What were the reason(s) for your breakup(s)?


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
Time to come clean- What were the reason(s) for your breakup(s)?

Was it money issues?
Was it dishonesty?
Was it a simple but important misunderstanding?
Was it family- yours or hers?
Was it different expectations?
What was/were the reason/s?

Bonus points if you reveal your age and the age of the person you broke up with, and the length of time you were together.

It is my anticipation that of all the reasons people give, there will be a small number of reasons that will repeat throughout this thread.

I'll start things off

I had two significant relationships in my past, both in my later 20s. I am now several decades older. The first was with a Canadian Filipina who was 30 years old. I thought she was younger. She revealed her age early on. According to me, we were together for roughly one year. According to her, we were together for roughly two years. It turned out that she wanted to settle down & start making babies. When I realized this I did the honorable thing and I ended the relationship. We kept in touch for a short time afterwards, until she found a husband. This now meant no further contact. I look back favorably on those days. She took good care of me, not only sex, but in every other way as well. I knew she would be upset, but I did the right thing. She was a real sweetheart. It was tough, because I did not want to hurt her. I am sure she has made her husband a happy man. I can only hope that he was/is able to make her happy. In summary, I ended the relationship, because our expectations were not aligned. I have no rancor to her, and I'm sure she has no rancor to me. We do not share any acquaintances, so I am sure we will never bump into each other, except perhaps on the street, by accident. I look back on those days fondly. She made my life easier. It's tough to wear a mask, be on your best behavior, for a whole year, or two. She was the real deal.

Relationship experts (whoever they are) say the best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else.

My second significant relationship just barely got started, and it lasted all of three or four months, roughly. She was 29, a few years older than I was, and also on the hunt to lock a man down. Silly me, I did not understand that. She was very attractive, and several of my buds expressed envy at the arm candy I had. I won't lie, being envied felt good. However, she never missed an opportunity to shit test me- calling me cheap, saying I run like a girl, and many other things to deliberately put me on the spot. As best as I can remember I responded with 'fine' or 'if you say so.' We barely started sleeping together, and then she invited me to have dinner with her family at her parents' house. I had the opportunity to meet her parents, her sister, her brother in-law, and her young neices. I was not keen on this, but I said yes anyway. To repeat- Silly me, I did not get that she had a plan. They wanted to check me out.

The next day or soon after, she said I did not pass muster with her family. I was not looking for a wife. I was only looking to have fun, so I did not care that I did not pass muster with them. She fired me. I was polite when she gave me my notice, I did not cry or beg her to reconsider. I might have calmly said something like 'I understand,' or words like that. Then I told her I still wanted to take her out to a fancy dinner. This was during the holiday season, and she spent what I thought was too much money on me, since we had only been together less than three months, so I felt obliged to respond in kind. After dinner I invited her to my apartment, and she said yes. But she would not sleep with me. Kissing fully dressed, was all she would permit. When it finally got through my head that no really meant no, I took her home, and that was the end.

We resumed our relationship a short time later, but the shit testing never stopped. Also at that time in my life, I felt it was more important to keep the peace than to say what I really thought (in hindsight, this was the training I received as a child- go along to get along, and as a kid, I did what I was told, most of the time, or suffer the consequences), and also in hindsight I understand how she might have been (was probably) misled. It did not end well. Lots of anger, from her, which I understand. Occasionally I wonder what would have happened if had the strength to be honest, or if I had broken free of my training as a child. Would she continue to shit test me? Would we have mutually agreed to end things? This was a woman that taught me a lot, just by being herself. What I finally figured out was that she was trying to control me*. This was never true with my Filipina gal, my Filipina gal was happy just to be close to me. I will put up with controllers to a point, if they explain why they want me to behave in a certain way, and it makes sense to me. But we were just getting started in this relationship that went nowhere fast. If she was done with me, as she had said, then why did she accept my offer for a fancy dinner? And why did she accept my offer to return to my place? I think she was not being entirely honest, at best she was unsure of what she wanted, at worst she was trying to extract resources from me, even if that meant she had to bend the truth. She should have cut her losses and said no to my offer. It was a little after this fancy dinner that she saw fit to be my girfriend again. One thing that nags at me is - why did she come back? We were together for a few more weeks, but when I refused to bow to her will she must have decided I was not worth the effort. Hence the anger.

