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What Would You Do?.....


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
I know all you Liberals that post in here, basically hate the USA in general, and Pres. George W. Bush (note no "Jr.") in particular, but not one of you has ever posted how the efforts to destroy terrorism could be more effective. Care to "enlighten" us with your brilliance?......


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
BiggieE said:
I know all you Liberals that post in here, basically hate the USA in general, and Pres. George W. Bush (note no "Jr.") in particular, but not one of you has ever posted how the efforts to destroy terrorism could be more effective. Care to "enlighten" us with your brilliance?......
Being a conservative, I guess I don't qualify to answer you. So instead, I want to recommend to you the following book by Noam Chomsky: "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance.".


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
I'll be sure look that one up........

I just get tired of the Libs doing their bashing, while not coming up with any viable, realistic alternatives.....that's all....


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
No....I'd really like to hear these peoples ideas......

Even though I am a very conservative minded person, I'll listen to any ideas.....though I'm betting that non of the Libs can come up with one without taking a shot at either us, or GWB.....

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
BiggieE said:
I know all you Liberals that post in here, basically hate the USA in general, and Pres. George W. Bush (note no "Jr.") in particular, but not one of you has ever posted how the efforts to destroy terrorism could be more effective. Care to "enlighten" us with your brilliance?......

George W. Bush hasn’t destroyed terrorism, he has made the terrorists stronger. When the Americans decided to invade Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Laden, the whole world was on their side. At that time, Iran and North Korea had nuclear reactors. Instead of attacking the next biggest threat, all of a sudden George W. Bush decides to fight his father’s war. His father should have gotten rid of Saddam years ago, but he didn’t. So because of this the Americans seem like they are bullying the Middle East. Now more and more Muslim children are joining the terrorist movement because now they have a purpose, and everything that Osama has been saying about the Americans are coming true.

I have no idea what the Americans are going to do to get out of this mess that they have caused, but they should stay out of everyone’s business unless they have the UN’s support from now on or face war crimes if they do anything like this again.

BTW, I've always supported the Rupublicans, I was a fan of George Bush Sr. and I thought Ronald Regan was a great president. George W. Bush has made me believe that Bill Clinton was a good president, you never would have heard me say that 8-10 years ago.
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New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
harleycharley said:
yes but you took several shots at liberal's when you opened this thread.... first that they hate the US and second using lanugage like "enlighten us with your brilliance".... what do you expect to get in response to crap like that? so i dont believe you're sincere.
But what would you do??????? This still remains the question.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
harleycharley said:
you really cant read, can you?
Sure I can you were dancing rather then answering.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
What would I do?

First off I would have tried to get and assess the actual numbers and strength of the terrorist organization instead of immediately assuming it was a multi-headed hydra that posed a clear, immediate and overwheling threat to the "free world". (Yes I realize they launched an attack on the WTC and the Pentagon but that was in the grand scheme of things a small victory).

If I had found that the numbers were such that I felt that a combination of conventional and non-conventional forces could handle them I would have attacked them in the place I believe they were based and continued those attacks until I was assured of victory instead of attacking another country and dividing the western world.

Also while taking measures to try and stop another attack from occuring on my own soil I would not have effected major changes in my country's way of life (abadonning the principles set out in the Geneva Convention) while endevouring to bring the perpetrators I had captured (the people at G-Bay) to a quick, public and fair trial therfore reasserting the belief that we are "morally" better than our enemy.

Finally I would not be turning my department of Homeland security into the propoganda wing of Al Quada and constantly exagerating the power that these peole have to wreck havoc on the western world. In essense I would work covertly while turning the camera away from my enemy as any police force does in a hijacking or hostage situation.


May 5, 2003
This what u should do

Biggie E, why u think that there are terrorists out there trying to harm usa, why only usa, why not other places, because of usa foreign one way direction policies that brought this so-called terror on its soil. people in some parts of the world had enough of the american bullying, the latest one invading sovergn countries which in theory wipes out the rights of every country in the world to live within its borders and be free and independant despite its history, culture and policies and to do what its people have to do or inspire to do. usa wants every one in this world to do what they dectated to them what to do, "protecting israel and helping it to continue exist" every one should protect israel even if it comes at the cost of self distruction to some nations and civil wars in others and regional conflicts fueled by bribes and intimidations and threats by usa policy makers, yes thats the truth that no politician is capable to tell the american people about or to admit it. recently they tainted all arabs to be terrorists, i just heard that all american soldier have the impression that they are fighting the 250ml arabs and the 1.2blon muslims in this world, and they should kill them every where they see them because they are the real enemy. the arabs did nothing to usa, on the contrary, they invested their oil money in usa instead of their people or lands, the muslims did nothing to usa too, they respect christianity and joudiasim as well, the other two don't respect islam, its the americans who did harm to arabs and muslims instead. The americans looted arabs resources, encouraged israel to occupy their land by force, encouraged israel to humilate arab people at every opportunity, until this moment, arabs are still suffering as result of usa foreign policies and the brutality of israel against them, innocent people are dying daily in the arab world, families wiped out, houses destroyed, and u still cant figure out why they dont like americans in that part of the world. u better open your eyes.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
pro419 said:
Biggie E, why u think that there are terrorists out there trying to harm usa, why only usa, why not other places, because of usa foreign one way direction policies that brought this so-called terror on its soil. people in some parts of the world had enough of the american bullying, the latest one invading sovergn countries which in theory wipes out the rights of every country in the world to live within its borders and be free and independant despite its history, culture and policies and to do what its people have to do or inspire to do. usa wants every one in this world to do what they dectated to them what to do, "protecting israel and helping it to continue exist" every one should protect israel even if it comes at the cost of self distruction to some nations and civil wars in others and regional conflicts fueled by bribes and intimidations and threats by usa policy makers, yes thats the truth that no politician is capable to tell the american people about or to admit it. recently they tainted all arabs to be terrorists, i just heard that all american soldier have the impression that they are fighting the 250ml arabs and the 1.2blon muslims in this world, and they should kill them every where they see them because they are the real enemy. the arabs did nothing to usa, on the contrary, they invested their oil money in usa instead of their people or lands, the muslims did nothing to usa too, they respect christianity and joudiasim as well, the other two don't respect islam, its the americans who did harm to arabs and muslims instead. The americans looted arabs resources, encouraged israel to occupy their land by force, encouraged israel to humilate arab people at every opportunity, until this moment, arabs are still suffering as result of usa foreign policies and the brutality of israel against them, innocent people are dying daily in the arab world, families wiped out, houses destroyed, and u still cant figure out why they dont like americans in that part of the world. u better open your eyes.


