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Where to invest?

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
WhOiSyOuRdAdDy? said:
There are precious metals certificates where you can buy gold and have it stored somewhere for a negligible fee.

Does the same thing exist for oil???
You might consider the futures market---if you don't sweat at night.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
great bear said:
You might consider the futures market---if you don't sweat at night.
Yikes !!!

I would strongly caution an investor to make sure he is aware of the risks in the futures market.
There is significant leverage in futures, if the market goes in the dirction you suspect you make huge profits. If the market goes in the opposite direction, you can get wipped out with very big losses in a very short period of time.

There are methods to control the risk, however the futures market is genrally not for the buy and hold types. It is the play ground for institutional investors and High Net Worth investors (Your swimming with the sharks)

There is a relatively new type of investment vehicle CFD (Cash for Difference) which is similar to the futures market targeted towards the reatil investor. The amount required to play in this market is substancially smaller than the future market.
There are still significant risks

I would not go into the futures market without a very good undersanding of the risks
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