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Ashley Madison

What would Jesus do?


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
by Remi Kanazi
Picture this: A cartoon of Jesus, with his pants down, smiling, raping a little boy. The caption above it reads “Got Catholicism?” Or how about a picture of a Rabbi with blood dripping from his mouth after bludgeoning a small Palestinian boy with a knife shaped like the Star of David—the caption reads “The Devil’s Chosen Ones.”

I wonder if people around the world would just consider this free speech? Of course, some would condone or agree with one, two or all three, while others would say “it’s free speech,” although they “find it offensive and in poor taste.” But do you honestly think media outlets such as the BBC, Le Monde, or any media outlet in Copenhagen would pick up these cartoons? The outrage would begin instantly and advertisers would pullout. Yet, those in Denmark and their supporters around Europe call it freedom of speech to have a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed—who is not supposed be depicted to prevent idolatry according to clerical interpretation of the Koran—with a turban shaped like a bomb on his head.

The double standard the West has set for the rest of the world is disgusting. We live in a foolish bubble where we think we are free to say or do whatever we want without consequence. I remember watching Saturday Night Live when Sinead O’Connor ripped up a picture of the Pope. The furor was enormous, which led to NBC receiving a 2.5 million dollar fine by the Federal Communications Commission. Imagine if it was a picture of Jesus—the US Congress would have made the Teri Schiavo intervention look like a joke.

Where are the pictures of the dead soldiers, the dead women and children in the Western media? Some governments won’t allow it and other media outlets just fear the backlash. When I need journalistic honesty, I have to turn to Al Jazeera, why is that? One cannot even deny the Holocaust in Europe, question 9/11 in America (unless you want the Ward Churchill treatment), but the West claims they’re all about free speech.

It is no coincidence the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is grossly pro-Israeli. It is no coincidence that you never heard the full quotes of Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s comments on Israel and the Holocaust—no matter the basis. And it is no coincidence that Arab analysts who are against the war in Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, and America’s “war on terror” are insufficiently represented in the European press.

So what are Muslims to do? Violence is out of the question—that would be “an overreaction.” So why not boycott? That would be a mistake as well, according to the European Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini who stated, “Calls for boycotts or for restraints on the freedom of the press are completely unacceptable.” What Frattini meant to say is that Muslims should choose capitalism over faith. Maybe the European Union will clarify through a cartoon—Mohammed selling the Koran for ten bucks in a Danish pawn shop. But boycotting is a friend of the West. However, they more conveniently title it “sanctions.” I’m sure we all remember the 500,000 Iraqi women and children that died because of the UN boycotts on Iraq after the first Gulf War.

Is Europe willing to continue this new trend against boycotts? Will the European community call on Israel to show Paradise Now in non-independent theatres? It’s the only way to stop the boycott of Palestinian freedom of speech. Will the European Union resume aide to the Hamas-led Palestinian government tomorrow? Since Hamas’ call for the destruction of Israel is protected under the clause of freedom of speech and the group stopped suicide attacks 18 months ago, it only seems logical.

If Denmark, Norway, France, Germany and the rest of Europe believe in the freedom of speech, it should include all instances and all religions. These nations are carelessly defending their hypocrisy and reinforcing the double standard that alienates Muslims and desecrates the Muslim faith, under the guise of free speech. I guess only one question remains for small Norwegian Christian newspapers like Magazinet that reprinted the cartoons: What would Jesus do?


New member
Mar 21, 2005
If a newspaper in the same countries put out 12, say, anti-gay or anti-feminist cartoons in a row, the editors would already be in jail for hate crimes, and we wouldn't be hearing anything about free speech- except perhaps that America has too much of it, and ought to follow the more enlightened European model immediately in order to protect minority rights, etc.

If Europeans want to fight a race-war with their Arabs, at least let them be open about it instead of shame-facedly hiding behind "freedom of speech", which was never really understood or accepted on the Continent to begin with, and wouldn't even exist there at all if America hadn't imposed it by force.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
*nihilismo per le dame*

Cinema Face said:
Turn the other cheek.

"Forgive them father, for they know not what they do."
What? Nah! That's the old Jesus! The new, improved one would invade on a flimsy pretext, rig bids for his pals, and stick the poor with the tab.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
maxweber said:
What? Nah! That's the old Jesus! The new, improved one would invade on a flimsy pretext, rig bids for his pals, and stick the poor with the tab.

