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Which "Star Trek" series was/is best?

Which "Star Trek" TV series was the best?

  • Star Trek (The Original Series)

    Votes: 23 20.7%
  • Star Trek The Next Generation

    Votes: 54 48.6%
  • Deep Space Nine

    Votes: 18 16.2%
  • Voyager

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Enterprise

    Votes: 9 8.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Sep 16, 2003

not even close, Next generation was by far the best, everything else just paled in comparison,great writing, great acting and the storylines just got better from an iffy start, Pickard was so cool, and imagine a three-way with tasha and troi..mmm

then again, 7of9
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
t_dot said:
all star trek shows seem to have a formula where the first couple of seasons are just kinda so so. then they really hit their stride.

a good example is ds9. that show was totally lame, like laughable, for the first few seasons, then when they started having that dominion war, and all that stuff, it was totally crazy. i loved all the jemhadar, and the breen and space battles!

my personal fav. is voyager. that show was great. but, i admit the first couple of seasons sucked. what changed it? 7 of 9, turtiary adjunct of unimatrix 0-1! (for all those who don't know who i'm talking about, she's the blond with the d-cups!)

enterprise has some potential. ever since these story lines invalving the zindi, the show has really hit its stride.

Remember the first season of TNG? MY GOD. How the show didn't get cancelled right away I'll never know.

I'll agree, the first two seasons of Enterprise were stunningly dull, but I do think the show is coming into its own, to some degree. The whole time-travel story arc, though, is just too convoluted and somewhat silly.

DS9 was, I think, the best series overall. My favouite episodes, though, come from Voyager, both two-parters - "The Year of Hell" and "Scorpion." Species 8472 rocks.

sighs at his horrifying geekiness

Goober, can I borrow the Klingon mask when you're done?


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Re: Star Trek hotties

littleboyblue said:
Nicole deBoer (Ezri Dax - DS9) My fetish for short hair again!

Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax - DS9) A gay friend said she almost made him want to be straight.
Throw in Nana Visitor (Major Kira/Intendant) God was she hot in Chicago.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I would have to say that Deep Space Nine was the best series; because of the Dominion/Federation intergalatic war. Some really good stories came out of that conflict (like that Federation's secret agency (Section 22?) with William Sadler).

I think Voyager had the best cast. I thought that actors in Voyager were some of the best. I felt that the actor in TNG and some in DS9 laid it a little thick; like it they thought they were doing something between a Soap Opera and a Shakesperian play. The cast of Voyager played their part perfectly. I think Janeway is one the best actors to put on a Federation's captain's uniform.

As for Enterprise, I think it is too early to tell. I definitly like where the last season has been heading. Much more dark and a realistic, if it keeps it up, I think Enterprise will be my new fav series (really like the Makos; the action scenes are the best yet).
I hope that it does not get cancelled!
Are T'Pol's tits real?
I think Hoshi is pretty hot too!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yes, T'pol's boobs are real....real nice! lol I especially like the meditation scenes where she's wearing nothing but a smile.....did you see that one where the alien woman was getting it on with her? whew..........


not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004
Re: Re: Star Trek hotties

restlessnj66 said:
Throw in Nana Visitor (Major Kira/Intendant) God was she hot in Chicago.
That alternate universe episode with the Intendant and the alternate Ezri making eyes at each other. Now that would be a duo to remember (if they paid any attention to you that is!).


not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004
Re: Re: Star Trek hotties

Ross said:
Terry Farrell... The whole 7 or 8 lifetimes thing might be a little unsettling - but think of all the experience she'd bring to the sack ;)
Especially considering she had also been a man, she'd know exactly what you wanted!

My nickname for 7 of 9 was 6 of 9.


New member
Jun 1, 2003
I was never a Star Trek fan. I thought the original series was cheesy. I hated William Shatner and thought he was a complete joke fucking every species of woman he came across.

But after the first season or so of TNG, I got hooked. I didn't see it as cheesy or cornball at all. I thought it was very clever the way they handled many present-day socio-political issues in the guise of a storyline. As well as some deeply philosophical ones too.

I thought it was clever and funny, and I immediately liked the characters of Captain Picard, Data, and Warf. The rest were so-so.

I tried keeping my interest in the Trek series to follow, but I abandoned DS9, Voyager and Enterprise in less than 3 shows.

I tried getting back into Voyager when 7 of 9 was introduced. However, I only turned in for her tits, and tuned out when I got an eyeful.

To me, the quality of a series is in the ability of the leader to carry the story, and the crew. Patrick Steward was a very strong leader. Cptn. Janeway was crappy, and I don't even know the rest of the Captain from the newer series.

