To me, that doesn't seem too bad actually, only 7 inches apart.I'm 5'10" and 5'3"" seems way too short, almost awkward.
This is what a one foot difference looks like:

To me, that doesn't seem too bad actually, only 7 inches apart.I'm 5'10" and 5'3"" seems way too short, almost awkward.
With the bigger frame usually comes bigger hands and feet which I don't find that attractive or feminine in women tooI find most women who are taller, have larger frames, more muscle and fat not attractive. they appear very man ish. perhaps they have a high testosterone levels.
I dont find them intimidating but more so they lack the softness and grace of smaller petite women. women typically like taller, bigger and more muscular. since we are a dimorphic species it makes sense.
5’9” and slim is perfect for me.It’s a little tautological or self-fulfilling - if guys liked women 6’ and above that’s who would get most pregnant and there’d be more women 6’ and above.
We like them just a little shorter than us.
Must be over 5’6” and less than 6’0”If I keep it to involved with in a more serious way, then I've been with just over 5 foot to just under 6''.
If I include one night stands or just dates that didn't end up in something more serious then it goes from 4'10" to 6'3".
Oh my that so funny.Old Canadian joke that used to be around. Perfect Canadian woman. Three feet tall with no teeth and a flat head so you've got somewhere to put your beer when you're watching the game.
As a 5'10 guy, seeing the 6 ft and above line on tinder is a bummer. There are lots of mens shoes that increase your height by 1.5~2 inches.Why is ok for women to wear high heels and pretend they're tall, but not men?
I forgot about all the high heal girls out there.As a 5'10 guy, seeing the 6 ft and above line on tinder is a bummer. There are lots of mens shoes that increase your height by 1.5~2 inches.
So i'm not lying when i tell them i am.
Most boots have a high heel as well.
Heigh is the last concern when looking for an sp. I'd 5'6 is the perfect height for my hand on her head when she's giving me head on her knees though
This degree of height mismatch means the man can press his face against her breasts when slow dancing.
Yes, Much like every other subjectI thought we had already discussed this subject fairly recently.