In summary it was her that broke us up- both times, I was upset for a short time, but then I recovered. I think the reason for the breakup is because neither of us were honest. We both had an agenda, which is not a bad thing by itself. It becomes a bad thing when you try coercing people, and this was her style. She wanted someone malleable. I'd be willing to change my behaviour to a point, if she could make her reasons clear, and if I could see the benefit, then most likely I would. But neither one of us wanted to be used for someone else's agenda. This woman did not make my life easier.

In both cases I did a postmortem on those relationships- what went well, what went poorly, what to say, what not to say,....etc.

One thing I learned is that fear is always behind anger. Knowing this, think about the times in your life where anger was present, and you will rethink the situation. For instance, when your parents got angry with you when you stayed out past curfew, back in the day. Fear is what got them bent out of shape.

*We are always controlling each other. We have all been controlled/trained to stop at a red light. And everybody is happy to be controlled in that way. People stop at red light because they choose to. They know that stopping at a red will make their life easier.

Among other things, I learned that very attractive women see the world differently, because their experience of being in the world is different from the rest of us. They usually get lots of attention (not all of it is wanted, this can make them bitchy, I suppose I would behave the same, having no peace whenever I was out in public. One of my brothers many years ago talked about a gorgeous female friend of his, whom I had met, and it's true, she was gorgeous, centerfold worthy. He said she often dressed down, made herself less attractive, when she left the house). Many are taught they don't have do anything to receive privileges, just show up, and privileges are given to you. This reminds me of a woman who I was a childhood friend with. We went our separate ways when grade school ended, and many years later we met up again. She developed into a very attractive lady (who much later killed herself). We went on a few dates, one date was to the Ex, and at least once we were waved in ahead of the line. In that case the bouncer even said to her face something like "I'm letting you skip the line because you're so attractive." At the time I thought to myself WTF? Actually, I still think that way.

I'm also thinking it can't be easy when women lose their youthful beauty, when just showing up used to get them lots, and now gets them lots of nothin'. They had become accustomed, taught, to expect extra consideration. This is the meaning of the quote from Lauren Bacall who said "Every beautiful woman dies twice."

I have always been polite and give basic respect to others, but for many years now I have also been honest, and direct. I no longer worry about saying no to someone, for the sake of keeping the peace. Because of this many familial relationships have changed for the better, for me. The others in my family whom I had taught could take advantage of me, no longer do. I have learned that people have more respect for a clear, unambiguous no, than for a wishy washy reply- something that means no, but you do not want to say no, and you hope the person you are talking to will just get it by osmosis. I have also learned that people take you much more seriously if you speak calmly (and carry a big stick). Like everything else this takes practice, and the more you do it , the easier it gets. If they can't handle your reply, they can yell and scream, and often they do. I have been yelled and screamed at from people at a much higher station in life. This tells me they have nothing left in their quiver. Also, I have learned there is much less likelihood of a misunderstanding when you make yourself clear. Much less chance of someone saying 'when you said this, I thought you meant that.'

Now if wifey says she would like...
If it's not clear to me I will ask her straight out 'Are you asking me to do this thing?' Sometimes she will say yes, other times she will say no.

Remember, you can disagree without being disagreeable, and kindness does not mean weakness. You can politely say no. Just be honest, and direct. The rest should take care of itself, unless the person you are talking to has an agenda- and they will not accept a no.

At this point in the op-ed column, I would to like to plug an online book from the Toronto Library. The title is "You just Don't Understand" by Deborah Tannen. It examines the ways men and women express themselves. What is behind the words that are being spoken. I started and finished the book during this lockdown. All you need is a library card, and the internet.

