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Which one is cleaner, mens public toilets or womens public toilets?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
There have been a few post recently on TERB about the going ons in public toilets. I would like to know if the mens rooms are as dirty as the womens toilets. Only being allowed into the mens toilets I have seen some disgusting situations. However, an masseuse told me that she saw a situation where someone had crapped loggs all over the toilet in the womens facility. Is this a rare event or is it as common in both mens and womens toilets? We should call MYTH BUSTERS on this one.
Jun 19, 2007
I have had women tell me that their bathrooms are every bit if not more disgusting then then the mens. Especially at bars.


Been here too long
Jul 18, 2008
Lost in a daydream of beautiful women.
I think it depends on where you go. On the whole, I would think that women's are generally better. However, women tend to 'hover' when the go on public toilets, which I'm sure can lead to some serious messes.

The larger problem with dudes, is that I have seen a lot of toilets where someone has CLEARLY intentionally pissed all over the toilet, the walls, the floors...I guess they were bored. The smell that develops in there from the piss being absorbed into the drywall is disgusting. I don't think women do this as often because they have to sit for whatever performance is taking place.


Active member
Oct 30, 2004
From my experience...

...in my first job ever a LONG time ago as the clean-up boy at McDonalds (first job at 15) women's washrooms are WAY worse than any men's room. It's not so much what's in the toilet (or left behind for others to marvel at) it's the whole place! Water everywhere, paper towels everywhere. Don't even get me started on the whole "what do women like to do for fun with their special monthly napkins"! Always looked like someone had just bombed the place...



New member
Sep 25, 2006
My wife says that the stalls in malls frequented by asians are disgusting as the asians actually stand on the seats and then squat. The result is the seats are scratched and dirty from their shoes and there is piss splashed on the front of the seat. Girls are messy peeing anyway. When you look at how it comes out it is not a nice stream. The lips are like holding your finger over the end of a garden hose. Look at the underside of the front of the toilet seat. It is always stained and that is not from guys peeing.

One collossal fuck up at china olympics was the lack of western style sit down crappers. Most were the hole in the floor squat types and they had to retrofit some with western based toilets for the tourists. Squatting is however a better way to void.


Nov 27, 2007
Downtown Toronto
I've heard many many stories about the condition of female public toilets and each time I'm in shock because I've neer seen a guy's toilet in anywhere near the same condition!

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
Men's washrooms smell terrible because the scent of urine is much stronger in male animals than in female animals. Sadly, the mess involving towels, water, soap etc... is not nearly as bad in mens washrooms as it is with womens washrooms. In womens washrooms, often the waste baskets are filled to over-flowing, towels everywhere, water all over the counters. Now, the reason, is a sad & gross one. Women generally clean themselves after using the washroom - men do not. Therefore, men don't make as much of a mess. They go in, shake it, then leave. Women go in, do their business, wash their hands, fix their hair, refresh their make-up etc... and this extended stay, and work, tends to leave a mess.


It's been good to know ya
I would say in churches, malls, homes etc... women can be quite clean. In gas stations, parks etc... I would say men are more slobs, but when it comes to functions like parties, marriages etc... women are disgusting. I once went to a wedding party and all these women that keep clean homes just turned into beasts. Pads were on the floor, toilet paper up to the ceiling, they did not use the baskets, did not flush etc... Just stepping in the entry to the womens washroom I was hesitant to even step foot in. If it is a party of any fashion use the mens room if you want a place that does not reek and if it is in a park use the womens room. Just walking past you can smell it when the wind is not even blowing. My vote goes to it depends on where the washrooms are.


It's been good to know ya
opieshuffle said:
...in my first job ever a LONG time ago as the clean-up boy at McDonalds (first job at 15) women's washrooms are WAY worse than any men's room. It's not so much what's in the toilet (or left behind for others to marvel at) it's the whole place! Water everywhere, paper towels everywhere. Don't even get me started on the whole "what do women like to do for fun with their special monthly napkins"! Always looked like someone had just bombed the place...


lol now compare McDonalds to a donut shop. I worked years in the donut shop on 10 and bristol. (closed now) It was always the mens washroom toilet that got over flowed with crap and toilet paper and reeked. The womans washroom stayed much cleaner. But, like I said I believe it depends on location, event etc...


Active member
May 3, 2006
Jade4u said:
lol now compare McDonalds to a donut shop. I worked years in the donut shop on 10 and bristol. (closed now) It was always the mens washroom toilet that got over flowed with crap and toilet paper and reeked. The womans washroom stayed much cleaner. But, like I said I believe it depends on location, event etc...
Cops are slobs...


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Mens are generally cleaner. We just go alone, do our business and get out. Chicks insist on taking a friend and making a day out of it.


Dec 18, 2005
I remember seeing a study on this topic a few years ago one the news or on the radio or something.

They did those swab tests for bacteria and womens washrooms were indeed dirtier than mens.

I used to work for McDonald's as well briefly as a teen (got fired for not getting my hair cut short enough..fuck 'em...metal rules!!!!!!!!) anyway I can testify that the womens can was always more dirty than the mens.

I find women dirtier than men in many aspects of day to day living still.

Look at the interiors of womens cars for example most of them are disgusting where as I can't stand a filthy car interior.



Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
Hole in the floor crappers.

This style of crapper is very common in Europe and Asia. I think it is a much cleaner way to do it since there is no skin contact to the crapper surface.


New member
Mar 18, 2002
When I was in high school I worked as a janitor in a small-town mall. Both the men's and women's loos were disgusting at the end of the day, but the latter were consistently much worse.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I read a study sometime ago that reported bacterial, fungal levels found on the door knobs and facets of women's washrooms were 3 times higher than for the men. The study did not give a theory or any explaination on the findings, but I think due to a woman's anatomy, they are likely to have greater frequency of anal digital or genital digital contact then men do after wiping after urination, changing tampons or defecation then do men. Women have told me that they are suprised by how many women do not wash their hands after existing the washroom stalls and how often toilet seats have blood, urine and feces on them and sometimes they have to side step used tampons on the floor.


New member
Dec 25, 2007
Well from working at famous players many years ago I would say its the women's who are dirtier. Men may sometime piss on the floor extra but woman love to clog toilets. Ive seen toilet paper or paper towel thrown in the sink with the water left running. The end result is either a soapy watery flood from the sinks or a shitty/bloody mess on the floor. The mens washroom wash generaly clean other then maybe a piece of toilet paper on the floor.
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