The One Spa

What is going on with TO????


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Okay - I have to rant here for a second...

Last night, as I walked along King Street - right at University, I witnessed two undercover cops take down an assumed drug dealer - they tackled him, and a bunch of crack goes spilling out on the sidewalk.

Then this morning, right by where the old Devil's Martini was, someone was shot and killed there sometime this morning - police tape everywhere.

So, the weather isn't really hot, and I haven't seen a full moon - so what's the deal??????

I think maybe I should retreat back to my top floor at the Desert Inn and start loading up on Kleenex boxes!!!!

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane are quite the hypochondriac Mr. Hughes.... bet is to get on the Spruce Goose and fly back to the bubble...


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
You should have seen me during SARS ;) you know where Johnny Meyer is?????????



Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
you really have no idea what a dangerous city is do you?

thats what happens when people vote for the tories.....

I vote natural law, theyre harmless idiots. the rest are all destructive idiots [only variance seems to be relative levels of destructiveness]

this city would be better off if rents were reduced unilaterally by oooh about 50% and yeah, $hit happen$ but consider this; Toronto is extremely safe when compared to alot of other large cities.... when there are recessions, crime rates go up fairly predictably. our economy is improving actually these days. and seeing cops take down some crackdealer is a good thing, it means theyre at least trying to do something about it.

and I'd rather die than live in suburbia...

I'm perfectly happy where I am now. [not quite downtown but definately not suburbia] a nice balance between.

Balance is a good thing.

besides, Queen West IS THE CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE. :) Cant give that up now can we?


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Walk through a neighborhood in Detroit at 2am and you'll go home (if you make it out alive) appreciating Toronto a hell of a lot more...


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Not having actually lived in T.O. for about 5 years, I was struck during my current visit at how much more freindly people in T.O. seem than I remember. Since I'm been back, I have end up having a number of conversations with strangers in public places who are NOT trying to get money, sell drugs or sex. It almost reminds me of the Altantic provinces. I don't know what is going on but things don't seem to be getting worse to me.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Toronto is a safe city??? (compared to other large cities)

Is it? IMO...NOT. I don't think so. Almost every morning I wake up and turn on BT... And think to myself... so who got shot last night. Or... I wonder how many shootings there were last night.

As far as what's happened to TO. It's very simple... we are in denial. Toronto was warned 15 or 20 years ago... that the LA and NY style gangs were expanding and coming here. That LE and court systems etc should prepare. Our politicians and the powers that be choose to ignore that warning. Oh no not here, not in Toronto, not in Canada. Bunch of stupid dumb losers. Now look what's going on. And we are still in denial more or less even though it's slapping us right in the face. The government (all levels) refuses to properly finance and equip LE agencies to combat this problem. If they did then they would have to admit that we do have a problem and that is what they want to avoid. What are a few people's lives..? I need to get re-elected is basically their attitude IMO. I don't care what the stats say... crime rates have not gone down. In the '70s and '80s I felt safe in the streets of TO any time day or night. Now a days I don't. And I come up from the streets. And even I am scared late at night sometimes. We need stronger and more strict laws concerning crimes of violence, sex crimes, street crime, robberies, & drug dealing (pot the exception), especially crack dealers. And we need more LE out in the streets to enforce these laws. We currently have less uniformed cops on the force then we did have 10 years ago. Their equipment is old and falling apart... when is last time you saw a new cop car? Meanwhile the population has gone up, & IMO crime has gone up. Does that make sense? We need to get the message to the powers that be to prioritize the issues. Get that f***in crack dealer off the corner. Get those violent pimps who force girls into the biz out of here. (Leave the legit Indies, Agencies, & MPs alone) Give them long jail terms. No deals for gun crimes. Do the crime - do the time. And if they are from out of Canada - deport them immediately upon release. And install iris and/or face recognition machines at as many points of entry as possible so they can't come back.

Last but not least we need lots more re-hab for drug addicts so we can dry up as much as possible the market for these perps.


