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Where do you go from here?


Gone to the future.
So when you get to the point that this "underworld"/hobby is more real than the "other"/real world, what do you do? When you identify more with the people that you post with than the people that you work with, when the women that you see know more about the real you than your friends or family do....when you say to yourself...what now?
So last Monday, I snuck in a post "I'm tired now, goodbye" behind my buddy, Indy's post. He made me promise that I wouldn't just disappear. I lasted two days and had to post again.....to me that's pretty pathetic. How has this become my life? I can't say I've stopped hobbying because I still see two woman professionally and one personally. If I go more than a week without seeing one of these three women, I feel adrift. The thoughts in my head fly about randomly. Dumbass, don't you have any self control? You used to control your life, now it seems you have no control. Why do you have this urge to post on terb?
Maybe I've got a touch of MrOitis.
Help me out here because I'm really screwed up right now.
Swingdancer (J) what did you do to my head?
No smilies today, maybe it's the weather. Nah, last year at this time I went on a marathon three day celebration. Jeeeesus, I'm friggin rambling again!


New member
Mar 31, 2005
Or is it an addition. This secret life that I/we live. I can't be away from work too long and I start thinking about all my wonderful play friends. It helps that I kinda like sex just a wee bit. This board is addicting as well. I tried to be part of other boards but it is just not the same as this one. I love Terb(kw section).
I think we all need help to a certain degree. But I guess it is how you deal with the ups and downs of fantasy/love/lust.


Gone to the future.
bOOTyMaN said:
Where do you go from here?

Sex addicts anonymous...Some hot babes there my man,ooooohweeeee..Ahh the sweet trappings of Sin..looks good feels good, finally owns you...Addiction my friend.
Thanks bootyman, I wish I was a sex addict. That would make things so much simpler.

Aloha said:
Or is it an addiction. This secret life that I/we live. I can't be away from work too long and I start thinking about all my wonderful play friends. It helps that I kinda like sex just a wee bit. This board is addicting as well. I tried to be part of other boards but it is just not the same as this one. I love Terb(kw section).
I think we all need help to a certain degree. But I guess it is how you deal with the ups and downs of fantasy/love/lust.
Here is one of the few qualified to answer this question, simply because she knows me so well.
My question to you my friend is this, what IS my addiction? The secret life, is that what you meant? I wish I knew.


Apr 4, 2003
On the High Sea's
Bah this woe is me bullsh*t,
There be people dying in war,peeps starving...etc...git yer head out yer ass and quit whining (want some cheese with that whine?)
You have your health and most likely a good job,i guess you must seeing you have a big SP budget.
So yeah,go cruise the net and look at whats going on in the world,hell go to a childrens hospital.

If what you write is a cry for help or just a i need some attention, you know that answer.

Do you know how many people out there would change lives with you?
food to eat,clothes to wear...sometimes it puts shit in perspective.
I like ya 3M,but be yourself in this world and the real world lest you lose who you are.


Gone to the future.
Carcharias said:
It's the thrill of new-ness. The secret desire and hidden fulfillment. The excitement of not getting caught. And the rapture of spending time with Shauna.
Ok, I can go along with the last sentence, no problem. The women I see, I have a great comfort level with and have for quite some time, so new-ness is not a factor. There's no secret as to where my desire lies. As far as getting caught, that would actually be a part solution as opposed to being excited not to get caught.

Thanks for the input. Am I making any sense?


New member
Mar 31, 2005
The grass is usually not greener on the other side. I know...been there
left a wonderful man to seek out the thought of better.(what a dreamer I am) Had it pretty good actually. Still no regrets though. Got better financially...that is it!!!
The thick is not so thick sometimes. Stop and think about this.
Booty is right..give your head a shake....
you probably have it pretty good. don't know.. but she probably is wonderful. Don't wreck a good life(kids/family) in hopes of MAYBE finding better.
Just enjoy the other/fantasy life even just for a hour or two or ...with you 5.


Gone to the future.
bOOTyMaN said:
Bah this woe is me bullsh*t,
There be people dying in war,peeps starving...etc...git yer head out yer ass and quit whining (want some cheese with that whine?)
You have your health and most likely a good job,i guess you must seeing you have a big SP budget.
So yeah,go cruise the net and look at whats going on in the world,hell go to a childrens hospital.

If what you write is a cry for help or just a i need some attention, you know that answer.

Do you know how many people out there would change lives with you?
food to eat,clothes to wear...sometimes it puts shit in perspective.
I like ya 3M,but be yourself in this world and the real world lest you lose who you are.

Yup thanks bootyman, you helped me out a whole shitload there!
I guess it's just not "manly" to ask for help, so fuck it!

I'll work it out myself. Should have fucking known better!


Apr 4, 2003
On the High Sea's
Help with what??
Lemme guess ,you have a serious hardon for a cetain SP?is that it?
Well here is a tissue for your issue,Shite man get it together,you buy sex,you cannot buy love..I am not even sure what your malfunction is..Clarify it...you ask for input but you dance around what the problem is.your not a sex addict you say,you say that your leading a double life,Ureeka! I would say the great majority here are.

