels or other faggy shit.
Porn never says no.
Porn doesn't leach your money
Porn won't cheat on you in a three way with your father and brother
Porn won't give you disease
Porn doesn't expect you to pretend to care.
Porn doesn't expect you to get it off
Porn will never get knocked up and refuse to do the responsible thing putting you on the financial hook.

Hell I think the more interesting question is, why girls over porn.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Instant gratification 24/7.

Pussy remains a commodity just like porn as all women today are "Business Women" geared towards the financial.

Porn comes with less conditions and a cheaper price tag.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I would say males are more 'hard wired' to visual stimulus... where are females lean more towards the 'feelings' side
Seeingly this is true, studies have also shown that women seem to get much the same sort of brain stimulation from reading "bodice rippers" as men do from watching "porn".


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Porn allows men to watch women being humiliated, degraded, brutalized, traumatized, abused, and psychologically scarred and destroyed without the concern of being arrested. It's the pinnacle of male entertainment.
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Active member
Sep 23, 2010
I think the OP asked: "why do men like to watch porn more than girls DO"?
That will make some sense to me, otherwise i'd love flesh and blood anytime over feeling inadequate to some superstud on porn ;).
If that was the question, then guys like to watch it more cause in some porn (or most) the women are there just to simulate men visually and be "tortured", what is there for the girls to watch?


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
Porn doesn't nag
Porn doesn't blather on about bullshit like fashion labels or other faggy shit.
Porn never says no.
Porn doesn't leach your money
Porn won't cheat on you in a three way with your father and brother
Porn won't give you disease
Porn doesn't expect you to pretend to care.
Porn doesn't expect you to get it off
Porn will never get knocked up and refuse to do the responsible thing putting you on the financial hook.

Hell I think the more interesting question is, why girls over porn.
Porn doesn't get you dinner at the in-laws during football season
Porn never stood me up on a date

and finally

Porn gives me what I need then closes.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
Porn doesn't nag
Porn doesn't blather on about bullshit like fashion labels or other faggy shit.
Porn never says no.
Porn doesn't leach your money
Porn won't cheat on you in a three way with your father and brother
Porn won't give you disease
Porn doesn't expect you to pretend to care.
Porn doesn't expect you to get it off
Porn will never get knocked up and refuse to do the responsible thing putting you on the financial hook.

Hell I think the more interesting question is, why girls over porn.
I like your answer rofl. My girlfriend nags all the time. DOES SHE NOT REALIZE SHE IS MAKING ME WATCH PORN. Well that could be my excuse eh?


Mar 5, 2005
Well, unless someone said it already.... it's just easier to whip out the ol' cock and start tuggin' on it (easier to self pleasure).


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
I can only speak for myself, but the reason I don't like hard-core porn is that I inevitably end up thinking "holy fuck, that must hurt!" and I don't find that sexy.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Sometimes all I want to do is rub one out and get on with what I am doing. For this porn is preferably as it is there, free and needs no foreplay nor any cuddle time after. This does not mean that porn always trumps over interactive sex with a partner (or partners :) )

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