What Is Wrong With Young Women


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
About a year ago I was standing at the bus stop at a fairly busy intersection. A car with 2 young women (18-20ish) who both looked like Snooki pulled up and asked me how I was doing. At first I thought they were trying to pick me up...lol. I replied "Fine, how are you?" Then the one girl says "Wow, you're really ugly!" as they started to drive away laughing. I shouted "Thanks Snooki!" and she started screaming out the window "Fu*k you bitch! Fu*k you!" Pathetic.
Lol. Snookie wannabees.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Was on the streetcar the other day. 3 gino's in italian soccer shirts. Two Snookie clones. Being loud (like I want to hear about their love lives!). Glanced over. One of the guys says "what are you looking at?". I reply. Looks like a bad meld of Degraasi High and Jersey Shore.

He got offended but his friends started laughing at him. Had a nice chat after that.

See there is hope.


Feb 15, 2004
That's the attitude, take it with humor.

It reminds me of a few years ago, when I was driving somewhere with my wife, and this 12 yr old boy is riding a bike in the opposite direction. For no particular reason, he stopped and gave us a dirty look and extended both middle fingers. It was such a disconnect, he was dressed in a punkish outfit, gave an evil stare at us, and was trying so hard to be a bad ass. But yet, he had this baby face which just didn't go along with his actions. He didn't get what he wanted from us.

My wife and I just burst out laughing. It was such a funny sight. Maybe you had to be there and see it to know what I mean, but it gave us a chuckle. Not what the kid was hoping for!

A few years ago I was walking along a sidewalk with my wife, and some young punk sticks his head out a car window and yells at us: "Hey! I fucked your girlfriend!" and the car speeds off.

We watched them go for a moment, then I turned to my wife and said, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" and she responds, "I didn't know she got fucked!"


Oct 17, 2010
Don't take this the wrong way but you sound like a sad sack.

Heck even the way you responed to a post I once made towards you..... can't remember what it was but you came off as sensitive.

Even your online name. Why draw attention to being overweight (I think you mentioned it in apost once).

Maybe I'm wrong. But I mean this in the sincerest way. Find some positive stuff to focus on you sound down in the dumps.

I know it's not realistic for someone to just one day decide that they aren't going to be unhappy or depressed or whatever. Maybe talk to someone.
lol you are the one appearing sensitive - perhaps you have an extra few pounds you are unhappy about


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
LOL, you are frighteningly delusional, as usual. How's it in Mom's basement jerking off with RLD while looking at Boy Scout mags?
Here's a clue ... when someone pisses you off in one thread, don't go after them in another thread. The rest of us don't know the context and you end up looking like a fucktard.
I usually charge for advice this good.


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
was in a bar a long time a go me and my buddy a group of girls were standing at a table and keep looking over....i just give a smile then the waitress walks over and says the ladies want to buy you a drink......i say sure...i guess that was there ice breaker cuz then the fun started........one girl walked over and started chatting with us one by one the came to where we are standing and what a night it turned into
Was this before or after you got charged with assault for beating up two teens who threw an empty McDonalds bag at you?


New member
Dec 22, 2007
Reminds me of the inscription that is said to have been found on a 6,000 year-old Egyptian tomb:
"We live in a decaying age. Young people no longer respect their parents.
They are rude and impatient. They frequently inhabit taverns and have no self-control."

A couple of other interesting quotes I found in a Guardian article:
"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint ... As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress."
---Peter the Hermit, AD1274

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"


Nov 20, 2006
Reminds me of the inscription that is said to have been found on a 6,000 year-old Egyptian tomb:
"We live in a decaying age. Young people no longer respect their parents.
They are rude and impatient. They frequently inhabit taverns and have no self-control."
That quote would not be 6000 years old, but I have seen similar quotes from Ancient Egypt.

I looked up your thing. Sadly I am no surprised that a paper like the Guardian is so inaccurate.
The earliest inscriptions of proto-hieroglyphs date back to 3300 BC or 5300 years ago and the earliest sentence dates back to the tomb of Seth-Peribsen at Umm el-Qa'ab, which dates from the Second Dynasty. Which would be around 2700 BC. Granted there could be earlier but as we don't have them we can't quote them.
As for that particular line, I'd guess quite a bit later.

Also Peter the Hermit died in 1115 AD.

I am disgusted, not at you, but at the lack of fact checking in the press.


