What happens if?


Active member
Jan 2, 2004
What is your responsibility if the MPA you are having sex with becomes pregnant? What happened to me is the condom broke, we didn't notice until it was over, she freaked as did I, she told me she isn't using any other type of birth control, so now I wonder if she is prego where do I stand?


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
IMHO & Without Prejudice

Morally I think if it's your kid, you should fess up and be supportive. On the other hand, this lady should know damn well that shit happens and therefore, given her occupation, should have taken further precautions (i.e. birth control pills). At the very least, she should have popped a "day after" pill.

Given that situation, I don't think you should be on the hook for the full 100% of support payments. Perhaps 50% as a compromise though.


The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
Varmitt said:
What is your responsibility if the MPA you are having sex with becomes pregnant?
You had sex with an MPA? I didn't think that happened.

Unfortunately you are supposedly both mature adults and should be aware of the potential for this to happen. The fact that she doesn't take any other form of contraception and seemingly was unaware of newer alternatives is a little concerning given her line of work, but it does not change your responsibility in the matter.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.

Anya said:
Personally, I can't imagine working in this business and not using a more reliable form of birth control!


Gegen Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens. :p

Re: Re: Re: What happens if?

Sukdeep said:
I think that a pretty good legal argument could be made to the contrary.

If a plumbing contractor got injured while installing a faucet at your house because one of his tool broke, is that your fault?

Not necessarily the best analogy
Remember the child support is for the benefit of the child, not the mother.

The child is not responsible for what the mother was doing.

I think your best chance if hit with support is to sue the massage parlour.


Cunning Linguist
Oct 1, 2001
Just being devils advocate here...but what part does it play that you were paying her to perform this act and that her supplied equipment failed to perform? This is clearly a failure to perform part of a contractual obligation under law.

This is just to provoke discussion.....

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
It could be argued that by using the condom she was taking reasonable precautions. I agree that it is irresponsible for someone in this business not do whatever they can to protect themselves. Your point about "acting outside of her capacity" could come into play in a number of ways...if you believe that sexual intercourse is not common practice at an MP, then additional contraception for the MPA might be viewed as unnecessary.
Nov 30, 2003
So is the onus on who supplied the rubber?

thundergod said:
Just being devils advocate here...but what part does it play that you were paying her to perform this act and that her supplied equipment failed to perform? This is clearly a failure to perform part of a contractual obligation under law.

This is just to provoke discussion.....
Can the condom-maker be sued for failure or is it not guaranteed if all instructions on use were followed correctly?


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
The condom maker will undoubtedly be protected by numerous disclosures printed on the packaging claiming that use of condoms is not a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy nor STDs. I doubt you'd get far with that one.

To Thundergod's point of failure to perform part of a contractual obligation, I wonder how enforceable that would be. There's never any written contract nor any verbal one for that matter. It's just "understood" that money exchanged is for time only and whatever happens is between 2 consenting adults. I can't seem to think of any other situation whereby a party pays for services and never has to sign for it. Even in cases where you don't necessarily sign (purchasing tickets to an event with cash) you still get the ticket itself which grants you admission to a venue subject to the conditions printed on the back.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
O god, if only....

Sukdeep said:
Most have disclaimer labels advising that failure is possible.

Liability may be proved if you can establish that there was a defect in the manufacture and/or design...
.......my future wife had had such a label.


The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
Sukdeep said:
(Announcement - I'm switching positions to further debate)
You're a natural, you did that seemlessly and without much effort. You should thingk about a career in politics.


Oct 9, 2002
What a sad tale this is. First, ask yourself if this MPA is really pregnant. Once you are able to confirm that she infact is, the other fact that requires confirmation is IF infact you are the one that fathered this child. You would only be able to confirm this with a paternity test (once the child is born). Discuss options. Weather to terminate the pregnancy, give up the child for adoption or, child support arrangements, ect.. Make sure if you pay any funds to the MPA, keep detailed records. Write up an agreement (through a lawyer) laying out what is expected of both parties. At least this way, everyone is protected. If you find out, later, that the child is not your's, you have recourse to get any money paid out back. Good luck to all parties concerned...


New member
Aug 31, 2003
There is no mitigation. You pay what the support guidelines stipulate based on your income unless you meet one of the exceptions.

plumbing analogy is just stupid.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Re: WTF???

Anya said:
You think you're going to stand up in Family Court and make some bullshit argument like this, and the judge will say: "You poor thing, you shouldn't have to pay support!"
Not at all. Like Sukdeep I'm merely implying that the degree of liability may be somewhat mitigated by the circumstances. I am in no way trying to promote the argument that payment is completely unnecessary; I'm only arguing the amount of payment given the circumstances. Clearly in this situation, both parties bear a responsibility to the overall situation.

As others have pointed out, the person who truly loses in this mess is the kid. All reasonable steps should be taken to protect the child (if there is one) from the ravages of society. If that means support payments, so be it.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
bbking said:
The example was given by this person of a father who even if it where documented was told by the mother that she was on the pill and it turns out she wasn't the father remains 100% responsible for the child. The child is not property therefore the responsibility to the child remains the same as any father.

thats called loco in parentis (spelling ?) latin term for standing in for the parent.

like a step father for someone else's kid. There have been cases where a mother is getting child support from the step-father and the biological father.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Not trying to be petty...

If you engage in sex with a girl at a massage parlor, you are breaking the law. If you are unlucky enough to knock up an MP worker, first you find out if the kid is yours and then you deal with it. Pursuing a bunch of legal action and bringing attention to how and where you had the sex would be to open a hornet's nest. It's like the junkie going to the cops because someone stole his drugs.

You can't legally have sex at an MP....why do you think that specifics are not allowed when discussing extras on this board? I was not trying to be petty with my remarks, but a man would have to be a fool to argue that he shouldn't have to pay child support to a sex worker because she should understand the risks involved in her job. That baby didn't ask to be conceived under such circumstances.



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Furthermore, it doesn't surprise me that you hold several degrees, etc. Most of us around here are educated. That's irrelevant to the silly nature of the "what if's" you were throwing out.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
you can legally have sex at an MP.

you just can't communicate to get the sexual service you want.

what's illegal is the communication for the purpose of prostution.
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