Why cant people get along?


New member
Jul 6, 2007
Robio said:
It is beyond comprehension but I have seen some kids drive there folks so far off the deep end on other issues I could comprehend one taking there child’s life but not condone it.

My Friends Son who has repeatedly gone to jail for selling narcotics has cost him hundred’s of thousands of dollars in legal fees and bail money just to repeat the offences on bail when he promised a pleaded with his father to get him out .If my Friend were to kill his son I would comprehend that .
Parents bring children into this world, this is a choice.
The child does not have a choice whether he wants to be born.
Therefore the parent has responsibilities towards his offspring.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
This is way diff. then a teenager on drugs.

All she wanted to do was to dress like other girls her own age! Thats it, from what I seen about it. She refused to cover her face in public. Now how many teenage girls cover their faces up here in Canada ?

You can not compare this young lady to some punk on dope getting in to 1 jam after another.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
alex52 said:
Parents bring children into this world, this is a choice.
The child does not have a choice whether he wants to be born.
Therefore the parent has responsibilities towards his offspring.
Are you trying to say that because his child did wrong(in his mind), he had the right to kill her? Just because he brought her into the world doesn't mean he has the right to take her from the world.:mad:

She was trying to adjust and fit in with this country, too bad others don't try to do the same.

The saying "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", wasn't coined for nothing.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
As has already been pointed out, there are fanatics in every faith, and screwballs everywhere.

People do not magically become westernized the moment they land at YYZ, anymore than Canadians or American's become instant Saudies the moment they get off the plane in Riyadh.

It is a tragedy that so many lives will be wasted because of this act of intolerance.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Note to myself:
- tell my daughter to clean her room
- tell her about birds and bees
- tell her about the safety hazards of dating a Muslim


New member
Jul 6, 2007
The Bandit said:
Are you trying to say that because his child did wrong(in his mind), he had the right to kill her? Just because he brought her into the world doesn't mean he has the right to take her from the world.:mad:

She was trying to adjust and fit in with this country, too bad others don't try to do the same.

The saying "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", wasn't coined for nothing.
The responsibility of parents is to love and and cherish their children.


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
I find it fascinating that this has happened right after the media has been covering the release of the new census statistics about our multicultural nation. And right during the Quebec hearings on what "reasonable accommodation" might mean.

Yesterday AM on Andy Barrie's CBC radio show "Metro Morning," he interviewed the female publisher of "Muslim Girl" magazine about this murder. What an idiot she sounded like: she said this incident is unusual, and that she herself always liked wearing hijabs when she grew up on the Prairies. She did not seem to grasp the enormity of the clash of cultures represented by this crime.

In some ways it's a Muslim, father-rules story. In other ways it's just a father-rules story. It's once more about male power, female powerlessness, and our cultural fear of sex.

This poor girl who is now dead was a typical, fun-loving Toronto teen, probably trying out her sexual attractiveness by day at her high school. And ruled at home by a tyrannical father we would call medieval. No wonder she ran away and was living with friends for the past month.

It's a terrible tragedy, this strangulation, and I hope it spawns many serious discussions and maybe a public inquiry. I hope we hear from more Muslim Toronto men, too, about their conflicts of culture.


Feb 7, 2007
I think it is because of the Israelis occupation of Palestinian lands that has forced his hand !


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
In the name of religious tolerance, lets do things like they would in his homeland..... and save some taxpayer dollars by letting a few of the girls closest friends throw stones at the fucker til he's dead. But be canadian about it too.. say "sorry" every time a rock connects with the pricks head.


Feb 26, 2004
themexi said:
Probably either is right...... But the main issue here is that there are probably LOTS of girls from similar backgrounds doing the same thing & you never hear about it because their fathers aren't crazy assholes.... The Murderer's actions are wat define this situation. Religion & culture may have been the triggers but this killing was caused by a nutter that couldn't handle his shit.
Agreed, but I'm waiting till I hear what details the police release. Right now we're hearing about the troubles that this girl had at home and thats all. The father turned himself in I believe, and the brother was arrested for conspiracy. Maybe it was really the brother and the father is trying to take the fall?

Who knows.... At either rate its a tragedy and should never ever happen.


Feb 26, 2004
Meister said:
- tell her about the safety hazards of dating a Muslim
While I certainly respect your view I don't think we should label all Muslims like this.....

I think that with everyone, not only Muslims, you should tell your kids to find out what a person's beliefs are and what their character is and then make a decision that will reflect what is best for you.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
bee eh said:
Killing daughters for various reasons, and having some degree of acceptance of that behavior happens in a few cultures, not only Islamic ones. .
Bee eh, give us an example of another culture in the modern age besides Islam where it’s socially acceptable to murder one’s daughter.

In an Islamic country a woman is expected to cover herself and dress modestly. To do otherwise would bring shame to herself and her family. For a woman in an Islamic country to go out in public without a hijab would be like a woman going naked in public here. It simply wouldn’t be done unless she was a total slut or nuts.

In an Islamic country, if such a case were to happen, it would be expected that the father or husband do away with the woman to redeem the family honour. That is the motivation behind honour killing.

