Why didn't I see this coming!!!? :(


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Buddy, if this is for real, just walk away. If you "haunt" her, you are setting yourself up for a dark life. Stuff happens, usually its good but sometimes its bad. I recommend you take the long view: in 5 years you won't even remember the hurt. This is true, even if today it seems you will never get over it. But the first step is letting go. Not sure how long that will take you, but by keeping "feelers" out there about where she is, how she's getting along etc, you are just hurting yourself. Very unproductive. Take however long it takes you to get over her, and move on. Leave her to her life and her fiance to his. No longer your business. Good luck.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I agree with Capital, let it go.

As for her being from Eastern Europe, that explains a lot.

Is she really that terrible? She was here, lonely, and needing someone. She found you. She should have just toughed it out but hey, you're on an ESCORT REVIEW BOARD WHERE MARRIED MEN HAVE SEX (not with their wives).

Speaking of escorts, did you see any while you were with her? (not including the 3way time you had with her).

How did you find all of this info out?


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
I'm in the 'let it go' camp .... there's nothing to be gained from revenge. You aren't the first, and you won't be the last, to be screwed in a relationship ... IMHO she isn't worth it ... get on with your life.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
elassowipo1 said:
She was from originally from Eastern Europe.
It may or may not be of any consultation but my first university girlfriend pulled the oh by the way I'm secretly engaged thing. And my ex-wife (Russian) was a past-expert on the “I promise I'll call and e-mail you every day,” and then disappearing over the horizon without a word until the day she was scheduled to return.

So here we are on the island of misfit toys (aka TERB). . . :eek:

Seriously, walk away - know it hurts like Hell (I've been there), but it will hurt more to keep it going and further, be honest with yourself, would you ever truly trust her again?


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
Ivan said:
yeah i am definately in the "tell her fiancee" camp. call / write to her bf that she swallowed your cum. see if that does wonders in their relationship. also find any pictures you took with her, the more sexually explicit the better send to her fiancee.
Cool ... but remember revenge is a two-way street ... she just might return the favour one day ;)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ivan said:
yeah i am definately in the "tell her fiancee" camp. call / write to her bf that she swallowed your cum. see if that does wonders in their relationship. also find any pictures you took with her, the more sexually explicit the better send to her fiancee.
Ok, well let's look at the execution of the "revenge".

1) They're in england and unless buddy has an address for her (which I doubt),
2) knows her friends there (which I doubt) and can get them to let him know where she is (which I doubt)
3) wants to spend x amount of money to track her down, (via a private eye)

how's he going to do that?

I mean, he cannot even contact her let alone her fiance.......and he knows her name.

Now let's assume for a second that he can actually find this guy (not knowing his name makes it a little harder), and he actually tells him: I came in her mouth. BFD. Unless the chick is a virgin, other guys have cum in her mouth before him (or you for that matter).

So, he tells him, and just suppose the guy gets pissed and flies over here and tracks HIM down. He's a hell of a lot easier to find than vice versa.

Yeah, revenge. That's the best route.....NOT

Just thought of something to add (while the popcorn is popping):

Some guys ought to thank this guy for TOFTT. I mean, women bitch and moan all the time about asshole guys fucking them up via marriage, cheating, etc. This guy took one for those that have played the women in their lives....lol.....

Just for the record: in Oct 2008 the OP admitted that he used the delta chelsea for 2 bookings. So he isn't Mr Innocent in all this. Even if ONE of them was the 3way with the GF that means he cheated on her at least once......


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
two choices.

1. move on and don't look back

2. photoshop a pic of her with some animal (you can choose) and put it on craigslist with her contact info


Aug 27, 2001
If you can get in touch with her some way, let her know that you had a STD test, and strongly suggest that she and her friend get one right a way.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
elassowipo1 said:
Ya that did cross my mind. I mean, I wouldn't tell him everything but maybe give him a heads up on what kind of person she really is.

Tell him that your name is Roberto Alomar and you used to play for the Jays.....


New member
Jun 19, 2008
You'll probably never know the real reason for any of it. Cut your losses and move on.

She is someone elses problem now.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
elassowipo1 said:
Some really f'd up stuff just happened to me and I just wanted to vent.

I've been in a relationship with a girl for the past year and everything was going well: things were getting more and more serious, no fights, lots of fun, great times all around. My feelings for her were strong and it seems like she felt the same way.

Two weeks ago she left for London, U.k. supposedly to visit friends etc. I even chatted with her online during her flight. I think the last message she sent me was "I love you".

After she arrived in London, I lose all communication with her: no emails, I'm off her Facebook, texts/calls not answered. I was completely shut out.

Just yesterday (on Valentines day of all days!!!) I find out that apparently shes been engaged to another man the whole time we were in a relationship. There were no signs, no warning whatsoever.

She really deserved an Oscar for that performance.

I feel seriously used and played for a sucker. I feel like such an idiot.

At least I've learned some valuable lessons from this experience.

If she treated you like that, forget about her. You deserve better.


Apr 24, 2005
Cyberfeab said:
You'll probably never know the real reason for any of it. Cut your losses and move on.
She is someone elses problem now.
This is excellent advice. She is history. You have to get on with the rest of your life.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ivan said:
i know revenge is not the most logical, but it definately makes you feel better. it all comes down to emotional strength. if he can get over her easily, quickly all the better. but it's ultimately his choice to live a life with grudge / regret by keeping it all to himself, or get even, with possibility of confronting her fiancee which I highly doubt will. Just make up some thing, like slash your own tires etc, then report to police describing that her fiancee maybe seeking revenge, then get a restraining order, let them know the fact they are on police suspect list if anything happens to you. done..
You do realize that it is a very serious criminal offence to file a false police report don't you? If he does file, and the fiance can prove he was in England, the op will be charged and most likely convicted of a criminal act......

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
elassowipo1 said:
I feel seriously used and played for a sucker. I feel like such an idiot.

At least I've learned some valuable lessons from this experience.
You know what? There are guys on this board that 'date' SPs and then wonder in bewilderment what happens when it all crashes down around them. And they never learn, even with huge warning signs flashing all around them. Just saying it could be a lot worse.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
a 1 player said:
It might be a good idea to warn her fiance if you can find a way. Not out of spite, but to genuinely warn a man who might just be about to ruin his life. Fuck, I would have appreciated it if somebody had let me know, (if anyone knew).
thats a wedding you should show up for.


Nov 2, 2007
One Word


I would dig up her main man. Surely you have some pics and little known facts about her. Send them to him. Blow here out of the water. All legal of course.

In fact..if your so inclined...I might take a flight to London. Stir the pot a little. Drop off some roses from a 'secret' admirer. Do some things that let ' her know your there....'Run into' her man at random...etc etc..o boy...REVENGE IS SO SWEET!!!

Just for fun of course....Do not get too serious or angry!!!
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