Toronto Girlfriends

When will the madness end....or am I the problem


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i leave my phone in the car, nothing in this world is so important it can't wait 2 hours.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I'm with babypowder on this one. Can't understand how you can be distracted by a cell. Most likely you are bothered by the presence of the phone and because it bugs the shit out of you, your attention keeps returning to it.


Jan 31, 2005
quit looking over peoples shoulder and watch the fucking movie.
Are you completely ignorant of what "stadium seating" means? Do you know absolutely nothing about it? The person behind you is looking over your shoulder whether they want to or not. It's how the theater is set up. When you pull out your phone, it shines directly into their eyes from the bottom of their field of vision. They don't have to look around to see it, they are looking at it already, it's already in their field of vision.

Sorry but you are beyond help. Previously I had thought assholes like you were just ignorant, but now I realize it's not just ignorance--it's some sort of self centered anti-social behavior. Next time an asshole like you sits in front of me I'm going to ask you to shut off your phone, and if you don't, I'm going to ask to have you chucked out of the theatre. It is in fact theater policy that you not have your phone on.


Jan 31, 2005
I'm with babypowder on this one. Can't understand how you can be distracted by a cell. Most likely you are bothered by the presence of the phone and because it bugs the shit out of you, your attention keeps returning to it.
Absolutely your attention returns to it. It is a bright light shining directly in your eyes in the dark. Of course it attracts your attention.



Active member
Oct 28, 2007
Are you completely ignorant of what "stadium seating" means? Do you know absolutely nothing about it? The person behind you is looking over your shoulder whether they want to or not. It's how the theater is set up. When you pull out your phone, it shines directly into their eyes from the bottom of their field of vision.
again you can look over some ones shoulder at some guys crotch while hes sexting his dick pics to some broad or you can look straight ahead and watch the fucking movie.
Sorry but you are beyond help. Previously I had thought assholes like you were just ignorant, but now I realize it's not just ignorance--it's some sort of self centered anti-social behavior. Next time an asshole like you sits in front of me I'm going to ask you to shut off your phone, and if you don't, I'm going to ask to have you chucked out of the theatre.
now you are clearly the self centered, hypocritical, asshole. Someone silently checking their phone and you cant stop looking over their shoulder at it because you are dumb as shit and have ADD. so first you make a scene and interrupt the ENTIRE theatre with your mouth and then you get the ushers with maglights that actually get shined in a row of peoples faces. you are a scumbag..


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Absolutely your attention returns to it. It is a bright light shining directly in your eyes in the dark. Of course it attracts your attention.

Duh? Yeah that just about confirmed you're the dolt I figured you are.


Jan 31, 2005
again you can look over some ones shoulder at some guys crotch while hes sexting his dick pics to some broad or you can look straight ahead and watch the fucking movie.
What are you not understanding here? If you look straight ahead at the screen, and the guy in front of you has his phone out, the phone will be in your field of vision.

Do you actually not realize that? You do not have to lean over, or look around, or look down. It will be right there in your view. I have actually checked my messages in a theatre once, but I hold the phone inside my jacket, and lean forward to conceal it so it's shielded by my coat, so I can look at it without the light bothering the guy behind me, because unlike you I am not a self centered jerk.

You're either too stupid to understand what you are being told, or you are anti-social. Which is it?


Jan 31, 2005
shut the fuck up now. because you are the biggest hypocrite ever.
What are you not understanding here? If you look straight ahead at the screen, and the guy in front of you has his phone out, the phone will be in your field of vision.

Do you actually not realize that? You do not have to lean over, or look around, or look down. It will be right there in your view. I have actually checked my messages in a theatre once, but I hold the phone inside my jacket, and lean forward to conceal it so it's shielded by my coat, so I can look at it without the light bothering the guy behind me, because unlike you I am not a self centered jerk.

You're either too stupid to understand what you are being told, or you are anti-social. Which is it?