My vote goes to TNG. Not only was the series phenomenal, but they were the only crew that could successful carry the torch on the big screen. (I hated that they killed Data in the last movie).


Sep 9, 2001
Enterprise all the way

Saw all the series.

As for Enterprise being a rehash that is nonsense. I recommend that people if they missed it to pull up a episode title list on the net and to then download the shows on kazaa. I've downloaded all the shows up to season three episode 10 with no problems.

If you watch Enterprise episode by episode chronologically you will appreciate it more as after Season 2 it shifted into a soap opera like drama. Reminds me of the V for Victory series where its us vs. the Aliens for surivival of Earth.

Dement Ed

New member
Jun 2, 2003

Hands down the best series ever for Star Trek.

The Captain was a great anchor. I liked the red-head doctor, as well as Worf, and Data.

Will Riker, Gordie, and Gyhna? (Whoopie) were all sub-par. Riker was especially boring, and until he grew the beard I wanted him shot or killed in some holo-deck accident.

Voyager comes in 2nd place for me. Didn't like their Captain, but really liked the two hottie women. (7 of 9, and the alien bitch with the nice eyes and lips). Ensign Kim was also okay. Did he ever get promoted above Ensign? (poor bastard). The hologram doctor was actually quite good too.

Voyager reminded me very much of Homer's Odyssey. I guess that's why I liked it so much. But the stories as a whole were not as interesting to me as TNG.


In the VIP getting some..
Feb 23, 2003
I have also seen all of the series and TNG is my fav. I never get tired of watching it.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Star Trek hotties

littleboyblue said:
That alternate universe episode with the Intendant and the alternate Ezri making eyes at each other. Now that would be a duo to remember (if they paid any attention to you that is!).
They'd pay attention to you ... just enough to taunt you with what you can't have. You'd probably be stripped and tied against a wall -- just out of arms reach.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I know Patrick Stewart had a Shapkespearian background, but I just didn't appeal to me in TNG. It came off as a little to unrealistic.
Have to agree with not liking Ryker, esepcially when he started gaining weight and he started walking strangely (like he was walking sideways) to hide his weight gain.

I like Janeway for the fact that she reminded me of how an English naval captain from the 1800's would act. She was elegant yet she was tough. Also, I think the doctor was a great character. There was some great storylines with him.


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I agree with Kathleen and Emma22, TNG was the best. Patrick Stewart did the a great job at portraying a Federation Starship Captain.

What's that Soylentknight, "and not just because I dream of falling asleep whilst drinking of her precious juices"

Like any typical man (including myself), you can't keep your mind off of sex for more than 2 minutes. Though I have to admit, it would be delicious drink -Nectar of the GODS!!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
One thing I find a little disturbing (for lack of a better word) is that all creatures are humanoid....different faces, different makeup (mainly on the face), 2 arms 2 legs and they all speak english....Kind of hard to swallow. Don't get me wrong I never miss an episode of all the series (though DS9 lost me a couple of times) but don't you think there would be other life forms other than bipeds? I mean after travelling all these light years don't you think they'd come across something other than microbes or bipeds>?

Funniest episode was on Enterprise last season when tucker got pregnant after messing around with an alien species. God that was funny......

THat's actually a good segway into a new question: what's your favourite episode? I admit, any episode with the borg kicks ass....but what's your favourite?


not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004

My favorite episode is "the trouble with tribbles" from the original series. When Scotties trying to explain to Kirk how the bar fight started. It was hilarious.

DS9 did a remake of it (isn't time travel great?). When they saw what the Klingons looked like they all looked at Worf and he said "it's a long story!"


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Re: tribbles!

littleboyblue said:
DS9 did a remake of it (isn't time travel great?). When they saw what the Klingons looked like they all looked at Worf and he said "it's a long story!"
Actually he said, "We do not speak of it." Which was a way for the writers to acknowledge the difference without presenting an explaination. The real reason obviously was 60s budgets were too small.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
"One thing I find a little disturbing (for lack of a better word) is that all creatures are humanoid....different faces, different makeup (mainly on the face), 2 arms 2 legs and they all speak english....Kind of hard to swallow. Don't get me wrong I never miss an episode of all the series (though DS9 lost me a couple of times) but don't you think there would be other life forms other than bipeds? I mean after travelling all these light years don't you think they'd come across something other than microbes or bipeds>?"

I think they explained that in an episode in TNG. The episode explained that the universe was seeded by an older species of humanoids who created other species in the galaxy in their image.

As for speaking English, all Federation members are equipped with a Universal Transalator.

Enterprise (and Voyager did to some extent) is trying to move away from the humanoid looking aliens. Its just that it is obviously pretty expensive to create really alien creatures on the small screen.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
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since the orignal there was no star treck
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