Nov 20, 2006

I once knew this brother
Who I thought was cool with me
Chilled out together
Even went to school with me
Fly nigga, my ace boon coon
Used to low ride together
Shot dice in the bathroom
Ya want trouble?
Well trouble ya found
Cause we diss ya, then issue
The critical beat down
He needed money
I would always come through
Needed a car? He could use mine too
But bust this!
Out on the street
People say he was riffin'
Callin' me a sucker
Talkin' bout how foul I'm livin'
Someone heard him
Poppin' that shit last week
Frontin' for some pussy
From some big butt freak
Sayin' I'm his worker
I was on his dick!
Talkin' that craazy old weak assed shit
and after all of that
She still walked away
How ya gonna diss your boy
To get some play?
And when I stepped to him about it
He said, "Who snitched?"

Yo, how did he go out?
He went out like a bitch!
So ladies
We ain't just talkin' bout you
Cause some of you niggas
Is bitches too!

I knew this brother named Mitch
Stone player
He meet a girl, in five min. he lay her
Trucked crazy jewels
Hands smothered in ice
Been to prison not once, but twice
Kept a stupid thick posse
Made of thugs and
Crooks and hoods
and vet hustlers
Who were up to no good
But they all stood behind him
and watched his back
That's the only way
To roll on the track
But yo,
Mitch got rushed by feds last week
The snatchbared the runk
Of his white Corniche
Took a look inside
And what did they see?
Two keys, and a gallon of PCP!
Oh shit! The thought crashed
Mitch's subliminal
Three strikes, that's called
Habitual criminal
So insted of goin' under
He snitched on his whole posse
Maxed at the crib
And sipped Martini and Rossi
Sold out his whole crew
That rat named Mitch


I knew this guy
That was never that fly
Couldn't act cool
Even when he tried
When we played rough
He always cried
When he told stories, he always lied
A Black brother
Who was missin' the cool part
He had the color
But was missin' the true heart
When we would fight
He would always go down quick
So he took karate
and he still got his ass kicked
But now he's married
And he kicks his wife's ass
Says it comes from problems
That he had in the past
Doesn't like Blacks
Claims he's upper class
Joined the police, got himself a badge
Now he rolls the streets
and he's cut to jack
Doggin' young brothers
Cause they usually don't fight back
Got a White partner
And he asked for that
and every night
Another head they crack
So now he's big man
But he really ain't shit!


Out one night with my crew
and some new kid
I didn'T know homeboy, but Evil E did
So I thought he was cool
We rode in his ride
Rag top tray on Daytons
Lifted side to side
We hit the party deep
Niggas was hawkin' me
You could feel the vibe
Of thick artillery
Parliament was on, some O.G. shit
I put my back to the wall
And felt my pistol grip
al of a sudden
Niggas started trippin'
Flippin', the record started skippin'
Wildin', fools started locn up
Gats cracked
The room started smokin' up
Me and "E" hit the floor
And then the back door
My boys let off an automatic encore
But when we made it out to the ride
It was gone, we had to shoot it out
Side by side
Punk left us there to die in a ditch!


Apr 24, 2005
Reminds me of the inscription that is said to have been found on a 6,000 year-old Egyptian tomb:
"We live in a decaying age. Young people no longer respect their parents.
They are rude and impatient. They frequently inhabit taverns and have no self-control."

A couple of other interesting quotes I found in a Guardian article:
"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint ... As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress."
---Peter the Hermit, AD1274

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"
When I read your post, I was think of that poor grandmother who was bullied by the 12-13 year old kids on the schoolbus.

My situation is entirely different but still cause for concern. Here is another example. About 2-3 years ago, I was walking home from the local grocery school minding my own business. I was approached by a very young woman, right on the street, asking me to take pics of her for a "school project". I asked her age. She said "X4". I said: "There is no way I am taking pics of an X4 year old female.


Apr 24, 2005
Just heard on 680NEWS that a man seen talking to and taking pics of young girls at HarbourFront has been arrested. In a separate incident, police are looking for an Asian woman seen taking pics of children.

Kenzie Taylor

Sexy and Spicy, Vanilla or Kink
Dec 15, 2009
I love heckling guys.... I geet heckled all the time.... girls are just becoming more aggressive, and we are getting back at guys who scream at us out of car windows exclaiming how great my tits or ass look.... Where do you think we learn the behaviour from???


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Atta girl Kenzie, we don't mind. If you see me walking, get at me. Makes me feel like a mini celebrity. I'll even give you girls my autograph. But don't just hollar at us - throw your bra or soiled undies at us too.


Apr 24, 2005
Just heard on 680NEWS that a man seen talking to and taking pics of young girls at HarbourFront has been arrested. In a separate incident, police are looking for an Asian woman seen taking pics of children.
The Sun has published a photo and name of the arrested man. He is Marcus Piero Rulli age 41. Anybody here know him?
What's wrong with them? They're young and stuffed ripe with the innate narcissism of their youth.

Maybe your failure to acknowledge that they're the unique center of the universe and you are utterly inconsequential was unsettling to their worldview.
Or maybe it was penis envy or just some harmless (to them) fun.
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