Discreet Dolls

What performer(s) Knocked your socks off


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
When I first heard The Beatles, I thought it was great and I still do to this day.

If we are talking about live performances, then the Rolling Stones and the Foo Fighters put on shows that were probably the most memorable.

Recently, Jennifer Hudson on Dreamgirls was simply outstanding. She has one the best voices I have ever heard.

There is a guru in India that probably no one has heard of here and his music is incredibly moving. I have cried uncontrollably just listening to it and I don't understand a word as well as the instrumental only songs. Other people have as well so I wasn't the only one...lol.

Some of the "founders" of all genres of music are just fabulous. Too many to mention here.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
BoringBob said:
Frank Zappa, on multiple occassions.

20 years later, nobody has lived up to that, and I have seen most.
Someday I want to see Dweezil and his Zappa Plays Zappa band...maybe next week when they are at the Molson Ampitheatre.

I saw Zappa at Expo 67 free concert. What a summer that was for concerts in Montreal. Every weekend there were huge acts playing in the Canada Pavbillion...Thurs to Sunday nights were packed...and it was all for free. (I had a pass for the summer...cost my parents $12.00)

Zappa's band was comprised of jazz and rock musicians who were mostly classically trained. At the time I didn't appreciate the talent that that type of training generated....garage bands that just yell and smack things have no talent other than the tallen to fool some stupid people.

Years ago at WOnderland's Kingswood Music theatre I saw Al Jarreau. He started at 830 (after Chaka Khan) and sang until 11, then he took a 20 minute break while his band played. He came back and sang until 1230 -1245Am. That would simply not happen today.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I was blown away by Springsteen when he played Seneca College for his Born To Run tour in 1975.
The next time I saw him at Maple Leaf Gardens I was amazed how he made the huge arena such an intimate setting yet with so much energy.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Hadrian said:
Signatures are complexities within a certain piece. Eruption for example is not simply a "run" up and down the fret board, it has signatures within it which define it.

It's far easier to show you than tell you lol.

You sound like you have some understanding of music...do you play?

If think you mean complexities in guitar playing when I mean complexities in the music - themes and subthemes that come and go within the piece

Zappa certainly has that I would think

Add "Sofa" to that list. It is a waltz.

here it is with Steve Vai


And with Zappa conducting


Peaches En Regalia with Steve Vai


No I do not play an instrument.

I tried the guitar but my fingers would not do what I asked them to so I now have a greater appreciation for those that can play

You said Zappa used graded tuning what is that?


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
Yoga Face said:
If think you mean complexities in guitar playing whenI mean complexities in the music - themes and subthemes that come and go within the piece

Zappa certainly has that I would think

Add "Sofa" to that list. It is a waltz.

here it is with Steve Vai


And with Zappa conducting


No I do not play an instrument.

I tried the guitar but my fingers would not do what I asked them to so I now have a greater appreciation for those that can play

You said Zappa used graded tuning what is that?
Yes I think that's it.

Graded tuning is hard to explain. It is essentially changing the key a 1/4 to give it greater variables within a certain set of riffs.

Sorry explanations of things aren't my strong suit!


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
Yep downloaded it. Pretty cool!

Don't know if your brother has seen Cranks 10yrs of shredding but if not you should tell him to get it. It has excerpts from Dime's last interview with them. I can only find bits and pieces of it on youtube.

No such thing as a professional guitarist lol....;)

Getcha Pull!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
king21 said:
It was around 1983ish I was doing the clubbing thing at the old "Sparkles" dance club which was located atop the CN tower. All of a sudden this song with an "out of this world" bass riff came on. I then heard a waitress yell out "alright, Grand Master Flash". She then put down her tray and immediately headed to dance floor and started dancing. After the song was finished, I asked her the name of the song and she said "White Lines". I could not get that awesome bass riff out of my head. The following Monday, I purchased the 12" single of "White Lines". This was at a time when Rap music was great.
White Lines..........classic! Back when hip hop was great, not this dirty south crap we gotta listen to today.


New member
Apr 28, 2005
First real big concert I ever saw was Queen at the gardens, blew me away and nothing have seen since has ever matched them--and I've seen many of the big names (U2 twice-once at MLG that was very good, Rush, Who, Pink Floyd, Stones, etc, etc)


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
JohnFK said:
Professional musician then. That's how he earns a living, full-time. I can tell you more but I must be discreet for his and my sake.

What's Dime's full name again? I've never heard of him until I saw your sig pic. I'm sure he knows of him.
Just a guitarist joke dude. Even though I am broke half the time I would never do anything else (probably cause I don't now how to do anything else).

Darrell "Dimebag" Lance Abbott....RIP


May 5, 2008
doug51 said:
Saw U2 in 1983 at Massey Hall during the WAR tour . They were really starting to break big and I knew this was the last time they would proboly ever play a smaler venue in this city .You just knew they were headed for the arenas and stadiums on their next tour.
U2 Achtung Baby Tour in the mid 90's. Maple Leaf gardens, Great seats, The sound and performance were magnificent like being on a drug. Oh wait a minute, I was on drugs.
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