Terbanese, from New Terb City: a movie...
The Prime Minister's plane crashes in New Terb City. The PM's handlers, The Moderators, recall from exile a real badboy called The Banned who is fluent in Terbanese, to locate the PM in NTC and bring him back to The Civilians in time for an "appointment" and at all cost avoid The Reviewers.
TB hooks up with Lexus Mercedes Luv, a gorgeous Terbanese with an unidentifiable accent who knows everything and everyone in NTC but has no idea how to get anywhere, always mentioning The Driver, and describes everything by its hygiene as in "PM no good, bad hygiene." Suspense builds: sexual as TB is a gorgeous built badboy and dirty talking LML loves/hates The Moderators; anxiety as everybody in NTC gives conflicting advice, all of it wrong.
TB and LML deal with misdirection trying to locate a PM in NTC, bounce between The OC and The IC and learn The Sliders are excellent to get rides from as they're always driving around and around but exasperating as they're all addicted to the drug Extra, and cheat death and boredom in the NTC underworld The PIA.
Locating the PM in a place called The DTR, TB and LML understand everything: who the PM and The Moderator's really are and what they're doing to New Terb City, The Terbanese and The Civilians. Upon delivering the PM to The Moderators, TB says "I'm retiring!" screwing The Moderators who of course had planned to re-exile The Banned. Possible sequel...