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Who’s responsibility is it to manage the time of the appointment?

Who is responsible for the time management of an appointment?

  • Escort

  • Client

  • Both

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
I would say both.

Often we guys are nervous, and not keeping track of how much time is passing when talking and trying to get comfortable. Knowing this, the SP does have a certain responsibility to maybe make the client aware of the time, but she can only do so much. Otherwise she is seen as being overly pushy or just wanting to get it over with, or the client actually just wants to talk.
In the end, the client has to take responsibility for their own actions. If the lady has made them aware of the time, and they still chose to talk until there is no time left, that was their choice, and no one else's.

So maybe the SP should lead the horse to water, but ultimately that horse has to take the drink himself.
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Since I am paying, I want to manage the time.
On a couple of occasions I asked the SP to leave before the time was up.
Out of courtesy I allow 10 minutes at the end of the session for shower and adios.


Nov 13, 2007
I never book less then 90 minutes because I loose track of time when engaged. For some of us there cannot be good intimacy without connection. If I sense time is running out I always ask "how is my time." The inevitable answer is don't worry we have lots of time.

Always err on the side of generosity because that will result in having regular clients who value you for more then a quick release which will lower your stress levels and increase your work satisfaction.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
So I was chatting with a couple escorts over dinner last night and this topic came up. We were divided.

Who is suppose to be responsible for the time management of an appointment.

For example, I have one client who would literally talk through an hours long appointment without any action. He is a chatty one and just gets caught up in conversation. I know this so I push the session along from talking to getting to the action. I have to tell him. “ ok shut Up and get naked” or there would be no action. His time would run out.

So I ask you guys? Who is responsible for the time management? Escort, client or both.
So I must ask or comment since no one else has.
Would have loved to be at the dinner table or sit next table over to hear the banter. Or see who you had dinner with.

If he's a regular, he loves or gives great daty & you wanted that tongue wagg, not verbal discussion 😜
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
10 minutes? That's more patience than I ever see myself having...
If it's a regular it's usually 5 minutes. A new lady I find giving her 5 to 10 minutes really helps the rest of the session as she's loosened up and feels more comfortable that I'm not a crazy man. LOL
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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2022
Time management is a 2 way street, both are responsible. It's only fair.

I always know when my time is up. My goal is to start packing up 5-10 minutes before time is up. I respect provider's time and do not want to overstay my welcome. That comes from ME as a courtesy.

That said, I believe it's NOT okay for SPs to force an end to a session 10 minutes too soon by announcing time and telling a client to go take a shower. If I know that I have 10 minutes left and feel like I'll cum in the next 2, last thing I wanna hear is what time it is. This happened more than once and is a freakin mood killer. I will not repeat.

I also met providers who said "oh no, you're not leaving without a happy ending" and I hold them in high regard. Those are keepers and I repeated more than once. A gentleman can leave a bonus for going couple minutes over allotted time and both parties win in such scenario.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I think realistically most escorts would consider it their responsibility, since it is, after all, their job and going over is going to disrupt their business. Having said that, I take it on as my responsibility when I'm with a girl. The only piece of "clothing" I leave on is my watch and I do make it quietly obvious that I check my time against the time on whatever clock is beside the bed. It's not difficult to keep checking the watch during a "date" in a way that doesn't disrupt the flow but also in a way that ensures the girl knows you're checking it. In my experience that puts the girl at ease - especially if it's a repeat visit and she knows me. She knows I'm keeping track, she knows I won't go over the agreed time, she can relax and just take part. In fact although I rarely say anything I'm so obvious about the fact that I'm aware of the time that I rarely have a girl set a timer. My regular girl will never remind me of the time no matter how close to the end we're getting because she knows by now that I know the time and that I know how much time I'll need to clean up. (From my perspective - perhaps a wee bit jaded - it also guards against a girl trying to rush me out and short me on time. She knows I know what time it is and how much time is left.)
Would your regular manage the time in the session though? Meaning if you got chatting about something and time started to fly by and she knows you need certain amount of time for play, would she step up and say something or let the time run out on you, and just say “oops, sorry no time left”.
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