The Porn Dude

What does it take to open a good incall?


It's been good to know ya
1. tons of bedding linen
2. tons and tons of towels cause you are not always in the mood for washing and there is not time to wash up every single day. But if it gets really messy you have no choice ie... cancel the trip to the park later on.
3. a very large laundry basket
4. a stock of antibacterial soaps, condoms at least two sizes and or brands right now I have two sizes and for each two brands, (sometimes men have extras though and will leave some behind so I get more variety. shampoos, regular soaps, some toys, sexy clothing, make up, nail polish, perfume.
5. Advertising expenses, banners, pics, ads, web page etc....
6. most important keep your place clean, mop, clean the tub and toilet as this is the second most important room after the bedroom. Always inspect the bedroom for condoms you just never know if the man has taken in to the bathroom with him or just thrown it some place.
7. oh yes tons of pillows as these are great for using to prop yourself up for sex. I have 10 pillows just for in my room. :) Of course they are not always in the room but sometimes all 10 are there.


Flies do doggy too
Sep 23, 2004
69 Hobby Road

most important thing



Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
stacey4u2luv said:
1. tons of bedding linen
2. tons and tons of towels cause you are not always in the mood for washing and there is not time to wash up every single day. But if it gets really messy you have no choice ie... cancel the trip to the park later on.
3. a very large laundry basket
4. a stock of antibacterial soaps, condoms at least two sizes and or brands right now I have two sizes and for each two brands, (sometimes men have extras though and will leave some behind so I get more variety. shampoos, regular soaps, some toys, sexy clothing, make up, nail polish, perfume.
5. Advertising expenses, banners, pics, ads, web page etc....
6. most important keep your place clean, mop, clean the tub and toilet as this is the second most important room after the bedroom. Always inspect the bedroom for condoms you just never know if the man has taken in to the bathroom with him or just thrown it some place.
7. oh yes tons of pillows as these are great for using to prop yourself up for sex. I have 10 pillows just for in my room. :) Of course they are not always in the room but sometimes all 10 are there.

Last but not least, you need some willing ladies who will show up on schedule.


New member
May 25, 2005
A bidet would be nice. Maybe a small wine chiller. Oh, least we forget COWBELL! Gotta have more cowbell.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
High_Roller said:
A good lawyer ("bawdy house")
unless he can get a licence to operate an incall in the city of Victoria.. but don't hold your breath as they are difficult to get, especially if you are male.


May 9, 2004
What is the charge of bawdy house? What do ppl get charged anyways most of the time? I always read something something in Markham got raided by undercover cops or something then nothing in the news again.


May 9, 2004
What kind of charges do owners get if they get charged with running a bawdy house? Do they actually go to jail or just a fine?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
hornykid said:
What kind of charges do owners get if they get charged with running a bawdy house? Do they actually go to jail or just a fine?
Depends on how good your lawyer is, the Crown attorney & Judge;

Less controversial have been other provisions of the Criminal Code dealing with prostitution. Even though the act is “legal,” criminal sanctions apply to the place where it is carried on: section 210 allows the conviction of a person who “keeps,” is an “inmate” of, is “found in,” or who as an owner allows a place to be used as, a “common bawdy house.” This is defined, in section 197, as a place kept or occupied or resorted to by one or more persons for the purpose of acts of prostitution or indecency. The courts have held that, to come within that definition, a place must be resorted to for prostitution on a habitual and regular basis (R. v. Patterson (1968), 67 D.L.R. (2d) 82 (S.C.C.)). Thus, a conviction for keeping a common bawdy house was secured against a woman who used her own apartment, alone but on a regular basis, for purposes of prostitution (R. v. Worthington (1972), 22 C.R.N.S. 34 (Ont. C.A.)). Mere participation in the illicit activities of a common bawdy house, however, will not support a conviction for “keeping” under section 210 (1), without “some degree of control over the care and management of the premises” (R. v. Corbeil, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 83).
One element of the bawdy-house provisions has been declared inoperative following a Charter challenge. The statutory presumption in section 198(1)(d) was that a previous conviction of keeping a disorderly house amounts to proof of the nature of the premises in subsequent proceedings against other persons accused of being frequenters and inmates. This presumption was held to offend sections 11(d) and 7 of the Charter (R. v. Janoff (1991), 68 C.C.C. (3d) 454 (Que. C.A.)). The Quebec Court of Appeal resolved that the presumption conflicted with rules of evidence respecting hearsay, opinion evidence and relevance, and would deprive the accused of a fair trial. Since no evidence was presented to justify the infringement under section 1 of the Charter, the section was declared to be of no force or effect.
It is also illegal to keep a common bawdy-house for the performance of indecent acts; however, what will be considered “indecent” may vary, as it is determined by the community’s standard of tolerance. The Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling in R. v. Tremblay, [1993] 2 S.C.R. 932, suggests that the community’s level of tolerance can be set quite high. In that case, owners of a nightclub in Montréal hired nude dancers to perform in individual cubicles for clients who were permitted to remove their own clothing and masturbate during the performance. The majority of judges held that the acts were not indecent since they did not fall below the community standard of tolerance for such activities. The Court included as relevant the circumstances surrounding the act, the degree of harm that could result from public exposure, and expert evidence. The Court bolstered its findings on the facts that no complaints had been received about the club’s activities, the performance had taken place in a closed room with only consenting adults present, there was no physical contact between patrons and dancers, and expert testimony classified the proceedings as non-pathological acts of voyeurism and exhibitionism that caused no harm to anyone.


Dec 27, 2005
Cowbell ?

Eli said:
A bidet would be nice. Maybe a small wine chiller. Oh, least we forget COWBELL! Gotta have more cowbell.
LOL I don't know why the thought of an incall cowbell makes me laugh but I can't stop ;)


Jan 31, 2005
consult a lawyer

hornykid, you obviously don't really know what you are getting yourself legally, and that is a big red flag. does the exact nature of the charge matter to you? incall's are illegal. the owner of an incall agency can be jailed. for that matter the status of the owner of an outcall agency isn't really all that clear either, even though outcall escorts are 100% legal.

the police operate on a "complaint" basis wrt incalls. if your neighbours, or anybody else, complains, then you will likely get busted and charged. if nobody complains, if your girls aren't underage, if you keep a low profile, then the _odds_ are you will be fine, but they are just odds.. you are gambling on potentially getting a criminal charge.


May 9, 2004
i guess i am......ha know, i just want to provide something good for everyone....i always wanted to have a massage parlour like the ones in macau and china....its really fun
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