What Do You Think About nipple piercings?


Nov 2, 2007
Turn OFF Vanessa

Don't do it. It is rarely seen....requires maintenance - gets in the road - medically not needed.

But edgy? Hmmm. Surely people can be edgy without the unseen piercing



Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
oagre said:
why do girls have them done? Is it just to look sexy?

I mean, with clit rings, there is at least an erotic purpose to them...
For the same reason that people get ink, color their hair, get hair extension, wear different type of clothes, have cosmetic surgery, wear make-up, manscape, etc. Because they like it, because they find it aesthetically pleasing and/or sexy, because they enjoy modifying their body, because they want to attract others who like it, because they enjoy the process, etc.

Why do people have such difficulty understanding that their own aesthetic standards are not universal?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
genintoronto said:
For the same reason that people get ink, color their hair, get hair extension, wear different type of clothes, have cosmetic surgery, wear make-up, manscape, etc. Because they like it, because they find it aesthetically pleasing and/or sexy, because they enjoy modifying their body, because they want to attract others who like it, because they enjoy the process, etc.

Why do people have such difficulty understanding that their own aesthetic standards are not universal?
I don't think it's that at all, I think most have trouble understanding the reason or motivation behind it as it is outside our realm of reason.

Just like: do you understand what the motivation is behind serial killers? Or beastiality? Not just understand that it happens, but to get into the minds of the person who does these things?

But since this board is all about opinions and the OP specifically ASKED for people's opinions, people are giving them. Why can't YOU understand THAT?


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
tboy said:
I don't think it's that at all, I think most have trouble understanding the reason or motivation behind it as it is outside our realm of reason.

Just like: do you understand what the motivation is behind serial killers? Or beastiality? Not just understand that it happens, but to get into the minds of the person who does these things?

But since this board is all about opinions and the OP specifically ASKED for people's opinions, people are giving them. Why can't YOU understand THAT?
Ok, maybe I misread or misinterpreted the comment I quoted.

My reply was in response to the judgement I read in his (and others) opinion, moreso than to the opinion (like piercing/dislike piercings) itself. In other words, I understand that some people like piercings and others don't, and as you said, the OP did ask for those opinions. But what I don't understand is the judgement that seems to come with some who expressed their dislike of piercing.

But I may have read something that wasn't there in the comment I quoted. If that's the case, then please just ignore my last sentence.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah, I don't think anyone judged anyone who has them ie: they're tramps, stupid or ??. I think everyone said what they thought of them and why.

I personally don't get pierced labia or clit rings. If it makes sex feel better then sure, that makes sense but I had an operation on my wiener and believe me, for anyone to do that VOLUNTARILY? They must really like pain because I'd rather take a meat cleaver to my baby finger than go through that again....

Oh, and this will sound judgemental, but parents who pierce their 6 month old baby's ears? I feel they should be up on charges for child abuse....


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Well, there are a lot of people who enjoy pain (*raise hand*) and for whom the pain involved in getting a piercing or ink is half the fun. I was actually a bit disapointed when I didn't feel more than a little pinch for one of my piercing.

But there are also lots of people who don't enjoy the pain of piercing/ink, but do like the result, for whatever reasons (aesthetic, sexual, social, etc.).


New member
Aug 20, 2007
I find them sexy!!! Yes am posting it a second time!! Have a date with Ashton u naysayers and u'll change ur mind!!! Lol


New member
May 28, 2009
Pierced nipples are very nice IMHO. I personally love all piercings and tattoos but I understand that it's not for everyone.

HOWEVER, any body modification is usually done for the person having it done. As long as you do it for yourself and it makes you feel sexier, or whatever... go for it!


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
vanessafoxx647 said:
I am planning on getting my nipples pierced this weekend :) But I was always wondering what did others think about it. Of course, I'll probably get a bunch of 'don't do it' or 'that's trashy' but in my opinion I think nipple piercings are erotic and edgy for certain women.
So I ask what is your opinion?
I'm not only the "don't do it" side. But I'm also the "won't hire you if you do side". There's nothing that turns me off than pierced nipples, pierced pussy, or pierced tongue, pierced belly button, or anything else, except the ears. Ears are okay.