Sounds like you figure Jesus is a liberal.

Prehaps you should read His Father's Book.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
fantasy & projection

Truncador said:
If a newspaper in the same countries put out 12, say, anti-gay or anti-feminist cartoons in a row, the editors would already be in jail for hate crimes, and we wouldn't be hearing anything about free speech- except perhaps that America has too much of it, and ought to follow the more enlightened European model immediately in order to protect minority rights, etc.
This is the most outrageous hyperbole. Name me ONE singe case, anywhere in Europe or North America, that fits this scenario. The only person ever charged with hate crimes in Canada were Holocaust deniers Ernst Zundel & Jim Keegstra--and they got off. The Rev. Fred Phelps, who publicly advocates execvuting homosexuals, has endured no punishkent worse than the mockery and scorn his vile philosophy attracts. Nobody, NOBODY has gone or will go to jail for homophobia, misogyny, or racist popaganda.

If Europeans want to fight a race-war with their Arabs, at least let them be open about it instead of shame-facedly hiding behind "freedom of speech", which was never really understood or accepted on the Continent to begin with, and wouldn't even exist there at all if America hadn't imposed it by force.
Eh? You've totally lost me here. What are you saying?



New member
Mar 21, 2005
maxweber said:
Eh? You've totally lost me here. What are you saying?

-That a European who crows too much about freedom of speech is trying to sell you something

-That right about now, America's ever-so-civilized social betters across the pond are gearing up to display a particularly ugly side of their humane and enlightened collectivist social systems.


Nov 25, 2005
*d* said:
by Remi Kanazi
Picture this: A cartoon of Jesus, with his pants down, smiling, raping a little boy. The caption above it reads “Got Catholicism?” Or how about a picture of a Rabbi with blood dripping from his mouth after bludgeoning a small Palestinian boy with a knife shaped like the Star of David—the caption reads “The Devil’s Chosen Ones.”

I wonder if people around the world would just consider this free speech? Of course, some would condone or agree with one, two or all three, while others would say “it’s free speech,” although they “find it offensive and in poor taste.” But do you honestly think media outlets such as the BBC, Le Monde, or any media outlet in Copenhagen would pick up these cartoons? The outrage would begin instantly and advertisers would pullout. Yet, those in Denmark and their supporters around Europe call it freedom of speech to have a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed—who is not supposed be depicted to prevent idolatry according to clerical interpretation of the Koran—with a turban shaped like a bomb on his head.

The double standard the West has set for the rest of the world is disgusting. We live in a foolish bubble where we think we are free to say or do whatever we want without consequence. I remember watching Saturday Night Live when Sinead O’Connor ripped up a picture of the Pope. The furor was enormous, which led to NBC receiving a 2.5 million dollar fine by the Federal Communications Commission. Imagine if it was a picture of Jesus—the US Congress would have made the Teri Schiavo intervention look like a joke.

Where are the pictures of the dead soldiers, the dead women and children in the Western media? Some governments won’t allow it and other media outlets just fear the backlash. When I need journalistic honesty, I have to turn to Al Jazeera, why is that? One cannot even deny the Holocaust in Europe, question 9/11 in America (unless you want the Ward Churchill treatment), but the West claims they’re all about free speech.

It is no coincidence the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is grossly pro-Israeli. It is no coincidence that you never heard the full quotes of Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s comments on Israel and the Holocaust—no matter the basis. And it is no coincidence that Arab analysts who are against the war in Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, and America’s “war on terror” are insufficiently represented in the European press.

So what are Muslims to do? Violence is out of the question—that would be “an overreaction.” So why not boycott? That would be a mistake as well, according to the European Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini who stated, “Calls for boycotts or for restraints on the freedom of the press are completely unacceptable.” What Frattini meant to say is that Muslims should choose capitalism over faith. Maybe the European Union will clarify through a cartoon—Mohammed selling the Koran for ten bucks in a Danish pawn shop. But boycotting is a friend of the West. However, they more conveniently title it “sanctions.” I’m sure we all remember the 500,000 Iraqi women and children that died because of the UN boycotts on Iraq after the first Gulf War.

Is Europe willing to continue this new trend against boycotts? Will the European community call on Israel to show Paradise Now in non-independent theatres? It’s the only way to stop the boycott of Palestinian freedom of speech. Will the European Union resume aide to the Hamas-led Palestinian government tomorrow? Since Hamas’ call for the destruction of Israel is protected under the clause of freedom of speech and the group stopped suicide attacks 18 months ago, it only seems logical.

If Denmark, Norway, France, Germany and the rest of Europe believe in the freedom of speech, it should include all instances and all religions. These nations are carelessly defending their hypocrisy and reinforcing the double standard that alienates Muslims and desecrates the Muslim faith, under the guise of free speech. I guess only one question remains for small Norwegian Christian newspapers like Magazinet that reprinted the cartoons: What would Jesus do?

Oh STFU a cartoon of Mohammad with a bomb in his turban does not compare to a cartoon of Jesus raping a little boy. If you can't see this, you are hopeless.

I will say that the Arab cartoons showing Jews mixing the blood of Arab babies with their matzo are far more offensive, but you don't see the orthodox Jews rioting.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
arclighter said:
I will say that the Arab cartoons showing Jews mixing the blood of Arab babies with their matzo are far more offensive, but you don't see the orthodox Jews rioting.
Similarly when Muslims blew up those Buddhist statues, Buddhist didn't go rioting. When the picture of the Pope was torn up on Saturday Night Live, Catholics didn't burn the offices of NBC.

There's a pattern here and ordinary Muslims are silently standing by, doing nothing. Because inside, they approve of it.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
nathan_wong0 said:
AMEN TO THAT...At least Jesus doesn't incite hatred and violence!
Ever heard of the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition:mad: Oh, and by the way, the irish situation???
May 3, 2004
sorely said:
Ever heard of the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition:mad: Oh, and by the way, the irish situation???
There was also Grog the Caveman who led his fellow pre-Christo-fascist Troglodyte cave-dwellers on a crusade in a pre-historic Umbrian olive grove.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
rogerstaubach said:
There was also Grog the Caveman who led his fellow pre-Christo-fascist Troglodyte cave-dwellers on a crusade in a pre-historic Umbrian olive grove.
Ya but they were crusading for rj'ing sp's.;)


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
The double standard the West has set for the rest of the world is disgusting.
Yeah, almost as disgusting as know nothing apologists who are ready to excuse any behaviour.

The cartoons were tasteless, and shouldn't have been printed. But, that's only half the story. If they were printed to test and provoke, then the Muslim community failed with flying colours. To use your example, Jesus could have been pictured sodomizing a little boy, and Christians would've been upset, but they wouldn't be out in their thousands burning down embassies and threatening death.

You can't force respect. If someone does not respect your religion, you may boycott products, protest, jump up and down and shout. But you CANNOT break the law. Those Muslims who live in the west and did so, should be jailed, plain and simple.

Freedom of speech means that occasionally you're going to have to stomach tasteless and offensive stuff. That's part of the cost of free speech.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
sorely said:
Ever heard of the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition:mad: Oh, and by the way, the irish situation???
This is exactly what the majority of silent Muslims are thinking - and secretly justifying and supporting the violence.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Cinema Face said:
Turn the other cheek.

"Forgive them father, for they know not what they do."
AMEN TO THAT ..... and this being said by Him, the neocons, who are nothing more than an updated version of the Pharisees of the Old Testament, would crucify Him all over again.

Sorry Jesus .... my
base comes FIRST !!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Originally Posted by maxweber
What? Nah! That's the old Jesus! The new, improved one would invade on a flimsy pretext, rig bids for his pals, and stick the poor with the tab.


To which pops reponds:

papasmerf said:
Sounds like you figure Jesus is a liberal.

Prehaps you should read His Father's Book.
Classic pops, classic popa-speak!
It don't get any better than that.......:p

Hell even Dubya knows Jesus
was the first original hippy !!!


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
Being as (some) muslims say they are killing Westerners for Allah, hence the cartoons portraying Mohhamud as bloodthirsty. Can you say that a jesus raping a child cartoon is based on priests raping kids and saying that God told them to do it? No fucking way! Christian religions don't OK abusing anyone so that arguement has no merit. And please stop bringing up the crusades!!! That was what, a thousand years ago. Catholics have EVOLVED into knowing that was wrong.Muslims are still doing it a thousand years later and some of thier religous leaders are telling them this jihad is what Allah wants.
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