I'm like that and would take it VERY personally. It would bother me for the rest of the day and into the next day. I would think about it on and off for a week. Definitely would never forget it.
I just know myself and to me it would be hugely insulting. You are telling me that I'm not someone you would ever want to be with unless of course I gave you money.
I'm sure that a great many men would feel the same way as me. Just put on your website, "note to clients, please don't try to make me cum, I will move in such a way that I will never cum with you" and see what effect it has. I can assure you that a large percentage of men (not all) will never opt for such an SP. (There are lots of guys who could care less about the whole intimacy side of things and just want to fuck a good looking woman for the sake of themselves. They won't care.)
But then there are guys like me that are indeed looking for intimacy and a connection (as deluded as that probably is) and yes, the ego boost, and knowing that she is behaving in such a way is a form of not only rejection of me, but a rejection of intimacy. The whole thing is just reduced to a zipless fuck. I / we don't like that one bit. I'm not 19 any more and just being with a naked woman is not enough to thrill me anymore.
As I said, do what you want not to cum if that's what you need to do to preserve you own state of well being. Just make sure that I don't know you're doing it. Not even a hint. If I try every play in the book to make you cum and you don't, oh well, I chalk that up to the way it goes as many women are like this. (Sad but true.) That's not my fault per say.
But moving in such a manner as to not orgasm with ME, well, I can't see how anyone would take it any differently than as an insult.