You need o be able to separate the shit or it becomes seriously blurred.

Neway,you want help then spill it..we are a community of Msfits and Pervs but we are always open to dialogue.

Signed Head Misfittin Perv.P


New member
Mar 31, 2005
Here is one of the few qualified to answer this question, simply because she knows me so well.
My question to you my friend is this, what IS my addiction? The secret life, is that what you meant? I wish I knew.
Love is your addiction. You need it, you want it, you crave it. Just to be loved..to be held..to be wanted...


New member
Jul 13, 2006
The problem I see is you love this hobby. You compare"normal" women with pro's. All women reach a certain age and (in my experience) become 1 of 4-man-eaters,man-haters,prozak munchers and "normal". The latter being about less than 10%. When faced with this, you are picking the path of least resistance,pros who make you feel good. Been there,done that and still searching for a woman that still believes in normal relations. I think you are at a point where the pendulum has swung the wrong way,it can only get better. Until it does, play and have fun and don't sweat the little things. Someday you will meet the ONE that will no longer send your mind this way(not that there is anything wrong with this hobby) and will keep you happy, or a big truck will kill you on the 401 and we will never know.-Just my 2 cents worth.


Gone to the future.
salsamarc said:
NAH!!!! I still say that is his First Middle Age Crisis
all the best on a speedy recovery

your friend,
Thanks, I'm sure that there's truth to that. The scary part is I have no desire to live to be more than 100 (or even close)
This part I don't take lightly, the same as I don't take the word love lightly.

Aloha said:
Booty is right..give your head a shake....
you probably have it pretty good. don't know.. but she probably is wonderful. Don't wreck a good life(kids/family) in hopes of MAYBE finding better.
Just enjoy the other/fantasy life even just for a hour or two or ...with you 5.
Wow, that one hurt! BIG time. What was that tough love, shock value?

Aloha said:
Love is your addiction. You need it, you want it, you crave it. Just to be loved..to be held..to be wanted...
This one makes the most sense of anything written. Ya you do know me.

b4fun69 said:
The problem I see is you love this hobby.
I think you are at a point where the pendulum has swung the wrong way,it can only get better.
Someday you will meet the ONE that will no longer send your mind this way(not that there is anything wrong with this hobby) and will keep you happy, or a big truck will kill you on the 401 and we will never know.-Just my 2 cents worth.
Actually I don't love this hobby. As a matter of fact I hate using the word hobby. I don't consider women a hobby. The funny thing is the pendulum has just swung the right way, because as many on here know I have found what I've been looking for. I guess it's the losing what I've found that scares me. By the way, your 0.02 worth holds as much value as the wise words of Shauna.

Thanks, it's been a rough week.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Aloha said:
Love is your addiction. You need it, you want it, you crave it. Just to be loved..to be held..to be wanted...
magicmanofmassage said:
This one makes the most sense of anything written. Ya you do know me.
Shauna is a terrible influence on you. She gives you shit and then teases you into complete submission. ;)

Since she has held you.. loved you and wanted you (in the professional business sense of course) of course she knows you. When was the last time Indiana held you... loved you and wanted you? MofM... isn't it rather obvious that you're battling the demons of guilt? This hobby can be ruthless and if the addiction doesn't get you first... the financial ramifications of enjoying the hobby will be right behind. For you to continue... you need to make some decisions in your life. But please don't hurt the people you love the most.

Some hobbyists can block out their "other" lives... you can't. That doesn't make you a bad guy. In fact the complete opposite. I don't have a clue who you are... but through your passionate writing skills... it's obvious that you're a very sensitive and caring person. Do the right thing and take a step back. Your heart can't take much more of this. You know where we are and we'll always be here for you. But this is eating away at you and it's not the first time you've battled these demons publically. The answer is simple. You just need to have the courage to do something about it.


Jan 17, 2004
magicmanofmassage said:
So when you get to the point that this "underworld"/hobby is more real than the "other"/real world, what do you do? When you identify more with the people that you post with than the people that you work with, when the women that you see know more about the real you than your friends or family do....when you say to yourself...what now?
So last Monday, I snuck in a post "I'm tired now, goodbye" behind my buddy, Indy's post. He made me promise that I wouldn't just disappear. I lasted two days and had to post again.....to me that's pretty pathetic. How has this become my life? I can't say I've stopped hobbying because I still see two woman professionally and one personally. If I go more than a week without seeing one of these three women, I feel adrift. The thoughts in my head fly about randomly. Dumbass, don't you have any self control? You used to control your life, now it seems you have no control. Why do you have this urge to post on terb?
Maybe I've got a touch of MrOitis.
Help me out here because I'm really screwed up right now.
Swingdancer (J) what did you do to my head?
No smilies today, maybe it's the weather. Nah, last year at this time I went on a marathon three day celebration. Jeeeesus, I'm friggin rambling again!
Holy shit, MMoM. cool it, your ok. I have a sneaking suspision you and I are going through a similar situation. Keep the faith, big bro.
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