When ole Lady Lust is a grabbin yer gonads


New member
Dec 30, 2004
Sounds like something the cowboy would write but it's accurate. It's unfortunate that with the present economy and the crazyness of life we have to wait for a series of things to occur before we can hobby...
We need the time...the cash...and the opportunity so we can ask for what we want. I sent the messages out to a couple of providers tonight because I have my three things aligned for tomorrow. Alas the ladies are busy...

At this point I'm just whinning but boy it's frustrating that you can't always get what you want....Particularily when Ole Lady Lust is a grabin' at yer gonads.


I feel your pain ...... I hate when everything seemingly falls into place to have more than the usual amount of fun but circumstances prevent it from happening. An empty, frustrating feeling. Hope something worked out for you ...


New member
Nov 4, 2006
I was in that situation the other day...time, money and no opportunity. I guess it's the reality given that the ladies are full time (for the most part) and we are merely opportunists :p

Good luck the next time the stars align!
Jul 28, 2006
I hear ya scooter... but life is full of disapointments an ya'll can't always get what ya want but life is also plenty full of pleasant surprises, espcialy when it comes to ole lady lust grabin' at yur gonads :)


New member
Dec 30, 2004
Well it has taken a couple of weeks for the stars to re align but a successful rendezvous has been arranged for today with Bethany. I'm hopefully off to an hour of pleasure described more than once by others...I'll let you know how it works out


New member
Dec 30, 2004
Ole lady lust is laid to rest for another day

I did...Bethany has been reviewed many times before and I must say she is everything she's cracked up to be.

Met me at the door in heels, stay ups, little satin thong, bra to match the panties all covered with a very sheer mini dress....now at 5'8" and wearing those heels she was looking my 6'1" almost right in the eye....following her down the hall to the studio was one amazing site just watchin' her walk. long legs...ooohhh...The studio is dark, calming music, a few candles and I must say very clean...excellent. A quick hug and a kiss on the cheek lets get undressed and off to the shower...except I couldn't actually get undressed because I was busy watchin her....curvaceous, beautiful "d" breasts and now a few inches shorter. The long black hair quickly goes up with a clip; you get a wink, a smile, a brush of naked flesh just to tease you and she's gone... into the shower....so I'm now scramblin' to get the jeans off....ole lady lust is screamin' at me and I have to avoid not getting anything on my hands from the wet spot in my boxers all the while tryin' not to fall on my ass.

Ah yes back to the shower...I'm a big fella and have the ability to block out all the water so what does she do naturally that I have to explain to every lady professional or not.....madam you have to go at the front of the shower or my 300+ lbs on a 6'1" frame is going to block all the water....she already new....waitin' for me under the shower head....all I did was lean back grab the wall and the shower curtain rail then let her clean anything she wanted for whatever length of time she wanted....that girl likes to be wet and she likes to be very creative when she cleans up.

Oh the bathroom....absolutely freakin' spotless...no lights except a few candles...perfect.

Back tot he massage....mirror on one wall to enhance the viewing pleasure...oil or lotion your choice lots of long slow strokin' up and down up and down every part of my body....great conversation....all the groping and touching I could possibly pull off and the feet....oooohhh....thought I was going to blow while she was playing with my toes....and then she uses those "d's" on the feet and reaches up with her hands to introduce her self to the gonads....this leads to body slides on my back...blowin' in my ear and a bunch of stuff I'm not really cognizant of then a flip rubbin' up and down the front to let me calm down a bit somewhere in here the hair comes out of that clip she’s on her knees up on the table....not an easy trick because of my girth but she’s doin' fine....looking down at me smilin', a quick wink and here comes those "d's" again body slidin'...Russian... then up on knee like a field goal holder lookin' down at me twitchin' like dynamo's sister but now she’s smilin' and she’s stretchin' me as far to the heaven as she can and it was heaven...three hours later my balls still have a little of that good twinge in 'em
They near blew to bits when it happened...she had to ask If I was ok. I couldn't talk....

Waited a few minutes to collect my wits and into shower. I find a wash cloth to get the oil off. I pop out and she’s back in them heels makin’ up the studio and what’s happenin’ to me….ole lady lust is a whisperin’ in my ear….you gotta tell the world and you gotta do this again

Thanks Bethany it was worth the wait...I can't wait to tell my friend Leroy
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