What's the Fastest you've ever Driven on a Public Road?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
170 kph...speed limit was 130 in Europe but everyone was driving 160/170 so needed to keep up with traffic. Doing this for about two weeks then coming back here was hard especially to keep within the speed limit on our highways. Didn’t have anything special just a Fiat.


Years ago I had a 69 Chevy Impala station wagon during my child raising years. 350 4 barrel carb. One night I had a fight with my wife and took off by myself, floored it on a rural straight road and it pegged the needle past 120 mph, I'd guess that sucker did 130 or so. That's about 210 kmh.

While not near what all your sports cars would do it is fairly impressive for a huge old boat. Yes, I tuned it myself. And that is the fastest I have driven on a public road. My current SUV is limited to 192 kmh or it would easily blow that away, as would most of my more recent cars. But at the time I thought it was pretty decent.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
240 km per hour from London ON to Toronto. This was before the stiff rules on speeding about 15 years ago at 3:30 to 4:30 am in the morning.

I had a flight the catch and made it with a few minutes to spare.

Once the new rules came in, I have never gone over 150 km. It was a good move by the MTO.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
192km/h on an empty stretch of highway outside my place in a piece of crap that had no right going that speed. Was a friend's car. I was 19.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
The Daytona could get more than 280... I am not the only one who took it over 180mph on the speedo... admittedly, accurate speed above 180 involves an element of estimate!

I took many practice runs at 2 different Ferrari Club events before I really attempted it. I had to learn to come in and out of turn 1 (after the chicane was removed at the Esses) gunning for it (and using 100 octane fuel). Yes, turn 5 was a bitch but I eventually learned how to leave enough room. I was determined to do it and I did, but only once, coming out of 4 really flying. But I did boil my brakes at one of the practice runs coming into 5... that was scary!

A question was asked and I answered it. If you don't believe, that's OK with me! :wave:

While I'm not denying what you saw on the speedo, I do think that it may have been off. I've driven many hundreds, if not thousands of laps around Mosport, the Glen and many other tracks. All I'm saying is, I know what it takes to hit 270 km/h at Mosport in an R8 GT at the end of the back straight. And for that reason alone, I can't imagine you could actually be going 50 km/h faster in a 70s technology car.

I've instructed at Ferrari, BMW and Porsche club events as well as CASC and SCCA race schools. We may have crossed paths...

In my younger foolish days I topped out my Suzuki GSX-R750 at 290mph on the 401. I was shocked that my 750 left both my friends Ducati 916 & Yamaha R1 for dead all out. At that speed telephone poles on the 401 go by so fast they feel like they are only 30 feet apart
466 km/h? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! ;)


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
In high school, three friends and I bought a beat up old Mini Cooper and fixed it up. Cut off the roof, installed a full roll cage, removed anything that wasn’t needed and repaired and tuned the engine. Super light. It had what’s called a “dry” suspension, so wheel travel was minimal. We never licensed it but we would take it out for late night runs in the neighbourhood and to empty parking lots to practice. We entered a few autocross events with it before we sold it. This thing put out maybe 50 hp at the front wheels. Max speed on an autocross course would be about 45 mph. Anyway, to this day - that car has felt the fastest in my memory - and I’ve driven some truly fast cars since.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
While I'm not denying what you saw on the speedo, I do think that it may have been off.
That, sir, is always a possibility. Although I was an avid amateur, I am not an expert that can vouch for such things. I can only vouch for what I saw. OTOH, it was an exceptionally strong, very low mileage engine/car in top notch shape.

But the thrill was enormous! 200 mph on land! I felt as if I had climbed Mount Everest.


The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
In fact what is even more remarkable is that the bike has a top speed of 189 mph


While I'm not denying what you saw on the speedo, I do think that it may have been off. I've driven many hundreds, if not thousands of laps around Mosport, the Glen and many other tracks. All I'm saying is, I know what it takes to hit 270 km/h at Mosport in an R8 GT at the end of the back straight. And for that reason alone, I can't imagine you could actually be going 50 km/h faster in a 70s technology car.

I've instructed at Ferrari, BMW and Porsche club events as well as CASC and SCCA race schools. We may have crossed paths...

466 km/h? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! ;)


New member
May 12, 2017
When my current car was new I was getting on the highway wee hours of the morning. I gunned it just to see what it could do. Got up to ~220kph when I ran out of 5th gear. I didn't go for 6th gear. I shut it down and was able to slow down to regular highway speed before I ran out of on ramp. Only other time I was >200kph was when I was 19 or so where I did 225kph before the governor kicked in. That car took a couple minutes to get up to that speed though.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
185 kmph in Italy. Got the photo radar to prove it. It was incredible, the car felt so alive in those mountain passes. Mercedes station wagon and it handled it beautifully

240 kmph on the track in my younger years. That was terrifying. Big nope from me.


Nov 18, 2010
325km/hr - Autobahn (Deggendorf to Munich) Porsche 911 GT3RS. Flat out for a few mins at that speed. Driver, passenger and more than a half a tank of fuel.

The Hof

New member
Mar 18, 2015
Only 285... but did get speed trapped in the US.

Luckily was road tripping with one of the sexiest women on the planet who got out of the car and walked up to a screaming cop with his gun drawn. In the end he patted me on the shoulder and winked at me. Yeah, sexy counts.

White knuckled the autobahn in a Merc AMG, But didn’t even look down, so that doesn’t count.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
300 kph on my Suzuki Hyabusa 1300. Once and never again.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts