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What should registering a gun cost? [i]hurriedly ducks[/i]


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Not a thread for idealogues who say "Nothing! it should cost nothing! We shouldn't have to register!" Register or Not is a question for elsewhen. It's just there's been so much bandying of the $2 billion figure, and the first estimates of a hundred or so million seem so far off, I'm trying to figure out "what were they thinking?"

So imagine they put you in a room and said, "Invent the gun registry. A record per each and every gun. A record for each and every owner, with the appropriate gun records connected to each owner. A way of retrieving records by gun—so we can find out who is the owner, and so we can record a change of ownership. A way of retrieving records by owner—so when someon's forbidden to have a gun in future, we can see if they already have one. A way of retrieving by address—so we can have the ETF cops ready if there's a domestic and someone has an arsenal in her basement.

So I figure, after doing it for years the MoT's prices for Driver and Vehicle Licenses make a pretty fair comparison: recording similar amounts of info, similarly retrievable. They run $100 each give or take, so I'd say that's a pretty good figure for doing guns and owners.

And So: The Firearms Centre reports 6.8 million guns and 1.9 million owners now on file which would be a gross of $870 million at those rates. Of course they 'gave away' registrations to encourage participation and so took in way, way less And set-up costs: buildings, computers, printing and distribution have to be added on—the MoT paid for all that sort of stuff (somehow) years ago. But we're getting up over a billion for sure.

So I'm really wondering, why any one ever thought it would be less?

Or am I just hopelessly naîve?


Oct 3, 2001
This registration B.S. was supposed to be nothing but a cash grab and appease the "anit-gun public". Now we have to pay the piper for a program that was supposed to reduce "gun-related" crimes.

Has it?


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
The $2 BILLION is an obscenely inconceivable amount of money for any government beaucracy. The accounts are closed to the Auditor General. Does anybody else find this fishy?
The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that it is a convienent loophole for the powers that be to funnel money into other black projects. I would hope that it's being used for something worthwhile like emergency funding of the military, propping up the dollar on world currency exchanges, replacing the gold lost in 9/11, etc.
Yeah, I've been told I was a dreamer.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Yeah, OK, but all that aside; what do you think the cost of registering should be?


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Registration should be no less than $150.00 plus taxes on the cost of the weapon each time it changes owners.

Registering a car costs 74 bucks plus taxes on the purchase price of the car each time ownership is transferred. Guns are statstically less deadly but potentially more deadly than cars -- and way way less necessary.
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Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
No Guns but Guns 'n Roses did a song about it.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
It should be our God given right to bear arms and we should not have to register them.
I'd like a couple of pounds of weapons-grade uranium please, and a launch vehicle. Throw in some fries too.

It has been suggested that a large portion of the extraordinary cost of the gun registry was actually a successfully calculated and well-thought-out program by pro-gun forces in Canada and the United States to drive the cost into the stratosphere. While I haven't been successful in finding a reference to that accusation, it certainly wouldn't be surprising.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
$150 plus taxes on the purchase price each time it changes hands.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
anon1 said:
The bank charges more than that every month not to forget your name.
If the paper and the offices and the computers were free, it would pay a clerk for about the 1/2 to 3/4 hour it would take to check your spelling and file the paper and enter it in the computer. Guess we'd have to charge the cops a fee-for-use every time they looked up a record. Good thing they have so much money.
If that's a reasonable number, it makes you wonder why we're not all protesting the outrageous cost of drivers' licenses. You're sure you weren't expressing an opinion of the registry anon, instead of giving a cost estimate?


Active member
Oct 26, 2003
Its rather interesting that the cost of registering legitimate guns has created a $2 billion fiasco.......while the bad guys can order their unregistered guns by mail order from the USA straight to their homes.....and our Federal Customs & Excise people cannot intercept because they don't have the funds or manpower......

hopefully after monday night we will finally start the process of getting our priorities straight!

Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
Gun registry does nothing to curb crimes committed by firearms. The only thing it pacifies is the bleeding hearts out there. If there MUST be a registration fee, I'd say it fair to charge no more than $50. for the most. Best being around $30.