This father wasn’t a nut case. He simply was doing what would otherwise be the right thing in an Islamic country. Fortunately, we have laws against that in Canada. When you come to Canada, you’re expected to live by our laws. I’m glad that he will be held accountable.

It’s another case of a family coming to Canada for a chance at a better life and when they come here, they want things the same as the old country. Just what was he thinking anyway? Most women here don’t wear a hijab. Chances are his daughter won’t want to wear hers either when she realizes that she doesn’t have to here.


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
The brother was charged with obstruction of justice -- maybe he said he didn't know where his dad was, or was slow to open the front door -- while pop was charged with second-degree murder.


Feb 26, 2004
Cinema Face said:
Bee eh, give us an example of another culture in the modern age besides Islam where it’s socially acceptable to murder one’s daughter.

In an Islamic country a woman is expected to cover herself and dress modestly. To do otherwise would bring shame to herself and her family. For a woman in an Islamic country to go out in public without a hijab would be like a woman going naked in public here. It simply wouldn’t be done unless she was a total slut or nuts.

In an Islamic country, if such a case were to happen, it would be expected that the father or husband do away with the woman to redeem the family honour. That is the motivation behind honour killing.

This father wasn’t a nut case. He simply was doing what would otherwise be the right thing in an Islamic country. Fortunately, we have laws against that in Canada. When you come to Canada, you’re expected to live by our laws. I’m glad that he will be held accountable.

It’s another case of a family coming to Canada for a chance at a better life and when they come here, they want things the same as the old country. Just what was he thinking anyway? Most women here don’t wear a hijab. Chances are his daughter won’t want to wear hers either when she realizes that she doesn’t have to here.
Your assuming that this guy is from an Islamic country. We don't know that yet...

Also, I don't necessarily believe that is it is acceptable in the Muslim world for a father to kill his daughter. If a woman goes out in public without a hijab in a Muslim country, the state will punish her not the father. Although, I'm not sure what would happened if this happened in a Muslim country.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Yes the state does enforce strict adherence to Islamic laws regarding appearance and conduct. However, there are many cases of honour killings. I’ve never heard of the killer being punished in an Islamic country. It seems to be a way of life and certainly acceptable. They only get punished when the try to do that in a non-Islamic country.

Here’s an article about honour killings in Jordan. No mention of punishment for the killers.

Honour killings in Pakistan. Doesn’t say what happened to the killers.

here’s a story about a family beheading a man and woman in front of their children because the wore western pants. Seems like an acceptable thing over there.

Here’s a story in Norway. The lawyer argues that honour killers should get a reduced sentence out of religious tolerance.

here’s a somewhat related article where in Saudi Arabia where they believe, “A good wife should live in fear.”


Feb 26, 2004
I can't argue with any of that. I wish those articles mentioned what happened with the killers though, that way we'd have the complete story and no loopholes.

The Norway one is laughable though. Religous tolerance can only be extended so far.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Brownie69 said:
While I certainly respect your view I don't think we should label all Muslims like this.....

I think that with everyone, not only Muslims, you should tell your kids to find out what a person's beliefs are and what their character is and then make a decision that will reflect what is best for you.

I agree. While it’s no secret that I condemn Islam, I think all people should be judged on an individual basis. Most Muslims that I’ve met are fine people.

I’ll tell you a story. I met a Muslim guy and he told a story about how he met this Hindu girl and fell in love. He wanted to marry this girl but his family forbid it. He really had a hard decision to make. It was like tearing his heart out. He had to choose between his girl and his family. After much thought, he decided to end it with the lady. In the meantime, his family saw the anguish he was going through, decided to approve the marriage.

They married and honestly, I have to tell you, I’ve never met two people more in love. I think that's because of the hardship they had to go through to be together. They both practice their own beliefs. I got an email recently with pics of their first baby. Wonderful story.

However, it’s not always a fairytale romance with a Muslim. Under Islamic law, when a Muslim man marries a kafur woman, she is required to convert to Islam and live under his rules. A kafur man is forbidden to marry a Muslim woman.


Feb 7, 2007
Cinema Face said:
I agree. While it’s no secret that I condemn Islam, I think all people should be judged on an individual basis. Most Muslims that I’ve met are fine people.

I’ll tell you a story. I met a Muslim guy and he told a story about how he met this Hindu girl and fell in love. He wanted to marry this girl but his family forbid it. He really had a hard decision to make. It was like tearing his heart out. He had to choose between his girl and his family. After much thought, he decided to end it with the lady. In the meantime, his family saw the anguish he was going through, decided to approve the marriage.

They married and honestly, I have to tell you, I’ve never met two people more in love. I think that's because of the hardship they had to go through to be together. They both practice their own beliefs. I got an email recently with pics of their first baby. Wonderful story.

However, it’s not always a fairytale romance with a Muslim. Under Islamic law, when a Muslim man marries a kafur woman, she is required to convert to Islam and live under his rules. A kafur man is forbidden to marry a Muslim woman.
Wow !!!

Where do I start with the biggest contradiction I have ever read !

You condem Islam .
All people should be judged individually.
Most Muslims that you have met are good.
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