Alright, I'm done.

Who is next....?

Men? Women? Others? I don't discriminate.....
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
my ex was an unresponsive, liar, ungrateful wench and consantly make exuses when i try to plan hang outs and dates with her. known her for 10 years. the the first 5 was a booty call arrangement with sex once a week. after 5 years she asked me to buy a cellphone plan for her which i did and i offered free ESL lessons for her cousin who was struggling with his english in a Toronto college of applied arts and technology. I thought she wanted a relationship with me instead of weekly booty calls. during the last 5 years. it was good until she got ill with her tonsils she had tonsil surgery and it all went downhill. once a week visits turn to every 2 weeks.

when i try to plan hangouts and dates she always she she is too busy, have a lot of work, etc. when i try to talk with her she mainly gives one word answers, barely respond to texts, and voice calls and when she answered she talks as if she is in hurry and hang up. this continues until she left Canada without telling me. her cousin who i helped with his ESL told me she left Canada., when i called him asking where my "gf" is. one year later i accidentally found out she returned to Canada when i was checking my whats app she uploaded a new avatar picture. i then google her phone number i found an ad she placed in a local chinese newspaper/classifieds about renting rooms for students around 4 months earlier. fortunatley seeing SPs here that are here on Terb helps me to move on

when i start watching videos from a youtuber named Darius M (this thread i started has 2 of his videos https://terb.cc/xenforo/threads/make-her-chase-you.717365/ ) he talks about the same problems he had in the past with women. the unresponsiveness, one word responses, excuse they made when you try to make plans, etc all thesesigns means that the attraction is declining or she is not into you and he said to dump women that exhibit these traits and keep it moving and develop an abundance mentality and instead date women who have an interest in you and don't use these tactics listed above.

if i had known these signs that Darius M i would have dumped my ex earlier
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Oct 24, 2018

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Breakups. You would think that when you stop fucking them they would take that as a hint. Not so. Somerset Maugham said. The easiest thing in the world is to get a woman.....(something I have never found) But the hardest thing is getting rid of them. With little experience in success with women when I was young, and alright,now I'm old, fuck off, I didn't realize you can break up with them. I thought you needed someone's permission. Theirs. They definitely don't let you off the hook when they don't want to. No problem dumping you though.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Serious girlfriend no. 1 in university. Loved her more than life itself. I would have taken a bullet for her. I was pathetic. She dumped me after 3 years because she wanted to date other men. I was seriously fucked up for almost a decade. I could never give my heart to another woman because I was still in love with her. We hooked up probably 3 times over the period of that decade. She was 6 feet of stunning blonde model. Smart to boot. I thought the sex was great, but in retrospect, it was average at best. Oh, and she turned out to be a manic depressive suffering from schizophrenia.

Serious Girlfriend No. 2. We were late 20's to early 30's. PhD. Girl next door looks, loved to fuck, great cock suckered. Together for 6 or so years, lived together, bought a house together. She was nuts about me and probably asked me to marry her 3 times. No where near the intensity of GF No. 1 for me. We fought like cats and dogs. Always her lashing out at me and always the same reasons. 1. My family 2. My friends 3. My work. It was constant and sometimes violent with her physically attacking me. I would tell her we were done and she would instantly change her tune. I remember walking out the door and her locking her arms around my leg begging me not to go and me dragging her across the floor. She would always cry, and then use sex to break my resolve and it worked like a charm. I had no intention of marrying her because I could not stand the bickering. She wanted me to divorce my family and friends and that frankly was never going to happen. She hated my mother and both my brothers. She finally realized I wasn't going to marry her and took up with a other guy. I was relieved. They ended up getting married, but she would slither into my bed from time to time for years. Finally she just couldn't handle the lies and we parted ways for good.