Why mutilate your body that can never be reversed. I'm against tattoos of all forms as well. In Bangkok, if a fishbowl has girls with tattoos and piercings, I make them sit down, never to be requested. It's plagiarized art of someone sticking their mark on you that NEVER BELONGS THERE.

So, please, don't do it. However, your opinion is final for your body. My opinion is for what keeps my cock stiff and I only go for girls with no tattoos and no piercings. That includes steady girls too. When I have sex with girls, I make them take off ALL jewelry. I want to see their bodies, not crap on their body.

Gyaos Baltar.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
You should do whatever makes you happy. Personally I find all piercings and tatoos to be a big turn-off.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I like them, they are hot, but they're not for everyone. Do what makes you happy, don't worry about the rest.


Feb 14, 2008
I like one female in adult industry who has her left breasts pierced with a cute
piercing, which makes her pink errect nipple look really hot as she has all A La Natural Breasts. Too much of body piercing turns off lots of men with artificial ornaments, as men prefer all Lord made to play and have fun, not artificial dead metals, one piercing is just fine.
For clients preference, the escort agencies, MP's, Independent SP's should duly mention in their ad's about piercing too, like some have started mentioning about Man Made Breasts, or All Naturals, that really helps a clients weather to visit that female or not as per his personal preferences.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
What if a guy does it?


New member
Jul 20, 2004
I like piercings in general and mine wants several more including her nipples so obviously I'm okay with them.

The one thing to be concerned about is that future breast feeding may be impaired if it is not done properly so go with someone who is recommended by someone who you trust.

Healing time can vary a lot but generally it is a month or more.

There is a chance that sensitivity will be diminished but I'm not sure it's quite as high as one in three as genintoronto suggested. I guess we're drawing on different samples.

From a guy's perspective, there is a bit of an issue regarding sucking on pierced nipples since you can end up with the metal knocking against your teeth and that "sounds" kind of annoying (lightly knock something metal on your teeth and you'll know what I mean if you don't already) -- having had the experience. There's just so much more to do with piercings that I see that as an unavoidable trade-off.

Just a couple of other notes to comments made: there isn't any freezing done for the piercing. Depending on how you feel about it, that could be a good thing or it'll hurt for a moment. If you don't like the result, you can take the jewelry out and the holes will seal up again and be virtually undetectable.

Noir said:
I would love to have my nipples done, but I am always set off my the fact that my nipples would be forever erect...
Ummm... since you recently got enhanced boobies, I would think you're nipples tend to be erect anyway. No? So go for it.


Jan 16, 2004
Coco Bongo
Two to four months to heal for a guy or two to six months to heal for a girl for nipple piercings.

The worst part is the clamp. Imagine an pissed off girl biting on your nipple and not letting go. That's what it feels like (or so I've been told). The first few hours after a piercing, it feels kinda sore and weird. Feels like a piece of metal hanging from your nipple. After about 4 days, it feels fine though. You won't even know that it's there unless you think about it.

The positive?

New shiny hardware hangin' from the nipple. You do it for yourself, not for someone else so who cares what others think?

More sensitive.

The negative?

No oral contact to the nipple until it's fully healed. Apparently the mouth contains the most bacteria and is the dirtiest part of the body. Who knew?

Gotta cover it up with a waterproof bandage when going swimming so you don't get it infected.

Aftercare is pretty simple. Spray some saltwater on the piercing 4 to 6 times a day. I've heard H2Ocean is great stuff. www.h2ocean.com

Worst that can happen is it gets infected. But as long as you take the appropriate aftercare steps and keep it clean, you should be fine.

Remember though, once you pierce the nipple, it gets bigger and it'll stay that way even if you take it out. However, it does become more sensitive (or so I've been told). Not as drastic as getting a tattoo but your nipple will look different when you get it, that's for sure. So if you want your nipples to match, get em both done. :D


New member
Dec 27, 2004
What do I think of nipple piercings? Not much :)
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