$150.? Some rifles don't even cost $150. so charging that much is a crime in itself. Either you've got money to burn, a bleeding heart or don't use firearms. The gun registry is a worthless use of tax payers money to win the hearts and votes of those who oppose firearms. With children etc. in the household, a firearms owner should be responsible enough to secure the firearm in a safe place following the strict guidelines for doing so ie. a mechanical lock that prohibits the trigger from being accessible or one that does not allow the breech to be closed and/or cocked, if it is a bolt action; the bolt should be removed and secured seperately from the firearm, all firearms should be stored in a lockable storage device such as a gun safe and the keys kept secured and inaccessible to others, ammo is to be stored in a seperate location from the firearms. And foremost, if the owner has kids etc. proper training and awareness of the dangers, dos and donts of them AND NEVER EVER leave them unattended AND quadruple that precaution with live ammo!!

There are alot of responsible gun owners but I will admit, there are the odd few that should not be allowed to own them. Just like automobile drivers...


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Master I may or may not agree with the premise that the registry's worthless. But I think the $2 billion number should be looked at rationally. Which I propose one would do by coming up with a cost per record from the real world. If that comes way under, it's a fiasco. If it approaches $2 billion, then the registry may be wrongheaded, but it isn't, in fact, too much for what was decided on. The stupidity of the decison's for another thread. What would you say such a record should cost?


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
kbluejayk said:
Its rather interesting that the cost of registering legitimate guns has created a $2 billion fiasco.......while the bad guys can order their unregistered guns by mail order from the USA straight to their homes.....and our Federal Customs & Excise people cannot intercept because they don't have the funds or manpower......

hopefully after monday night we will finally start the process of getting our priorities straight!
Here is the kicker: the supposed $2 billion "loss" was not really a loss so much as an unrealized return. The government put money into setting it all up and the cost of registering the guns was meant to offset that initial costs. That money returned was then supposed to be reinvested into another program (very well could've been extra border manpower but might have been something else). Now, a bunch of neanderthals and farmers get together and don't pay for something the majority of Canadians believe in (yes, most Canadians support gun control and liked the idea of the registry until the gun lobby caused the money problems) and you have gun owners being actually at fault for robbing the larger Canadian public of something even more important. I just don't understand why they didn't direct the police to arrest and charge everyone who wasn't registered, since that would *easily* recoup most of the costs (especially once you added punitive damages) and as such I'd like to know who made that boneheaded call (especially since police were itching to enforce it). You want to break the law, we'll just take your farm, Gomer.

Follow the money and it will always paint the full picture.



New member
Aug 20, 2003
Master Baiter said:
Gun registry does nothing to curb crimes committed by firearms. The only thing it pacifies is the bleeding hearts out there. If there MUST be a registration fee, I'd say it fair to charge no more than $50. for the most. Best being around $30.

$150.? Some rifles don't even cost $150. so charging that much is a crime in itself. Either you've got money to burn, a bleeding heart or don't use firearms. The gun registry is a worthless use of tax payers money to win the hearts and votes of those who oppose firearms. With children etc. in the household, a firearms owner should be responsible enough to secure the firearm in a safe place

Ah common sense what a refreshing change of pace . Everything you say I totally agree with . It's funny how gun owners were able to keep their guns out of children's hands before the government stepped in. The thing is you can't register common sense so what difference does registering a gun make. We don't need gun registry period.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
oldjones said:
Yeah, OK, but all that aside; what do you think the cost of registering should be?

The cost should be $ 0

I don't agree with it either and in all respect Mr Jones I don't think you can expect someone to comment on the cost without also saying they either agree or don't agree with gun registry.

I am totally 100 % against it.


Aug 26, 2001
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
It should be our God given right to bear arms ....
What a load of crap!!!!! The only God given right you have, and anyone on this planet has, is to eat, sleep, shit and piss. The rest are needs created by man and are frivelous(sp?). Give me fucken break u must have the right to carry a gun!! (sigh) :rolleyes:
Ashley Madison
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