Any one had a chance to glance at Nalini Sharma of CP-24 the hot weather girl this morning

she is proving to be the hottest girl anchor and getting popular amongst men viewers
she looks fantastic and hot in a flowery short dress, omg she is looking so hot, sizzling colourful
and so desirable that i am getting late for my routine work, dont feel like leaving the TV to complete their morning breakfast transmission at 9.00 AM.
Early morning Nalini Sharma is like a breeaze of FRESH AIR, her personality is so charming, and looks hot that one cannot take his eyes from his TV Screen when is appears just for a minute or so to announce weather, rather she seeing her, she changes the weather in many men's heart too Lol.
Goodluck Nalini you are really hot, sweet, charming & you have won the hearts of many viewers.