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
i get it. no one can check their phone because it bugs you. yet you say you do it. you think you are being distracted from a movie because of a silent cell phone but you have no problem interrupting an entire theatre and getting a row of people shined in the face with a maglight. Your wife better not cheat on you but u cheat on her all the time. i get it. you are a self centred prick.

I have actually checked my messages in a theatre once
shut the fuck up now. because you are the biggest hypocrite ever.


Jan 31, 2005
i get it. no one can check their phone because it bugs you. yet you say you do it
I didn't do what you do. I doubt the guy behind me could have seen my phone even if he leaned over, because it was concealed inside my jacket and not visible to anyone but me. What I do not do--what only arrogant, self centered jerks like you do, is take the phone out and hold it where it can be seen by the guy behind you. Moreover, if someone had been able to see it, and asked me to stop, not only would I have stopped, I would have felt bad that I hadn't actually successfully prevented it from bothering them.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I guess you are one of those assholes. It's not a powerpoint presentation it's a god damned movie and i don't want your phone wrecking it. I should not have to concentrate to avoid being distracted by you. I should be able to relax and let the movie draw me in.

They should design the theater to block out signal so phones just don't work there.
North American movie culture is shit, period. Popcorn etc should not be eaten in a theatre. In fact popcorn and theatre should not even be used in the same sentence.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
I didn't do what you do. I doubt the guy behind me could have seen my phone even if he leaned over. What I do not do--what only arrogant, self centered jerks like you do, is take the phone out and hold it where it can be seen by the guy behind you.

i don't do what you do. i don't let stupid irrelevant shit bug me to the point that i will inconvenience an entire room of people.that job is for self centred retards like you .. i don't bitch about what people do and turn around and do the same shit. that job is for hypocritical invalids like yourself. normal people who look at their phone look at it in their lap. stop looking at men's lap when there is a movie on or take your add meds.


Jan 31, 2005
i don't let stupid irrelevant shit bug me to the point that i will inconvenience an entire room of people.
If you get your phone out in full view of the people behind you then in fact YES YOU DO. You're being willfully stupid at this point.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
You are a moron. a light on a phone is not inconvenience the entire theatre. you opening your bitch mouth and getting ushers to shine flashlights DIRECTLY into a row of people however is .


Jan 31, 2005
You are a moron. a light on a phone is not inconvenience the entire theatre. you opening your bitch mouth however is.
It does, however, inconvenience the people sitting behind you, and if I'm one of them, you will in fact be chucked out of the theatre, if you don't put it away after having been asked to politely. None of us should have to tolerate people like you.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
What are you not understanding here? If you look straight ahead at the screen, and the guy in front of you has his phone out, the phone will be in your field of vision.

You're either too stupid to understand what you are being told, or you are anti-social. Which is it?
Only because you are attempting to bring logic into you argument - which for you is evidently a mistake - what theatre are you going to where the person in front of you is in your field of vision? The screen is ABOVE the people in front of you. Unless they are holding the phone over their head or you are so fucking short that they block your view, the phone is not in your field of view.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
It does, however, inconvenience the people sitting behind you, and if I'm one of them, you will in fact be chucked out of the theatre, if you don't put it away after having been asked to politely. None of us should have to tolerate people like you.

probably not because as i said i always sit as far back as possible. but if your the bitch infront of me talking im gonna get your hypocritical selfcentered ass tossed out for interrupting the entire theatre. hypocrite.


Jan 31, 2005
what theatre are you going to where the person in front of you is in your field of vision?
In any theatre with stadium seating, so any of the AMC theatres in Toronto, or any of the Silver Cities, or any other modern construction, if you pull your phone out and hold it in your lap, it is in the lower peripheral vision of the person behind you. I am not speculating here. I have experienced this directly. I'm surprised that you haven't.

If you go to an older style theatre without stadium seating then sure, you could probably pull out your phone and the person behind you would likely have to stand up to see it.
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