I have more varied sexual tastes than I thought I would.
The body type I thought I would be into doesn’t really do it for me in person.
The most beautiful woman is not always the best lover. (The teenage me wishes I’d known that one)
Personality trumps everything else when it comes to a sexual experience.
I will gladly pay more than I ever thought I would for a great sexual experience.
Repeating with a great SP is often better than experimenting with someone new.
I have to add one more to my list.
Hobbying has taught me about the sex industry and the world of escorts. For many years had the widely held view that it was a sleazy industry dominated by pimps and girls who were desperate. An industry that I wanted no part of for a whole list of reasons.
Well was I ever wrong!! By chance several years ago I stumbled across Twitter accounts and websites that looked anything but my image of sex workers. Professional providers who are strong independent women with small business acumen and who love what they do! Legitimate agencies with happy and well adjusted girls using the industry to put themselves through University debt free or as a side hustle from a boring 9-5 job! Fuck me who knew??
Now I'm happy to be a part of it and better off for it.
Thanks Ladies!!