What happens if?


New member
Aug 31, 2003
Sukdeep said:
Now here's a new question:
What if the man brings the condom, which breaks during the act? Aside from the "reasonable precautions of an SP" issue, we also bring the following into play:

1. The negligence of the man in bringing a defective condom (why not double bag?)
2. Alimony (of course)
3. Special damages for lost wages as the SP must take time off her livelihood...

That could add up to big bucks!
if the goal is to try and mitigate the amount you are going to pay under the child support guidelines then you are out of luck.

it is an indiret attack, (legal speak - a collateral attack) on the merits of the legal obligation of child support. The only exceptions are the exceptions as allowed by the child support guidelines.

not being the biological father is no defence to paying child support if you have a relationship with the mother and child, the step-father scenario.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
DenWa said:
and what of the bawdy house law?

if the place is being run as a bawdy house, they have to prove you had knowledge that it is being run as one hence the inmate of being in a bawdy house.

if you walk in she gives a menu and you do nothing you can get charged for the inmate charge.

if you walk at that point you have a defence to the charge, if in fact you are subsequently charged as you walk out.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
Sukdeep said:
By the way, with reference to the "junkie example", as Chief Fantino pointed recently, the Toronto Police will happily go investigate a matter of stolen marijauna, and the case will be prosecuted as a criminal offence for theft...it is a legitimate property offence. The possession of illegal susbtances in the first instance is another matter and would be prosecuted separately. I suppose that is the "hornet's nest" of which you speak...
possession of cannabis is illegal, you cannot legally possess it unless you meet the medical exemption.

there is no theft if you cannot legally possess the item. It is not a legitimate property offence.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
if you get charged with possession of marijuana and proceeds of crime and the money is legitimately your money AND eventually all the charges get dropped, say the cops being the living shit out of you.

you will get the money back but not the marijuana, the judge will laugh at you and well as any other person in the court.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
thats Fantino, he's an idiot. There was a time in Ontario when it was not illegal to posess marijuana but the Ont CA and the SCC eventually overturned that.

Fantino may have made that statement at that time although that was the state of the law. Police were still charging people for possession of marijuana.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ok back to the subject at hand (enough of someone stealing my dope *shudder* the bastard!)

Be a MAN you pussy, you stuck your dick inside a woman, came, and maybe got her pregnant. IF the child is yours DO YOUR DUTY AND QUITE LOOKING FOR AN OUT or someone to blame.

Yeah yeah yeah, maybe you have a legal leg to stand on, MAYBE. Maybe bullshit, just do what is right, never mind what is legal.

If the child is yours, cherish it, love it, do whatever you can to give it a better life than the one you have, give it half of everything you are, will be or want to be.

Mind you this is supposing she does end up being pregnant AND decides to keep it, AND it ends up being yours. (BTW, I am not sure how long into the pregnancy they have to wait) but they can check paternity prior to birth. Something about the amionic fluid or something.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
If the child is yours, cherish it, love it, do whatever you can to give it a better life than the one you have, give it half of everything you are, will be or want to be.
Not that I disagree with you, but I think it would be extremely difficult to share joint custody of a child with an SP who you don't even know.

She has the option of putting the child up for adoption, and if the potential father gives her the option of a free abortion, I don't think he should be on the hook for full support.

Considering that he has absolutely no say in the matter, the chances of them having a life together is virtually nil, and I would doubt she would want to give him joint custody or even visitation, his obligations should definately be significantly less than that of a social, non-business cashless conception.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
To take this in another direction . Would you discuss abortion with her ?
Nov 30, 2003
So if she is pregnant....

I guess we'll see who disappears from an MP in a few months, or until she starts showing, without much warning. Then it will be, why did such-and-such leave suddenly and could it be because...?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Re: Abortion

Sukdeep said:
Discuss? Yes.

Insist/Demand? No.
Obviously not , but if one is ok with abortion it would seem like this would be an obvious application .

I'm sorry and I know everyone is PC here but I can't help but feel that the professional has more of a responsibility ( even the burden of responsibility ) in this situation .


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Another question to ask is, what are the chances that the MPA would actually end up keeping the baby to begin with?? While it is certainly possible, I would suspect that an unplanned, (unwanted) pregnancy would alter her life in ways that she is not prepared to deal with. Chances are good that if she is pregnant, both her and the hobbyist will be of like mind and be able to reach an agreement on what should be done.

While an issue such as this has always been in the back of my mind when seeing an SP, this thread has brought it to the forefront. It would seem the notion of no strings attatched sex is conditional... something to think about.


Feb 19, 2003
Let this be a lesson to everyone here - [duh] condoms break and some sp's aren't on the pill.

Some SP's won't take the pill as it fucks them up hormonally and makes them cry all the time. Some Sp's won't take the drug because they think it will make them fat. Some SP's won't take the pill as they worry about long term effects of taking the drug. I had a g/f who wouldn't take it because she said it made her dry and not in the mood for sex.



Active member
Jan 2, 2004
drlove said:

. It would seem the notion of no strings attatched sex is conditional... something to think about.
Exactly, I've been at this for years, never worried about it or thought of it much before, now after reading all this I still don't really know what to think, this happened last Wed. Can the Pregnancy test work this soon, she says no


Feb 19, 2003
Lesson for you buddy, stop listening to her advice. Do the research yourself and give her the info. I think that people have a tendency to put their heads up their asses or have wrong info.

She can do a drug store test one week after "conception" ... as the pregnancy hormone shows up in urine. That means probably two weeks after the "incident".

Most girls wait until they miss a period before they do the test. You may want to find out when her last period was - to give you an idea.



New member
Nov 16, 2001
bbking said:
Because you printed it and I quoted it.

"and if the potential father gives her the option to a free abortion, I don't think he should be on the hook for full support."

If you meant something else, you may want to clarify this.

What part of the word "FULL" do you not comprehend?

My point is that I believe it is possible for there to be factors which should LESSEN the man's obligations.

First of all, what if he simply can't afford it yet she decides she will have the baby anyways.

What if she is not spending the child support on the child?

What if she denies him any visitation?

What if she moves and makes it impractical for him to visit?

What if she is simply an unfit mother?

There are numerous other potential factors, not to mention the fact that he has absolutely no say in the matter, if she even tells him about the pregnancy at all.

I don't mean to seem like an insensitive bastard but I believe there are degrees to child support that are determined by more than 'It was your sperm, how much do you make?'


Feb 19, 2003
The court does not agree with your world view. Allowing access and child support aren't related. The Mom can use the money on anything - even if she benefits from it.

Until the day when some guy is forced to put his dick inside some chick and forced to make her pregnant against his will - he is obligated to pay for any child according to child support guidelines.

Broken condom, her lying and saying she's on the pill or whatever - he's got to accept responsibility for his sperm. You don't like it? Keep your swimmers to yourself.

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