When should agencies reopen?

The gov is slowly reopening businesses. When should agencies reopen?

  • Open now

    Votes: 56 24.2%
  • Open soon (In 1 week)

    Votes: 43 18.6%
  • Open later(1-2 months)

    Votes: 132 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Nov 14, 2019
Based on the poll results all the agencies can see that a large part of terb (44%) is ready to jump back in.

The other 56% will follow after some reviews get posted about their experience seeing a girl in the Covid Era.

Next Tuesday SFTO and others ought to open the doors. I am sure the agencies have an idea how many girls are willing to come back.
I still think Tuesday is a bit optimistic as I feel agencies will open when spa's and salons open. They still have to worry about enforcement if they open early and it will be no secret if they do. Also for those that use condo's access is a lot tighter right now. In my building you have to call security if you are having visitors and they have to check in with them before going upstairs. Our condo board voted that in during lockdown so not sure if other buildings have similar systems in place


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
. Also for those that use condo's access is a lot tighter right now. In my building you have to call security if you are having visitors and they have to check in with them before going upstairs. Our condo board voted that in during lockdown so not sure if other buildings have similar systems in place
Depends on the building. It would be possible for a building which is not staffed to simply add a desk and a guard to check up on those coming and going when they buzz in. For sure this would make me very uncomfortable. I probably would not go if this becomes the new norm.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
The gift that may keep on giving. Reports of children who tested positive for Covid-19, but recovered, are showing symptoms several weeks later that are similar to Kawasaki Disease, which while curable, is also distressing, and may leave after-effects for those children. Far greater number of cases than what had been experienced before Covid-19 appeared.

So it's really not just us old f*cks who are at risk for Covid complications and after-effects. It's not yet known if recovering from Covid gives you immunity, and if so for how long, and against what mutations of the virus. Time will tell, but its too soon to know at this point, and imho a mistake, to throw caution to the winds.

Link: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/doctors-find-possible-link-between-covid-19-and-rare-potentially-deadly-illness-in-children-1.4937847


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Funny how this poll parallels the Leger360 poll when it comes to STRESS: LEAVING THE HOUSE / BEING IN PUBLIC

57% find it totally stressful leaving the house.
42% do not find it totally stressful leaving the house
1% prefer not to answer

I posted this for t.o.leafs.fan :yo: I know how much he loves his polls.

Also from the poll: Satisfaction with the provincial governments’ responses remains high, but is declining. Not a good sign Mr. Ford...soon it will be bye bye along with Stephen Lecce

And 39% of Canadians and 55% of Americans are not following all of the guidelines for Social Distancing. The proportion of Canadians not following all of them has been trending upward.


New member
Feb 29, 2020
The polls here are intentionally designed to give more weight to options that want to open the agencies soon. This is not surprising since the agency designed the poll and they want to open asap. So each pole has one effective option to delay opening and the rest are basically saying open now. This is daft.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The polls here are intentionally designed to give more weight to options that want to open the agencies soon. This is not surprising since the agency designed the poll and they want to open asap. So each pole has one effective option to delay opening and the rest are basically saying open now. This is daft.
They only have 2 options: open or stay closed for who knows for how long.

Why would the results show different if they added more options? All they can add are increased durations for the time they stay closed (4 months, 6 months, a year, until a vaccine is found).

The open now vote will change very little.


Nov 14, 2019
I wonder what % of agency business comes from out of towners specifically from the US. We may think TERB members are a large % of clients but most providers I have seen say that board members make up less than 10% of clients. I know for a fact most conventions over the next year are now cancelled and with the virus I can see more and more of these gatherings going virtual. And with it looking like borders will still be closed for some time yet will be interesting to see how busy agencies will be when they reopen.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
They only have 2 options: open or stay closed for who knows for how long.

Why would the results show different if they added more options? All they can add are increased durations for the time they stay closed (4 months, 6 months, a year, until a vaccine is found).

The open now vote will change very little.
It is a well-known psychological phenomena. Given a drink size of small, medium and large, most popular size is large. Adding an extra-large drink to the offer makes Large to be most popular (i.e. people who preferred medium to large when XL was not offered prefer large to medium when XL is offered). Such choice violates the rationality assumption of "irrelevant alternative" choice function ("if A is better than B when C is not offered, A must be still better then B when C is offered"). In the framework of this poll, given 3 answers "Now", "in 1 week" and "in 2 months" many people who say "1 week" would have said "2 months" if the option "now" was eliminated


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It is a well-known psychological phenomena. Given a drink size of small, medium and large, most popular size is large. Adding an extra-large drink to the offer makes Large to be most popular (i.e. people who preferred medium to large when XL was not offered prefer large to medium when XL is offered). Such choice violates the rationality assumption of "irrelevant alternative" choice function ("if A is better than B when C is not offered, A must be still better then B when C is offered"). In the framework of this poll, given 3 answers "Now", "in 1 week" and "in 2 months" many people who say "1 week" would have said "2 months" if the option "now" was eliminated
If one week was not an option, I would have voted for open now as the severity of the virus has not deceased in the last 7 days. At the same time I do not see the need for the agencies to wait another month or two until they reopen. The severity of the virus two months from now will be the same as it is today.

