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What was your first fight like?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
When I 16, my older brother 26 smacked my mother. I kicked the shit out of him. Police and Ambulances. My mom was a petite woman 5.0 and slim. My sibling 6'0 over 300lbs. Me 5'3 180, strong as an oxe, and built like a brick shithouse. Mom off to one hospital by ambulance, Brother off to another by ambulance, me in the back of the police cruiser handcuffed. My dad came home, and went nuts, and he's the big guy 6'3 280, former soldier. I spent 3 nights in youth jail, and got into one more fight to keep those pieces of shit in line. That's it!


Apr 21, 2009
wherever I want
Hach, was soll ich sagen? :) #erstmal eins vorweg, ich habe gerade GaGa live gesehen bei den MTV AMA´s, man hot, hotter, GaGa :) Wie gesagt ich liebe deine Comments auch, freue mich sie jeden Abend zu lesen :) Wie süüßßßßßß von dir, das würdest du tun? :) BOAH FUCK GaGa hat noch nicht mal den Award gegen eine für uns unbekannte Band gewonnen, ich könnte grad echt voll abkotzen. Ach mensch GaGa tut mir so leid, sie hätte es doch so verdient, ich will sie in meine Arme schließen, sie hat vorher schon bei den Nominees net so fröhlich dreingeschaut :-( Was ist los mit ihr?? Ich mache mir Sorgen...:-( Ich hoffe, sie gewinnt wenigstens den letzten Award Artist of the year. Aber ihr Auftritt war der Hammer *rrr* :) Hehe, dann ist ja gut, wenn das für dich behalten hast :-* Ja, ie silbernen sehen gut aus :) Musst mir von den Reaktionen dann mal erzählen :) Hehe, GaGa hat den Karton geküsst mein Lieber :)*lol* Aber hättest dir dann ne andere Stelle aussuchen müssen ;-) Hab mir überlegt, ich könnte mir auch ein Tatttoo von GaGa geben lassen auf meinen Körper *lol* Danke, dir bin gespannt wie und ob man bescheid bekommt. Aber dann musst du ja auch Glück haben, das sie über Web schreibt und nich über Twitter Berry oder so, wa? Ja, also, wenn es um Kontakt halten geht, bin ich sehr treu und verlässlich :) Hätte nix dagegen :) Ja, am Anfang, haben wir uns getroffen, aber ich weiß nicht mehr genau wie er aussieht und ihm geht es nicht anders. Hehe, das ist schön, das ich das bleibe, das freut mich *jump*:) Hehe, das kann ich ja schlecht jetzt schreiben, und das ergibt sich..Er hat keine Ahnung was er da mit mir tut.. Das war ja gar nicht geplant, ich habe sogar noch am Anfang gesagt,hey du bist gebunden, da meinte er, naja, das hört sich ja komisch an, aber hast ja irgendwie recht. aber die Gefühle haben sich geändert mit der Zeit. Nein, hat er nicht, seine letzte Mail war eigentlich voll süß, er schrieb das er sehr oft an mich gedacht hat und er sich dafür entschuldigt das er über ne woche nicht schreiben konnte, und dann plötzlich nix mehr. Nee, haben nie telefoniert, ich wollte ihn mal abends anrufen, wenn er das Handy mal mit nach Hause genommen hatte, wenn er wusste er ist alleine, aber dachte mir ich behalte mir das vor für nach seinem Urlaub tja, aber er hat das Handy seitdem nicht mehr an :-( Jetzt bereue ich es, das ich es den einen Abend nicht getan habe.Ach je, stimmt sorry, nicht dran gedacht.Naja, ich bevorzuge dann doch den Glühwein *lol* bzw. heißer Engel :) Freu mich schon auf Weihnachten, ich hoffe meine Schwester schafft es hier zu sein, aber ich finde es sehr schön, das wir endlcih wieder bei uns feiern, ist ja viel gemütlicher, als bei meinem Bruder :) Hehe, danke für die Nummer, werde idr dann mal schreiben, obwohl ich jetzt von Mo.-Mi. keine Zeit habe, also dann erst evtl. ab Donnerstag, ok. Du willst das immer posten, cool, das ja süß von dir :-* Gefällt mir das Bild:) Cool, EM hab ich auch grad Live gesehen, bin gespannt auf Relapse 2. IHDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDL, mein Honey!!!!! :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* ICH DRÜCKE DICH GANZ DOLL UND GEB DIR NOCH VIELLL MEHR KÜSSE. Bis denn darling :)