Great excuses

But how would you stop it?


May 5, 2003
Its the american responsitbility to stop it, they have to use their brains instead of their guns and stop lying to the world and to the people who are depending on them. the americans should leave arabs alone and withdraw all their troops form the region and reduce their support to israel and stop selling it weapons of mass destruction.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
harleycharley said:
tell you what, if you start a thread where you sincerely ask what liberal's might do, without insulting liberals IN ADVANCE as BiggieE did, then you might get an answer from me...... Biggie's just trolling.
Still all in all the question of what would you do is a valid question. Now I realize that no thread on TERB has ever been started with a predjudiced statement. And this is likely the first thread like that. But the question is still valid.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
pro419 said:
Its the american responsitbility to stop it, they have to use their brains instead of their guns and stop lying to the world and to the people who are depending on them. the americans should leave arabs alone and withdraw all their troops form the region and reduce their support to israel and stop selling it weapons of mass destruction.
A good suggestion, maybe.

But were the USA to withdraw farea and an all out war erupted. Wouldn't many rush to blame the USA?


Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
Pull out of every hating nation... bring back all your citizens and leave all those hater countries all by themselves. Scrap any forgeign policy, positive or negative, and let them be. See how they'll fend for themselves and how much they'll ignore or hate you even more afterwards. Basically share no wealth, trade, materials, industry, etc. with any of them.

That's what they want anyway... to have all the holy lands cleansed of infidels.


New member
papasmerf said:
A good suggestion, maybe.

But were the USA to withdraw farea and an all out war erupted. Wouldn't many rush to blame the USA?

But Papa the US is in an all out occupation of a country that has developed into a war against the resistance elements of the population. Every time they kill one resistance they create 32 enemies in the immediate family, and it will last generations. It gets to be a large number after awhile. Certain members of your congress have recognised this inescapable truth.

Either way there is going to be a war in that country, with or with out the US presence there. Which will you prefer? In any case, the US will only retreat as far back as the bases, and keep control over the oil and keep the supply lines open. There is going to be a large price tag for this concession and theoretically the Iraqi natural resource will pay.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
lenharper said:
What would I do?

First off I would have tried to get and assess the actual numbers and strength of the terrorist organization instead of immediately assuming it was a multi-headed hydra that posed a clear, immediate and overwheling threat to the "free world". (Yes I realize they launched an attack on the WTC and the Pentagon but that was in the grand scheme of things a small victory).

If I had found that the numbers were such that I felt that a combination of conventional and non-conventional forces could handle them I would have attacked them in the place I believe they were based and continued those attacks until I was assured of victory instead of attacking another country and dividing the western world.

Also while taking measures to try and stop another attack from occuring on my own soil I would not have effected major changes in my country's way of life (abadonning the principles set out in the Geneva Convention) while endevouring to bring the perpetrators I had captured (the people at G-Bay) to a quick, public and fair trial therfore reasserting the belief that we are "morally" better than our enemy.

Finally I would not be turning my department of Homeland security into the propoganda wing of Al Quada and constantly exagerating the power that these peole have to wreck havoc on the western world. In essense I would work covertly while turning the camera away from my enemy as any police force does in a hijacking or hostage situation.

Some very good ideas and observation in the last two paragraphs.

As for estimating the count? You would have to include all potentual combatants. This would not work because that would include any member of islam who ever recited any pro-islamic verse. As we know most in islam are not polting to strap a bomb on and head off to the mall. Trying to identify is a slow and deliberate process.

A quick thought on Club Gitmo. Do you believe for a moment the nubers would be there if usefull information was not being gleaned from many there?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Mcluhan said:
But Papa the US is in an all out occupation of a country that has developed into a war against the resistance elements of the population. Every time they kill one resistance they create 32 enemies in the immediate family, and it will last generations. It gets to be a large number after awhile. Certain members of your congress have recognised this inescapable truth.

Either way there is going to be a war in that country, with or with out the US presence there. Which will you prefer? In any case, the US will only retreat as far back as the bases, and keep control over the oil and keep the supply lines open. There is going to be a large price tag for this concession and theoretically the Iraqi natural resource will pay.
The question remains

What would you do?


New member
Loss Vs loss-squared

papasmerf said:
The question remains

What would you do?
I wouldn't be in there in the first place. It was moronic. Now you are asking me to put myself in the shoes of the moron and make his decision. I would say to the moron, pull out. Your first loss is your best loss - eat it and move on.

Do you have a similar logic system behind the moron's decision to buck that advice and stay? If so, let's hear it.
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