Where do you go from here?


Gone to the future.
calloway said:
Shauna is a terrible influence on you. She gives you shit and then teases you into complete submission. ;)

MofM... isn't it rather obvious that you're battling the demons of guilt?

The answer is simple. You just need to have the courage to do something about it.[/QUOTE]

Damn Calloway thanks, you are one of the primary reasons I keep coming back to this board.

LOL, so it wasn't just me that read it that way! Ya, that woman's got my number!

I've had the guilt discussion with numerous people. This is the only response you missed on. I'm mystified by the fact that I have zero guilt when I go see one of these fine ladies. I'm dead serious, not on the way in, not there and not driving home.

Yes that is very true. I feel the courage is there, I'm prepared for the consequences. The time to do something about it has to be a mutually agreed upon time frame. That is not a unilateral decision.

When I say thank you, I truly mean it.


Gone to the future.
Holy shit, MMoM. cool it, your ok. I have a sneaking suspision you and I are going through a similar situation. Keep the faith, big bro.
The results of a long week, tremendous overload at work, a war zone at home and no one to talk to about it. It forced me to look to the board for help to clear my head.
I'm OK now, about four hours ago I was ready to trash it all, say fuck it and walk away. Some people have no idea how much damage they do with words. Thankfully there are others that know that words can help someone through a rough time.
I won't say thank God cause I'm not religious, I will say thank you to my friends.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Would it help even more if I said you aren't the only one that's been through this?

How in the hell do you balance 3 women... work and home and not feel any guilt?


Jan 17, 2004
calloway said:
Would it help even more if I said you aren't the only one that's been through this?

How in the hell do you balance 3 women... work and home and not feel any guilt?
I won't say thank God cause I'm not religious, I will say thank you to my friends.

iIknow someone who's religious, anyone wanna buy her? :D


Gone to the future.
calloway said:
Would it help even more if I said you aren't the only one that's been through this?

How in the hell do you balance 3 women... work and home and not feel any guilt?
I'm sure I'm not the only one!

As far as the balancing, a woman taught me how to multitask! I recognized that only women can do that, so I had one teach me. :D

That's the biggest thing I can't explain.....no guilt. That has to mean something, maybe I'm a bastard.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
magicmanofmassage said:
That's the biggest thing I can't explain.....no guilt. That has to mean something, maybe I'm a bastard.
I take back everything nice thing I said about you. No guilt? You must be a miserable bastard... :p


New member
Nov 2, 2004
Magic man. Booty is right. You are one of the bessed few that can afford this problem.
I'm worried about you and I can relate to your dilema. When life takes me over the top I take a week off ond go camping. Alone! No women! This time of year is perfect as keeping warm and feeding yourself take priority. At some point, a few days in , you'll get god like perspective. Go to your personal camp and find perspective.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
bOOTyMaN said:
Bah this woe is me bullsh*t,
There be people dying in war,peeps starving...etc...git yer head out yer ass and quit whining (want some cheese with that whine?)
You have your health and most likely a good job,i guess you must seeing you have a big SP budget.
So yeah,go cruise the net and look at whats going on in the world,hell go to a childrens hospital.

If what you write is a cry for help or just a i need some attention, you know that answer.

Do you know how many people out there would change lives with you?
food to eat,clothes to wear...sometimes it puts shit in perspective.
I like ya 3M,but be yourself in this world and the real world lest you lose who you are.
Well said!

Self-pity, role confusion, the blurring of reality with fantasy, addiction? Sounds like a soap opera. Deal with it 3M, or seek professional counselling.

Just visit a hospital oncology or palliative care unit as I've done several times this year, and you'll appreciate just how lucky you really are.......Yes, as bOOtyMan states, "it puts shit in perspective." And maybe you'll appreciate what you have in life. Good friends, family and health, that's what's really important in the end.

And it seems from previous posts and personal pm's of old that you have these, as well as an ample budget with which to indulge your favourite hobby. So, what more can a man ask for?

No to sound harsh, but perhaps spending some quality time with your family and friends on Thanksgiving, is one way to bring you back to a semblance of reality and to appreciate the fortunate blessings that have been bestowed upon you.


Apr 4, 2003
On the High Sea's
Musketeer said:
Well said!

Self-pity, role confusion, the blurring of reality with fantasy, addiction? Sounds like a soap opera. Deal with it 3M, or seek professional counselling.

Just visit a hospital oncology or palliative care unit as I've done several times this year, and you'll appreciate just how lucky you really are.......Yes, as bOOtyMan states, "it puts shit in perspective." And maybe you'll appreciate what you have in life. Good friends, family and health, that's what's really important in the end.

And it seems from previous posts and personal pm's of old that you have these, as well as an ample budget with which to indulge your favourite hobby. So, what more can a man ask for?

No to sound harsh, but perhaps spending some quality time with your family and friends on Thanksgiving, is one way to bring you back to a semblance of reality and to appreciate the fortunate blessings that have been bestowed upon you.
Thread be dead me hopes :p


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
I think I found your problem Magic... ;)

Fatal Consequences of Excessive Masturbation

Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively practices masturbation.


Throbbing Member
Apr 23, 2003
In exile from Madisen!
Magicman: You know where you belong. I've been down a similar path, that only you know in great detail. It takes some time to sort this shit out. You need to have a conversation with "The One" as well as having a conversation with yourself. You can't talk about it at home until you straighten things out in your own heart.
You've given so much along the way to others that you often lose sight of the fact that you need to be happy. Once you're happy with your own situation, you'll go back to giving...and giving....and giving.
For myself, I had a single moment of clarity which I found rather bizarre. Don't be so hard on yourself, you'll figure it out.


