Which driver is at fault ???


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
In the situations NorthernBear faces, and somewhat like what the OP described, they're not signalling a hazard. The inconsiderate drivers who imagine they can stop and park where they please are using them as Mercy Lights. 'Be merciful, Blue Meanie. Because these battery-draining flashers are on, you can trust that I will return and move my car soon. Please don't ticket'.

No definition of 'soon' will be offered. Hours may pass. We note that stopping to take on or discharge passengers or cargo is permitted in a No Parking zone not also signed No Stopping, BUT the driver may not leave the vehicle unattended.

So, stand by the car until your passenger's gone, then climb in, turn off the flashers, and drive on and I'd just betcha no one would do the pull in right in front thing, even if you still foolishly refused to signal. The getting in and cancelling the flashers would be a clear signal, you see. But sitting there invisible and just starting up…? That assumes the guy behind is interested in reading what you're using for a mind.

Assume the guy behind you is a moron. Signal everything!
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