on former TERB in 90's
Aug 18, 2001
Locker room after gym class. I was 7 or 8, she insulted my older brother in front of me. I put her head in the toilet bowl. Got suspended from school for a week and had to sit through a very long talk from my parents and our priest about non-violence and turning the other cheek.

I learned my lesson.
That was me when I snuck into the girls locker room to try out this new thing I had heard of called daty but left wet and least the toilet was empty ...I THINK !!!

YEA I had long hair and was undercover but damn...........when I went outside.......
In either Gr. 4 or 5. This girl was picking on my brother after school at the park. I ended up pushing her to the ground, holding her face down in the park gravel and taking her shoe off and hitting her with it. She threatened that her dad was a police officer and he was coming to get me, he never did! :
I HAD LONG HAIR and he started it I was gonna bitch slap him ,,,,,,,,

my next fight LISA ...............

i think i was about 6, kicked the shit outta this boy (after my haircut) in a parents locked me up for a while, all i could do is cuss everybody outta the window
what she didn't say was that she sat on my face in that sandbox AND I LIKED IT and daty was born to me..........thanks LISA :)

I hired this model to re-enact the moment​



Kid called me a name in 7th grade so we had a big event down in the locker room. At least a dozen made the way for the big match. I was about 5'9" and maybe 115 lb if lucky, a scrawny thing. He was a bit bigger and i wondered if this was a good idea.

He jumped around and took a few swings and I was trying to figure the whole thing out. As I was trying to get the timing right he connected to my jaw. Didn't hurt too bad but he broke his hand or wrist, end of fight. I may have been small but no glass jaw. In hindsight I should have pummeled him while he was crying that his hand hurt.

I guess seeing him in a cast for a bit and me snickering was enough revenge. Still regret not throwing a single punch though ..... :cool:


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
I yelled, "THATS MY PURSE! I DON'T KNOW YOU!" Then I kicked him in the groin.

No wait, that was Bobby Hill.



Jul 2, 2004
Gr. 4. Was put in a religious private school, and some asshole in Gr. 5 bullied most of the, for lack of a better term, wimps. He was the son of a preacher's kid, and got away with it. Teacher's wouldn't do a damn thing, just walked away. This guy is beating the shit out of a third grader, and once again the teacher's saw, but ignored. Don't know why, but I went apeshit. Grabbed the guy and started beating the shit out of him. He fell to the ground and i just got on top of him, punching his face and not letting him get up. Conveniently, this is when the teacher's noticed. It took 4 of them to drag me off, and they were going to suspend me for a month. I was suspended for a day. All the parents of the victims of this asshole came forward, telling them their kids were terrified to go to school because of this bully, and that I was just standing up for them. Some threatened to sue, because I and other kids told them that the faculty would see the fight, and walk away. My suspension was cancelled, and I was back the next day. The preacher's son would never bully anyone when I could see him, and the staff finally started intervening when the bully would fight. The preacher took him out when his son got suspended, saying "My son would never fight, he's a man of God," or some stupid shit. Lost my respect for the religion after that day.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
My first fight......
I got home really, REALLY late the other night, and my wife was standing there in the garage doorway, her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. I ease out of my caddy SUV with the intent of sweet-talkin' her back down to a level on par with calmness, but she ATTACKS me....clawing at my face, some would say like a tigress! I don't want to putter around, so I jump back into my ride and start to drive. That just tee's her off even more! She grabs a 9-iron from out of nowhere and starts smashing the rear window. I distracts me so much I forget the lay of my front yard, and drive right into the rough bark of a tree and the hazard of a water hydrant. That's when things got a bit fuzzy...........


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
LOL... Seth.