Gone to the future.
mrorange said:
While I don't think I agree with some of what has been suggested to you in this thread thus far (and am disappointed in some of what was said - some of which suprised me - some that did not),MrO
nautilus said:
You need to have a conversation with "The One" as well as having a conversation with yourself.
As I mentioned this has been an extremely difficult week. Coming to this board was my last option, when I felt I needed some help from "people that have been there". My first avenue of help, "The One", has been away for over a week and therefore contact has been virtually non existant. Unfortunately, that really screwed me up. My second avenue offered through email, to listen to my plight. For whatever reason, my plea for help was not answered. My depression magnified as I checked my yahoo mailbox every 15 mins. for hour after hour on Friday. I left the office at noon and went for a long drive to try and clear my head and hours later ended up at home alone with my thoughts. At that point is when I turned to this board for help.
Yes MrO, I too am disappointed in some of what was said - some of which suprised me - some that did not. So be it, people are alowed their opinions.
That being said, so too am I allowed my opinions.
To say things like: There be people dying in war,peeps starving...etc...git yer head out yer ass and quit whining or to mention that: Just visit a hospital oncology or palliative care unit as I've done several times this year, and you'll appreciate just how lucky you really are, I find insulting. They hold as much validity as when you say to a child at the dinner table, "Eat everything on your plate because there are kids starving in Africa". To the child that is full, that means diddly squat. But what I find even more disturbing is the insensitivity of those statements. It's like saying to me "So what if your mother died last month, GET OVER IT, we've all lost family members." Ultimately your saying that no one has the right to feel confused, no one has the right to ask for help, as long as there is someone else in the world that is worse off. That's a sad outlook to have, especially coming from a teacher that has the responsibility to be caring, compassionate and sensitive to the people that are in your care. Disappointed, ya, considering I extended my hand in friendship less than 2 weeks ago to put the past behind us, only to have you kick me when I was down.

Being that this is the Thanksgiving weekend, let me say that I'm thankful for:
The people here that have been supportive and have tried to help me when I was floundering (it doesn't happen often). Thanks to those who offered the hugs, gratefully accepted. Thanks to those who pointed out the various reasons for why I was feeling that way. Some I discovered were very accurate and helped me understand. This was very similiar to many self improvement, time management or managerial courses. What was said is something you already knew, but had lost sight of. That's why those courses are so valuable, 99% of it isn't new, but it gets you back on track.

I'm sure some of you feel that this is not the place to come for help. I have discovered that it is the exact place to come to. We are not all perverts and deviates, most here a normal, decent human beings that are willing to help another person out.



Jun 21, 2006
MMOM......I feel for you guy...rest assured that in between all the jerks here....there is alot of people who really care. I know you have lifted my spirits on more than one occasion, with your posts. Sometimes when I am feeling really down, I find that attending a church service makes me feel better...I'm not sure if it is the love I feel there which helps...or what, but maybe you should try it. I am not an overly religious man, but it usually works for me. Don't let the fuggers get you down!


Semi-Retired Shill Hunter
Jul 15, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
well........It is hard to find words and say "hang in there" or "I been there" when that is not the case.....I haven't....but I do know that sometimes we just need to let it all out, to vent, and our friends will be there for us. it is easy to have friends when you are laughing but it is hard to find them if you are crying.
I hope that you find some peace of mind and that you take the opportunity to take this long weekend and rest a bit. I can only imagine how stressed out you must be

P.S. like the guy in the hat said "it is GREAT to have you back"


Jan 17, 2004

Hey Arnie. You think we gave you support in your time of need? You, with the help of a few other terbites and SP's gave me more support than you ever imagine. In my world, friends help friends. Now. I think i'll sit in my favourite chair and watch my favourite move, again. :D


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
salsamarc said:
well........It is hard to find words and say "hang in there" or "I been there" when that is not the case.....I haven't....but I do know that sometimes we just need to let it all out, to vent, and our friends will be there for us. it is easy to have friends when you are laughing but it is hard to find them if you are crying.
I hope that you find some peace of mind and that you take the opportunity to take this long weekend and rest a bit. I can only imagine how stressed out you must be

P.S. like the guy in the hat said "it is GREAT to have you back"

Mea culpa! I do agree with the above sentiment. However MMofM, I just personally wouldn't let it all hang out on a public forum, especially one that is a dedicated Escort, MPA, SC Review Board. I believe there are other venues and self-help boards that exist for that purpose.
As well, I was merely echoing bOOtyMan's sentiments, a little "tough love," I suppose. But that doesn't mean one is less caring, if one tells you to pull yourself up by the 'bootstraps,' on occasion. I suppose that's been my upbringing to always 'keep a stiff upper lip,' even when hurting inside.

And yes, with my students I am very caring and compassionate in ways that you can never imagine, but I won't go there.

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving weekend MMofM and here's hoping next week will be much less stressful for you. May you get the peace of mind that you are searching for.


Gone to the future.
mrorange said:
In fact, I think you can glean tidbits of advice throughout this thread (and likely from pms and emails you have since received) -- but you only need to act on what you feel comfortable with undertaking. And the rest, shrug it off like a few shrugged off your cry for help.

Take care, bud, and know I'm still in your corner.

With friends like this how can anyone wonder why I came to this board for help?
I am out of the abyss, giving my head a shake and looking for that hug so tight that it takes my breath away.

ps. Indy something good must be coming your way......I have to go to Chicago from the 16th to the 18th. Whatever it is, think of me while you're doing it! ;)
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