Well, I remember an even older good old days, when we didn't have any pictures, let alone fake pix. Back then we just tried out ladies based on their self-description on the phone, and you decide whether she would be sort of your type or not. If the girl described herself completely wrong, then obviously we'd just decline the service. However, if she was within the ballpark of your "type", then we went ahead and might have found them to be pretty good, and then from that point on your "type" got expanded a little further. Basically I don't let perfection in looks get in the way of good enough, especially when "perfect" girls may have bad attitudes, but slightly less perfect girls may give you a much better time.
Yeah, yer right. I remember when I used to comb the Ads in the Sun.
Found a few real gems for sure, but that was the exception. Oh man, I wish I could re-connect with a few of the ladies I met *sigh*. While I'm whining, I wish I were younger too :frusty:
Despite the media enhancements (pics, etc) over the years, I'm guessing the ratio of scammers to gems is about the same as the old days?