I voted for one week as it put it after the long weekend, which would give SFTO a bit of time to gear up and see which way the wind is blowing. Since they have been updating their website recently, I have a feeling they will open sooner than later.

If 99% of the guys had voted to open in 2 months time SFTO would know if they reopened their doors now they would not be busy. The poll results do tell them if they reopen soon they will have guys booking, including me.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
If one week was not an option, I would have voted for open now as the severity of the virus has not deceased in the last 7 days. At the same time I do not see the need for the agencies to wait another month or two until they reopen. The severity of the virus two months from now will be the same as it is today.

I voted for one week as it put it after the long weekend, which would give SFTO a bit of time to gear up and see which way the wind is blowing. Since they have been updating their website recently, I have a feeling they will open sooner than later.

If 99% of the guys had voted to open in 2 months time SFTO would know if they reopened their doors now they would not be busy. The poll results do tell them if they reopen soon they will have guys booking, including me.
No matter what you feel is the right time for SFT to open and you keep repeating over and over again in this thread, SFT will open when it's the right time for them not when is the right time for you. There is no need for you to wait if you feel you need to see an SP that bad there are many who are advertising on SPDIR, Eros and Leoslist.

I would bet SFT is taking a hard look at the poll and the 58% of the votes that wants them to open in 1-2 months time.

BTW Bebe you were one of the guys that was complaining about SP's and agencies were working when non essential businesses were shut down and were sharing your lists of SP's working, then all of a sudden a very short time after that you were complaining that agencies are not working and they should reopen it's clear you like to complain about everything without having any actual beliefs other than complaining.


Active member
Oct 7, 2015
We would like to have an official reopening when phace three starts and hopefully that will be an end of may or beginning of June. When it comes to precautions of courses sanitizing the incalls after each client, wiping down door handles, taking clients and ladies temperature, reducing amount of appointments, monitoring ladies health not booking clients who traveled recently. Also we will provide medical masks for ladies and clients as an option.
Phase 3 is minimum in 2 months ...its 2-4 weeks between each phase...will start phase 1 when daily new cases will be below 200 for two weeks


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
BTW Bebe you were one of the guys that was complaining about SP's and agencies were working when non essential businesses were shut down and were sharing your lists of SP's working, then all of a sudden a very short time after that you were complaining that agencies are not working and they should reopen it's clear you like to complain about everything without having any actual beliefs other than complaining.
I already addressed this once before. 2 or 3 months ago the lockdown seemed reasonable. Now that we have seen the numbers and who C19 typically attacks, those over 80 living in LTCHs, with pre existing medical conditions, the insane lockdown is no longer required.

As I’ve said before, lockdown the LTCHs, put masks on everyone else, put up plastic barriers and get back to living.


Oct 29, 2017
Unfortunately there is no safe way to reopen now or even soon for that matter. The contact is much too close for any precautions to work effectively due what we know of how the virus spreads, which is through water droplets from the breath. Masks aren't fool proof, they need to be worn properly which would be difficult during a session. They also aren't 100% effective, there is still some leakage even with medical grade masks, compound that with fact that you are right up in someone's face breathing on each other, your risk of exposure goes up.

I would definitely be concerned for an SPs safety, seeing potentially multiple clients in a day would increase their risk even with precautions.

Spreading of the virus is also a concern. We've learned so far that a not insignificant amount of people with Covid are asymptomatic, that is, they have the virus and show no symptoms. What if one of the SPs were to be an asymptomatic carrier? They feel fine and can work but are unknowingly spreading it to multiple clients. If one of those clients becomes ill enough to need a hospital intervention they will likely contact trace it back to the agency which would obviously be harmful for the agency and bring unneeded attention. Additionally, the virus takes on average 5-11 days for symptoms to show up, so you can have it and not show any signs. Temperature checks wouldn't be helpful in this case, yes checking temps may catch someone who is symptomatic, but they won't catch anyone who is asymptomatic or someone who has it and is not showing symptoms yet. Another bit we've learned so far is that people may be more likely to spread it while they aren't showing symptoms.