Oct 9, 2002
Doesn't get much better than this...

Relatively speaking, Toronto IS a safe city, considering it's size. Not to mention that here in Toronto we have literally hundreds of different ethic groups from all over the world that live in a safe enviroment. They enjoy their culture, language, religion and, customs like no other place on earth. It is fairly clean without the urban decay seen in other world class cities all over the world.

I've traveled throughout the world over the years and have seen far far worse. Can Toronto do better where crime is concerned? Of course. All things being equal, Toronto is a great city to live, to visit and to feel safe in. Happy to call TO home.

*Note*-Not a shill for the Travel Bureau of Canada or Tourism Toronto


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I agree...

DMGuy... over all TO is a great place to live. I LOVE TO. That is why I moved back here after 5 yrs away. I missed it too much. I love the different cultures here etc. Toronto is a vibrant and exciting place to be. Or if you choose a nice quiet walk in the park. Yes OK I concede compared to SOME other lager centres our crime rate and the decay of the inner city is not as bad.

However having said... I think it is a shame and a disgrace that the level of crime rate, types of crime etc that we DO have is existing at all. There is NO excuse. To say that TO is not as bad as other centres as large, to excuse the existing crime away (I'm not saying that is what you are doing) is one of the symptoms of denial. (IMO)

To say that TO is relatively safe may be an accurate statement to a degree. But how about this... want to come for a walk with me at 2am (or anytime after dark for that matter) down to Regent Park, or maybe Sherbourne and Queen, or any corner with-in a 10 block radius. Or Parkdale. Or maybe Jane & Finch. Or even the entertainment district downtown. Better bring a gun... cause you might need it.

Top Jimmy

Resident Musicologist
Feb 17, 2002
Too Far North
Luckily, we have local law enforcement that will save us all from heinous crimes against humanity like a happy ending at a massage parlour, an escort incall or more than casual contact at a strip club.

Without their tireless efforts, I don't know what I'd do...

Oh yeah, thats it... "HAVE FUN!" Thats what I'd do...


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
I would not put to much weight on crime reports on BT or other media outlets. Their job is to create audiences to sell to advertisers (Like the job of this board ļ). "If it bleeds it leads". Also, one reason there are not more LE on the streets is that their salaries are so high. I read recently that the average salary was $70 000. Contrary to popular misconceptions, in terms of on the job deaths, it is one of the safest jobs around. The way to get more LE on the streets in an affordable way is to do something to weaken the union involved (responses to this statement might give use an idea of how many LE's monitor this board).

It is also important to note that most murders and violent crimes are not random. I find that if I mind my own business I have few problems.

BTW, I am staying in Parkdale and sometimes do take walks at 2 AM here. I have not had any particular problems in that respect (I have had and have seen problems with mental patients in Parkdale creating problems but usually in the daytime and I think that has more to do with the health system and the location of half-way houses than problems with LE).


New member
Jun 24, 2003
Toronto is Overpriced

I don't think living in Toronto is worth the cost of living it commands. It has many great things, but given the cost of housing I didn't find it worth staying there any more. That is why I moved to Hamilton.

Yes Hamilton doesn't have top sports or the great entertainment district, but it doesn't cost a fortune to live here. I have more money to enjoy life more, and I can go to Toronto on weekends. For the cost of living difference I could easily pay for an annual trip to the Caribbean.

I guess that's why Barrie is growing in double digits also. I don't understand why more of the middle class and poor haven't left Toronto? Most middle class (non-Bay Street) jobs are available in almost every city in the province (KW, Guelph, London, Hamilton, Oshawa, etc.) - without a 45 minute communte also.


Who Am I? U first!
Jan 2, 2003

Sounds to me you're a little paranoid. I'll gladly walk with you around the city in Regent Park, Jane & Finch, the entertainment district, etc... to show you that there is nothing to worry about.

Just mind your own business and no one will bug you, let alone mug you.