I won't get into my 2 ex wives other than to say its not what you'd ever think.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Sounds like #2 was a borderline personality disorder type jtk. Consider yourself blessed to be out of it. I'm batting .667 on dumping v being dumped. The first time ever dumped (me early in uni) was the worse, like yours, cuz we're young and don't have perspective. Better luck mate!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
One breakup was due to mental illness (her part)
One breakup was due to disinterest (on my part)
The final breakup was due to cheating (on her part). After I had financially supported her while she was doing her MBA. That was the last straw for me.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
1. She went to a party, to much to drink, got pregnant with her bosses baby, broke up with me and married him.

2. I was an idiot she was perfect, she was 3 years younger, became a very famous Doctor and has helped thousands of families conceive.

3. The girl I left the Doctor for, total Alfa super successful, business woman with an ambitious drive like I never seen before, very good looking. I was working dead end job, stopped working out, got fat lost hair, my life was going no where, condemned to a life of being a low blue color worker. On top of being totally predictable and boring. She fell for a coworker, gave me thanks and walked out the door, we were engaged and living together

4. Doctor #2, total smoke show, I started working out after fiance left. She told me that she didn't care if I was a blue color worker as long as it was something I chose to do and not had to do. Showed me how she worked so hard to be a Doctor and expected same. Returned to school and before you know it religion got in the way, we were of different faiths and it just didn't work out

5. Met ex wife, amazing woman showed me a world I never knew before, encourage me in a way that I was able to reach my full potential. Until we both were immature and fucked up a really good thing, mostly my fault 60/40.

6. Met the Devil her self, real life fucking fatal attraction type, almost killed me several times. Thank God will never cross her path again.

7. Karma made it up to me, pray every day it never ends, took everything I learned from past and so far so good.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Serious girlfriend no. 1 in university. Loved her more than life itself. I would have taken a bullet for her. I was pathetic. She dumped me after 3 years because she wanted to date other men. I was seriously fucked up for almost a decade. I could never give my heart to another woman because I was still in love with her. We hooked up probably 3 times over the period of that decade. She was 6 feet of stunning blonde model. Smart to boot. I thought the sex was great, but in retrospect, it was average at best. Oh, and she turned out to be a manic depressive suffering from schizophrenia.

Serious Girlfriend No. 2. We were late 20's to early 30's. PhD. Girl next door looks, loved to fuck, great cock suckered. Together for 6 or so years, lived together, bought a house together. She was nuts about me and probably asked me to marry her 3 times. No where near the intensity of GF No. 1 for me. We fought like cats and dogs. Always her lashing out at me and always the same reasons. 1. My family 2. My friends 3. My work. It was constant and sometimes violent with her physically attacking me. I would tell her we were done and she would instantly change her tune. I remember walking out the door and her locking her arms around my leg begging me not to go and me dragging her across the floor. She would always cry, and then use sex to break my resolve and it worked like a charm. I had no intention of marrying her because I could not stand the bickering. She wanted me to divorce my family and friends and that frankly was never going to happen. She hated my mother and both my brothers. She finally realized I wasn't going to marry her and took up with a other guy. I was relieved. They ended up getting married, but she would slither into my bed from time to time for years. Finally she just couldn't handle the lies and we parted ways for good.

I won't get into my 2 ex wives other than to say its not what you'd ever think.
You dated a border line dude, dangerous women when they are violent.
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Active member
May 9, 2014
All break ups were due to boredom probably on both ends. I just can't last more than a year; I hate being tied down especially if you don't live together.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Medical reasons.

She got sick and tired of me.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Sounds like #2 was a borderline personality disorder type jtk. Consider yourself blessed to be out of it. I'm batting .667 on dumping v being dumped. The first time ever dumped (me early in uni) was the worse, like yours, cuz we're young and don't have perspective. Better luck mate!

I had heard the term "borderline personality disorder" before, however I didn't know what it meant. So I googled it and most of the symptoms (like 6 or 7 out of 9) were definitely there. Especially fear of abandonment. I had attributed it to her issues growing up where her parents kicked her out of the house when she was 16. (She grew up in Britain and apparently, that was legal.)

