What is your best piece of advice for a young man about to get married or live together?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
Watch how she treats waiters and other service people cuz that's likely how she'll treat you in a couple of years. Also look at how her mother treats her father, as that's likely the primary example she learned from...
I would add to that:
look at what her mother looks like, that's likely her down the road ...


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
  • finances are the # 1 killer of a marriage relationship
  • 3 bank accounts: yours, hers, and a joint where the joint expenses go such as bills, mortgages, groceries, etc... buy your stuff clothes, etc... from your own account. If you go to the restaurant or movies together, use the joint account. Buying stuff for the kids? Use the joint account ...
  • each of you discloses their income to the other partner with the joint tax return filing...
  • each contributes to the joint account proportionally. ex He 100 k, She 80 k, His contribution: 100 / 180, Her contribution 80 / 180, or 56% / 44% split. It is better to come up with this % using net income following the tax return filing...it's the disposable income that matters...
  • doing the above removes the financial friction as nobody feels he/she is lifting more than his/her weight...
It takes some effort but works...it is transparent...
Keeping a household is like running a company, with one CEO and one CFO...the CFO takes care of all the finances, budgeting, bills, etc...but the CEO has to sign off on it... When you marry it's a merger...but try to avoid an acquisition... ;) or having an in-law as COO ...
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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
70% of marriages end in divorce
The other 30% cant afford a divorce


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

  • each contributes to the joint account proportionally. ex He 100 k, She 80 k, His contribution: 100 / 180, Her contribution 80 / 180, or 56% / 44% split. It is better to come up with this % using net income following the tax return filing...it's the disposable income that matters...
  • doing the above removes the financial friction as nobody feels he/she is lifting more than his/her weight...
It takes some effort but works...it is transparent...
Keeping a household is like running a company, with one CEO and one CFO...the CFO takes care of all the finances, budgeting, bills, etc...but the CEO has to sign off on it... When you marry it's a merger...but try to avoid an acquisition... ;) or having an in-law as COO ...
I like your ideas.
What about lottery if husband/wife win? - keep quiet if it is under 1k as long as it is not publicized?
Agreed trips from joint account.
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