Yet another thing that has shown up recently is that the virus may be harmful to women's reproductive system, which would obviously would not be good for any SPs who would one day like to have children: https://academic.oup.com/molehr/advance-article/doi/10.1093/molehr/gaaa030/5828941

I know it must be tough right now and I can understand the urge to want to get business going again, believe me, SFT is my go to, but I would strongly suggest that you hold off opening until there is a good enough solution around the problems I've mentioned.

If you were to bring back full service, a potential solution down the road may be using a home-based rapid tests. One is going through the approval process right now, they are similar to pregnancy tests but with saliva: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/mcmaster-university-coronavirus-test-1.5530819

I was watching an interview with the person who developed this test and they said that if everything goes as planned it should be available by the Fall. You have the SP do the test before their shift and also make every client that comes through the door do the test.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
If one week was not an option, I would have voted for open now as the severity of the virus has not deceased in the last 7 days. At the same time I do not see the need for the agencies to wait another month or two until they reopen. The severity of the virus two months from now will be the same as it is today.

I voted for one week as it put it after the long weekend, which would give SFTO a bit of time to gear up and see which way the wind is blowing. Since they have been updating their website recently, I have a feeling they will open sooner than later.

If 99% of the guys had voted to open in 2 months time SFTO would know if they reopened their doors now they would not be busy. The poll results do tell them if they reopen soon they will have guys booking, including me.
This psychological phenomena is not to describe the behaviour of people who chose the added option is added (they behave rationally), it is for the ones who never vote for the added option but yet their choice is affected by adding such option. It is as if you would have voted for "now" if only "now" and "1 week" is offered, but change your vote for "1 week" if all 3 choices ("now", "1 week" and "2 months") were offered, although the added option "2 months" should not affect your preference between "now" and "1 week"


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
I really cant fathom a young lady, a smart lady....working... I mean, this business of sanitizing, changing of the sheets, all of it means ABSOLUTLY NOTHING when the client WITH the virus walks in the door...Why would she take this chance, every, every client is a stress test on your brain. Every night you would worry, every moment STRESS STRESS STRESS


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
I really cant fathom a young lady, a smart lady....working... I mean, this business of sanitizing, changing of the sheets, all of it means ABSOLUTLY NOTHING when the client WITH the virus walks in the door...Why would she take this chance, every, every client is a stress test on your brain. Every night you would worry, every moment STRESS STRESS STRESS
This virus (like other viruses) are here to stay. Good luck.


New member
Feb 29, 2020
I really cant fathom a young lady, a smart lady....working... I mean, this business of sanitizing, changing of the sheets, all of it means ABSOLUTLY NOTHING when the client WITH the virus walks in the door...Why would she take this chance, every, every client is a stress test on your brain. Every night you would worry, every moment STRESS STRESS STRESS
you are absolutely right!!!


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I really cant fathom a young lady, a smart lady....working... I mean, this business of sanitizing, changing of the sheets, all of it means ABSOLUTLY NOTHING when the client WITH the virus walks in the door...Why would she take this chance, every, every client is a stress test on your brain. Every night you would worry, every moment STRESS STRESS STRESS
Yes, she will get the infection, but due to age and health conditions, the risk of actually getting sick beyond a mild flue-like symptoms are very small. Her overweight 60+ y.o. clients are the ones who will be at risk. The real risk for girls/agencies is when one of such old fat clients die and his children will sue the girl/agency for negligence and not following social distancing protocol.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
The fear mongering and doom is crazy. Media and politicians to blame here. They both have a vested interest in preying on peoples fears. The virus was here in November maybe even earlier, we were all hobbying without a care in the world. Covid is only deadly to extremely old people FOR THE MOST PART. The FACTS (look up the death statistics) show that. The rest is just noise. Y'all need to stop drinking in those CNN headlines they've taken you for a ride.


Active member
Jun 28, 2009
Yes, she will get the infection, but due to age and health conditions, the risk of actually getting sick beyond a mild flue-like symptoms are very small. Her overweight 60+ y.o. clients are the ones who will be at risk. The real risk for girls/agencies is when one of such old fat clients die and his children will sue the girl/agency for negligence and not following social distancing protocol.
How on earth would they prove it was the girl? First of all, the old guy would have to admit to fucking a sp, minimal chance of that. Second, the girl may not even have any symptoms so how could you blame her? Thirdly, the old guy could have almost no symptoms for several days to a week, so again, how could you attribute it to the SP with any certainty? Lastly, I'd be willing to place a bet that 98% of the high risk guys who die from this can't even get it up, let alone bang an 18 year old for money.
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