Twice she physically attacked me when we were arguing (don't even remember about what, most likely about my family). I am 6-3 and probably had 80 pounds on her but that didn't stop her. And she was pretty strong. One argument I definitely do recall (due to its absurdity) was after we bought a house, I discovered it needed a new roof. (No big deal to me since it was an old house and it was bought as is and I knew it needed a lot of work.) She went ape. I remember we were in bed, I brought up the need for a new roof and she got really angry like somehow I had missed that fact in the purchase. After bitching at me in bed, she gets up ranting and raving and goes down to the kitchen and i hear her smashing plates and slamming cupboards. I just laid there thinking, "what have I gotten myself into."

Funny now when I think about it.

Thing is, if you were to meet her, I guarantee you'd find her very charming and personable. Thing is, there was that devil just below the surface.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014

I had heard the term "borderline personality disorder" before, however I didn't know what it meant. So I googled it and most of the symptoms (like 6 or 7 out of 9) were definitely there. Especially fear of abandonment. I had attributed it to her issues growing up where her parents kicked her out of the house when she was 16. (She grew up in Britain and apparently, that was legal.)

Twice she physically attacked me when we were arguing (don't even remember about what, most likely about my family). I am 6-3 and probably had 80 pounds on her but that didn't stop her. And she was pretty strong. One argument I definitely do recall (due to its absurdity) was after we bought a house, I discovered it needed a new roof. (No big deal to me since it was an old house and it was bought as is and I knew it needed a lot of work.) She went ape. I remember we were in bed, I brought up the need for a new roof and she got really angry like somehow I had missed that fact in the purchase. After bitching at me in bed, she gets up ranting and raving and goes down to the kitchen and i hear her smashing plates and slamming cupboards. I just laid there thinking, "what have I gotten myself into."

Funny now when I think about it.

Thing is, if you were to meet her, I guarantee you'd find her very charming and personable. Thing is, there was that devil just below the surface.
That's another hallmark of borderline. They usually make great first impressions and are often charming. As a colleague once said like comedian Jeff "you might be a redneck" Foxworthy: "if you met a woman and had the best sex of your life for a month, and then the next month wanted to murder her...well, you just miiiiiight have dated a borderline" lol.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Alcohol, teens to early twenties. Alcohol, late twenties to early thirties. Alcohol and the last one...stupid


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
The only way to keep a woman interested is to constantly demean her. Do not ever look up to her. Treat her like a child and she'll want to fuck you every day.

Divorce is sky rocketing because most men do the exact opposite.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
I had heard the term "borderline personality disorder" before, however I didn't know what it meant. So I googled it and most of the symptoms (like 6 or 7 out of 9) were definitely there. Especially fear of abandonment. I had attributed it to her issues growing up where her parents kicked her out of the house when she was 16. (She grew up in Britain and apparently, that was legal.)

Twice she physically attacked me when we were arguing (don't even remember about what, most likely about my family). I am 6-3 and probably had 80 pounds on her but that didn't stop her. And she was pretty strong. One argument I definitely do recall (due to its absurdity) was after we bought a house, I discovered it needed a new roof. (No big deal to me since it was an old house and it was bought as is and I knew it needed a lot of work.) She went ape. I remember we were in bed, I brought up the need for a new roof and she got really angry like somehow I had missed that fact in the purchase. After bitching at me in bed, she gets up ranting and raving and goes down to the kitchen and i hear her smashing plates and slamming cupboards. I just laid there thinking, "what have I gotten myself into."

Funny now when I think about it.

