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What was A-Rod's "civic contribution" exactly?


New member
Apr 29, 2002


Feb 7, 2007
I will never understand the envy that people like the poster above have for people who have done well.

Police , fireman, and nurses choose their fields and so do atheletes. You have no idea what A Rod does behind the scenes and what he funds.

He does a lot for society and obviously more than you do.

Hate the good for being good.

Great concept for the envious.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Cobster said:
Unless it's in the name of image.:rolleyes:
You must have missed that part.

BTW, it's not envy, it's not understanding why celebrities are revered as doing great things in sport. It's sports, not saving a life, or helping one.
Then I'd understand.
Envy means jealous, I'm FAR from it.
I'd much rather see a cop get the key to the city because he consistently over the course of a year helped an old lady cross the street.
Rather than seeing a baseball player getting it because he cranked some home runs.


Feb 7, 2007
No, I did not miss it. Many atheletes do a great service like fund projects, visit and donate to hospitals, and give lots to the community. Much of this is done very quietly yet when /if people find out they chant of tax write offs.

Many cops , firemen , nurses do their profession only as a job and only for the money too.

There are community minded cops, and baseball players too.
There are me first selfish cops and baseball players too.

I see A Rod getting his 25 million and people being very envious cause it ain't them.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The Yankees are revered in NYC and when one of them achieves a milestone in their sport (and even though it is only sport) it raises civic pride and can be uplifting to the city.

The mayor and officials of the city would be in a better position than us to decide if his accomplishments do enough for the city to warrant the honour.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
"Rodriguez, presented on Thursday with a key to the city in honor of his 500th home run"

Yep, sure sounds like a key deserving event.

Give it to the doctor that helped save a child's life at Sick Kids Hospital.


Feb 7, 2007
Why don't you donate your money to the sick kids hospital, concentrate your business profits to the sick kids hospital, spend less time here ( cause that helps only terb members and does not help the sick kids hospital) and more time helping and praising that doctor at the sick kids ?

I know people like you who are very free and willing with other peoples times and causes and money.

All you must do if you revere that doctor at the sick kids ( and I do agree that he does a wonderful job-and I do donate there btw) is lobby for that doctor and you can lead the way to get that doctor a key to the city in Toronto. You are able to put it on the business website that you list under your handle here. You can achieve what you want for that doctor instead of being critical of the good people of New York, and the mayor and our officials.

Good luck and PS , if you start that campaingn I promise you I shall donate to your cause .


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Hey Cobster, I happen to know A Rod and I can tell you that he donates a significant amount of money to children's charities in New York. His wife is involved with children and he donated hundreds of thousands to children's charities in honour of his wife.

He didn't get the key to New York because of his charity work but for his achievement in baseball. But remember, he didn't ask for it, it was given to him by the city, so don't get mad at him, perhaps you should direct your anger at the city because you don't like their selection criteria.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Mia.Colpa said:
perhaps you should direct your anger at the city because you don't like their selection criteria.
Back to my point. Who better than the executive of the city to decide who has done enough to warrant this honour from the city.

If not, it's like saying an individual is not entitled to say who has been the greatest influence(s) in that person's life.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Cobster said:

I will never understand why sports celebs get all this stupid glory.
Because it is our nature. Does it make any sense? No. Is the money they make at all in line with their contribution to society? That last one was a rhetorical question. Yeah, it's kinda sick, but we agree to pay into it. Alot of people pay good money to play the lottery too. It's all about marketing, and convincing people that their attention and money are worth keeping all of this going.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Mia.Colpa said:
Hey Cobster, I happen to know A Rod
That's nice, get a signed jersey from him that.
I'll then take it and auction it off on ebay to some numbnut and donate the money.

He didn't get the key to New York because of his charity work but for his achievement in baseball. But remember, he didn't ask for it, it was given to him by the city, so don't get mad at him, perhaps you should direct your anger at the city because you don't like their selection criteria.
I never was mad at him, if you guys read how I phrased what I said...
The hell, you people don't comprehend Engrrrish?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
marc said:
I actually majored in English.
Did you now?

Good luck and PS , if you start that campaingn I promise you I shall donate to your cause .



Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
What gets me is this criticism athletes get from those who get mad at how much they make. IF A-Rod was making 70K a year and living a middle class existence, no one says a word.

The fact he is paid what he is paid does not matter. If you are famous, or you do something people admire, and people know about it, you could be honoured for it. Nurses, Teachers, Fireman, Cops and the like all have tough important jobs but they do it because the believe in the job. At least in most cases that is the motivation. In Baseball or Hockey, if you are one of the best in your job, people pay to see you play that sport, your job. No one is paying to see a nurse, or paying good dollars to see a cop bust a crook. If someone is going to make a buck off the athlete, then the athlete deserves his cut. A-Rod is getting his cut...

The guy could be a real knob, but hey, that is the reason to not like him, not his paycheck.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Milt Stegall

Wow. They just gave Milt Stegall a "Key to the City". Big deal. Setting a touchdown record. Scoring touchdowns is useless compared to saving lives like a doctor or teaching our kids.

What's wrong with all these politicians in all these cities? Copy cat key giving. How unoriginal. For some reason they all seem to think that sporting accomplishments raise civic pride. Sheesh.
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