Where is Subdave?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Bring SubDave back

As a target of some of SubDaves more extensive arguments I'd like to see him back. He didn't go right to attaching people, irritating arguments yes but hey he's an unemployed liberal arts student living with his parents, you have to expect that.


Top Jimmy

Resident Musicologist
Feb 17, 2002
Too Far North
I may occasionally be mistaken for white bread, but even I feel that Terb without the new and improved SubDave is a lesser place. I also noticed that SubDave never flew off into one of his cream-filled tangents until someone addressed a taunt at him to do it, since his last return.

Free SubDave.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Sheik said:
Look at any of subdave's posts and look under his name, you will see the word banned. He was booted out for failing to stick to his promises to tone things down. He was given a vacation as a warning and then fell right back into his old habits.

Geez......you take the summer off and all heck breaks loose!!!


New member
Jan 2, 2003
Sheik said:
dont talk about filling in otherwise the blooming cream pie stuff is gonna start again
Dave is not someone like Bareblow. If he has received enough complaints to warrant his being ousted, then let us terbites have a vote. If those who vote him in are more than those who vote him out, then he deserves to be here; if the other way around is true, then I am sure he won't even bother coming on board himself, let alone need us to whip him away.


I vote "No vote"

If there was a vote.. and Dave was "voted in"... it is not the people who voted him back that would have to deal with the complaints about Dave, once he starts up again... it would be Fred & Sheik

I think for someone to be banned.. there has to be quite a few complaints about them.. I know because in the past there was complaints about me.. I received warnings from Fred & Sheik & Goober to tone things down... and I am sure that Dave was given the same rope to hang himself... maybe more

I am sure for Fred & Sheik it must get tiring reading & responding to complaints and the time comes where action must be taken... before the problem starts to affect business because it all boils down to dollars and sense.

Again, it is Fred's board (many people seem to have forgotten that) and I think instead of questioning, and asking / telling Fred to reverse his decisions.. Why can't people just get on with their lives and respect Fred's decision?..

Sorry about the rant..

Its just the way I see it

It makes no difference to me whether or not Dave comes back...
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