Thing is, if you were to meet her, I guarantee you'd find her very charming and personable. Thing is, there was that devil just below the surface.
My stepmother had a case of BPD. Research says it is mostly women who have this type of mental illness. I don't think she was ever officially diagnosed, but she checked many of the boxes. My widowed father fell head over heels in love (more probably in lust) with this women, until her mask came off, and she revealed who she really was. The marriage lasted only three years, and then Pops died. I heard from Dad's friends long after he passed that he told his friends that she gave the best sex ever. The official cause of death was a heart attack. But I'm sure it was caused by stress, from her. To her small credit, she never destroyed anything, not deliberately, if she destroyed anything it was from being too reckless. My siblings and the extended family never experienced this type of mental illness. Everybody was walking on eggs when she was around. For a long time after he died, she called him a true friend. Fact is, he would not tolerate her crap. He was a man of stone. Things might have gone better if he had occasionally lost his cool. But she played him like a yo-yo. I think the sex was too good. It's incredible what us guys will tolerate to get laid. She was also perhaps a 7/10 on the hotness scale. She was a first class manipulator. She ruined other lives as well.

Anyone who wants a definition should look at a reputable medical website. I find the Mayo Clinic to be a good source.
Here is the link https://www.mayoclinic.org/
And here is the link for Borderline Personality Disorder https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases...onality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20370237
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
My stepmother had a case of BPD. Research says it is mostly women who have this type of mental illness. I don't think she was ever officially diagnosed, but she checked many of the boxes. My widowed father fell head over heels in love (more probably in lust) with this women, until her mask came off, and she revealed who she really was. The marriage lasted only three years, and then Pops died. I heard from Dad's friends long after he passed that he told his friends that she gave the best sex ever. The official cause of death was a heart attack. But I'm sure it was caused by stress, from her. To her small credit, she never destroyed anything, not deliberately, if she destroyed anything it was from being too reckless. My siblings and the extended family never experienced this type of mental illness. Everybody was walking on eggs when she was around. For a long time after he died, she called him a true friend. Fact is, he would not tolerate her crap. He was a man of stone. Things might have gone better if he had occasionally lost his cool. But she played him like a yo-yo. I think the sex was too good. It's incredible what us guys will tolerate to get laid. She was also perhaps a 7/10 on the hotness scale. She was a first class manipulator. She ruined other lives as well.

Anyone who wants a definition should look at a reputable medical website. I find the Mayo Clinic to be a good source.
Here is the link https://www.mayoclinic.org/
And here is the link for Borderline Personality Disorder https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases...onality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20370237
That's the site I found last night and I thought, "hmm, Mayo clinic is reputable"

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • An intense fear of abandonment, even going to extreme measures to avoid real or imagined separation or rejection - OH YES. Severely so.
  • A pattern of unstable intense relationships, such as idealizing someone one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel - Yes
  • Rapid changes in self-identity and self-image that include shifting goals and values, and seeing yourself as bad or as if you don't exist at all - yes. Constantly changing jobs, looking for a new path, and getting fired from several jobs in a few years.
  • Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality, lasting from a few minutes to a few hours - yes.
  • Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating or drug abuse, or sabotaging success by suddenly quitting a good job or ending a positive relationship - eating disorder yes, changing jobs yes, rest no. She was far too intelligent for that.
  • Suicidal threats or behavior or self-injury, often in response to fear of separation or rejection - no
  • Wide mood swings lasting from a few hours to a few days, which can include intense happiness, irritability, shame or anxiety - oh yes.
  • Ongoing feelings of emptiness - dunno.
  • Inappropriate, intense anger, such as frequently losing your temper, being sarcastic or bitter, or having physical fights - oh yes.
It also drove her nuts if there was a deviation from a plan and she would become furious. Example, one time, I invited her to an event I wanted to go to and she didn't want to go. Fair enough, so I said, "you do your thing today, I will do mine". She said OK, and I thought everything was golden. At the show, I ran into a good friend of mine who invited me and her over to his house for dinner that evening. I called her up and said, "hey, ran into "Todd", he's invited us over for a bbq, jump in the car and head over". She knew Todd very well told me no, but for me to go. I could tell she wasn't impressed, but I figured, it wasn't like she had any plans so fuck it, I'm going, she's just being difficult.

I got home to the apartment we were living in later that night and virtually everything I owned was thrown out in the hallway strewn on the floor.

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