My first fight......
I got home really, REALLY late the other night, and my wife was standing there in the garage doorway, her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. I ease out of my caddy SUV with the intent of sweet-talkin' her back down to a level on par with calmness, but she ATTACKS me....clawing at my face, some would say like a tigress! I don't want to putter around, so I jump back into my ride and start to drive. That just tee's her off even more! She grabs a 9-iron from out of nowhere and starts smashing the rear window. I distracts me so much I forget the lay of my front yard, and drive right into the rough bark of a tree and the hazard of a water hydrant. That's when things got a bit fuzzy...........
Fuzzy like a TIGER?! :D

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
I try to entertain!!

You've been a great audience....try the veal and don't forget to tip your server!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
Excluding sports like hockey or play fighting with your brother..what was your first fight like?

Grade 5. Some smart lipped town kid in Grade 6 was heckling me all the time, making his crowd laugh. Progressively worse. I finally called him on it, said we can settle this here and now. After he tried to get another kid to sub in for him, he took a swing at me and missed. I got in a couple of solid punches, and he started bawling. Fight over, no more problems.

I grew up on a farm, and was a tough little bugger. I had a few fights back in the day, and always came out okay. It is good to be underestimated.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
2 Fights...

I can only recall 2 real fights in my life...

The first time was with my older sister. Don't know if this is considered a "real fight". We were going on a road trip with my mother and other sisters and in the middle of nowhere somewhere in Maine. I had just finished 8th grade and was at a point where I started to stick up for myself since she tormented me all my life. She started in one me like the mother hen she was and I ended up pulling her hair and throwing a container of sweet and sour sauce from McDonalds in her hair. My mother stopped the car and made us both get out and walk for a mile in the hot sun while she drove slowly on the side of the dirt road. We never fought again on that trip and to this day, we don't talk.

The second time ( which is more like a real scrapping session) was when I was 18 in a bar in Quebec. My friends and I were looking forward to going out on a Saturday night. We were dancing and these 2 drunk girls kept bumping into us. I asked them politely to stop and they kept doing it and laughing. She pushed me and then my friend. Wrong move on her part because my friend was a real scrapper with a bad temper who once grabbed a girl by the hair and slammed her face into one of those poles inside a public transit bus. I pushed the girl back and she tried to take a swing at me. I punched her in the face. My friend pushed her to the ground and starting kicking her. I grabbed my friends and we left. We were let in for free by the bouncer that night and we later learned from others there that night that those 2 girls fighting with us were waitresses who worked there and it was their night off.

I'm not a violent person by nature but if you're going to take a swing at me or attempt to assault me in anyway...let the games begin.


Feb 16, 2004
I have only ever been in two fights in my life and won both of them (without ever having to throw a punch)

First Fight - My family would vacation for a week every summer at a Lodge in the Land O Lakes area near Napanee. Anyhow they had a suffleboard court. Well one day a kid who had it in for me hit me from behind with the long shuffleboard stick. Once I realized who had done it I came flying at him ala Tito Santana and his flying forearm. I hit him square in the head he fell down and was knocked cold. I am not sure if it was my forearm hitting him or if it was him hitting the ground but he was in la la land.

Second Fight - I was at a Dairy Queen / Bowling Alley in London picking up some frozen treats for my gf and I when a few of London's finest punks decided to cause trouble with me calling me all the names in the book. One of them followed me in and continued, I stayed quiet. As I was leaving I had enough and challenged him to a fight infront of my truck. I pushed him and then he went to punch me, I dodged his punch and his had hit my truck (no damage) he crouched over holding his hand (obviously badly broken) I kneed him in the gut and threw him to the ground got in my truck and went home. Best part was the ice cream never melted.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Second Fight - I was at a Dairy Queen / Bowling Alley in London picking up some frozen treats for my gf and I when a few of London's finest punks decided to cause trouble with me calling me all the names in the book. One of them followed me in and continued, I stayed quiet. As I was leaving I had enough and challenged him to a fight infront of my truck. I pushed him and then he went to punch me, I dodged his punch and his had hit my truck (no damage) he crouched over holding his hand (obviously badly broken) I kneed him in the gut and threw him to the ground got in my truck and went home. Best part was the ice cream never melted.
No wait, that was Mister Miagi

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