What kind of pets do you have ?


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Jun 30, 2021
St catharines

Me I have a big bulky rescue dog (I know he would do well with a friend but he’s a needy handful ) many years of training

and a baby leopard gecko who’s recently come out of his shell a bit

I am looking into owning more reptiles
(I love them honestly) as well as a bird and some fish. What kind of pets do you own or would like to have ?
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Akila Besos

Two Bettas in around a 5-15 gallon tank each
The one in the 15 gallon tank shares the space with a dwarf pleco,.some platyies and coryidoras(so?)

I also have two year old Syrian hamster 🐹 who is my lil squishy ball

Then I'll have a puppy come early June since it was just born a few days ago

I love all kinds of animals

If I had it my way , my house would've turned into a mini rescue
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