BBBJ Artist!!
Mar 18, 2002
Toronto East
The growing amount of home invasions bother me.
I don't remember them in the 80's early 90's.
I also think alot of the crime comes from gang initiations.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Nothing to worry about???

Don’t put too much weight on crime reports? Oh… so I guess that 17y/o boy who was shot dead the other night behind CITY-TV was just media hype. It didn’t really happen. Or how about the accountant that was shot in his office up on Eglinton just two blocks from my house not too long ago. Just media hype right?

$70,000 too much to pay cops? Policing (IMO) IS a very dangerous job. Add to that the shit they have to put up with all the time. I make more then that (well at least I did last year, pre SARS, this year maybe not.) and all I do is sit at my desk and cruise TERB all day. (Actually I work very hard… but basically I’m a desk jockey, but you may get my point, I hope)

Yes I agree that if you mind your own business even all the areas that I mention are relatively safe for walking around at whatever hour. (If you discount the odd person who has been shot by a stray bullet.) That does not discount the fact that there is a lot of criminal activity going on. In all the areas that I mentioned drugs and drug addicted street walkers are rampant. How do I know? I am an addict in recovery… I’ve been there, I seen it first hand. Paranoid? No, I have not touched that stuff in ages. One thing about getting clean ‘n sober and changing lifestyles etc though… I still have ‘street trained eyes’ that will never leave me… I see things maybe the average person would not notice.

I guess mostly all I am trying to contend is that when I first came to TO in the early 70’s we did not have weekly shootings. We did not have crack dealers with guns on every second street corner and all the 24 hr. doughnut shops in many different parts of the city. We did not have drug-addicted streetwalkers on the same corners. ALL over the city. Sure we had the odd hippy type selling pot and/or acid (I was there too) on the Yonge St. Mall but they did not shoot you dead for refusing to drop your money on the ground. (Last year that is exactly what happened to a well known SW named Cookie, she refused to drop $20 bill on the ground so she got shot in the head with a shot gun)

Nothing to worry about? Yah… I guess since I am not directly involved therefore maybe not in direct danger myself any more I should not worry. So what if the gas bars and 24hr. stores are all getting robbed at gunpoint on a weekly basis. Who cares if the shop attendants or owners are getting shot dead? Who cares if a doz or more SW are gone missing or shot dead in last couple years? Their just drug addicted hookers anyways who cares? I’ll tell you who… I DO. I do cause I been there. I have held these girls in my arms while they cried. Cried that they wanted out… but there was no where for them to go.

Am I pissed off? YES. Why? Because I lost two brothers and one sister, my father & a large handful of friends that I cared very much about as a direct or indirect result of addiction. So you see I have first hand experience with the misery and suffering that is being caused by these parasites that are allowed to stand around on many more street corners then you care to admit, pocketing thousands of $$ every night. On MY and YOUR street corners btw. I guess though as long as I mind my own business and just walk home quietly nobody will shoot me so I should not worry about it.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Nothing to worry about???

TheNiteHwk said:
Don’t put too much weight on crime reports? Oh… so I guess that 17y/o boy who was shot dead the other night behind CITY-TV was just media hype. It didn’t really happen. Or how about the accountant that was shot in his office up on Eglinton just two blocks from my house not too long ago. Just media hype right?
This is only anecdotal “evidence”. The media is fond of hyping these violent negative stories by giving them more weight than they had in the past. This fools the uncritical viewer into believing that things are indeed getting worse. This is not the case as proven by the simple gathering of statistics over time.

Despite Toronto’s rapid population growth, the number of murders has held steady at around 60 per year.

These and other similar statistics are usually not newsworthy. Remember, the media craves eyeballs for their advertisers. When was the last time you heard a promo for the news proclaiming “Crime rate holds steady for yet another year. Details at 11”? That does not get the viewers to tune in.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
In 2001 (the most current figures I could find) the city of Detroit had 398 homicides. Toronto's a freaking paradise by comparison...any major city is going to have crime, but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be, NightHawk.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts