What do women want ?

Dr. Gonzo

New member
Jul 19, 2002
Men and Women

I'm far from being an expert on the subject, but I have made a few observations from the few relationships women have been kind enough to share with me.

The two big issues for me are communication and understanding. If ones doesn't communicate their needs and feelings in an open way, one can't expect those needs and feelings to be fulfilled and validated. Similarly, it isn't enough to just communicate, one needs to help foster an understanding of what is being communicated. You may not like what is being communicated, but there is a need to understand and empathise and to a degree compromise.

I don't see a lot of this happening in my relationships anymore, nor do I see it much in the relationships of others. It seems we are very closed off from others, including our loved ones. Both sexes seem to display this fear of vulnerability, fear of each other, and general mistrust all around.

When I look back on my earliest relationships as a teenager, I don't really remember having this fear. I was with one girl for most of my teen years and we always seemed to communicate well, didn't fear being vulnerable to each other (in fact it was a relief having someone we could be vulnerable with), trusted in each other and felt secure.

I haven't experienced that anywhere near the same degree since. And I think I know why.

In early relationships we have no fear because we've never really been hurt. We leave ourselves open, having typically no reason to be closed. Then, as we gain experience we also gain hurts. The hurts compound and we take steps to avoid pain, closing ourselves off to potentially painful experiences, and hence closing off some of the very things that make a truly loving relationship, IMHO.

Women tend to become bitter and suspicious about men. They become more restrictive in their attitudes. Suppressing feelings that might scare a man off.

Men, on the other hand, are already raised to suppress a whole host of emotions and thoughts. They too become bitter and mistrustful and start to think of every woman as some kind of controlling nag. Their suppression becomes compounded by their mistrust, often leading to feelings of being trapped by the woman, when in fact he is trapped by his inability to express himself.

In short, we need to open up to each other. Stop seeing things in this "us and them" framework. Yes there will be pain, but there will be the most exquisite pleasure as well. That's what I'm counting on, anyhow.

Now I just need someone I can "open up" with...lol


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Men and women should separate after sex and the initial rearing of children. They just aren't meant to be together other than for those odd moments of mutual satisfaction. Society has fucked us up by having us live too long under an abnormal set of unnatural rules.

It's genetic just as it is with most of the animal kingdom.

As usual, there are always a few exceptions.
sorely said:
Men and women should separate after sex and the initial rearing of children. They just aren't meant to be together other than for those odd moments of mutual satisfaction. Society has fucked us up by having us live too long under an abnormal set of unnatural rules.

It's genetic just as it is with most of the animal kingdom.

As usual, there are always a few exceptions.
Sorely, I apologize but i must disagree...perhaps I'm still too much of an idealist.

I haven't read this entire thread however i did post my opinions for Pool's original questions on MBB


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001
Re: What Do WomenWant?

friendz4evr said:
The moral of this tale is: If your woman doesn't get her own way, things are going to get ugly!
So are you saying that what women ultimately want is a YES-man? Someone who will cater to her every need and bow to her every will? From what I have seen, such a relationship usually ends up with the woman eventually becoming bored with this kind of man and leaving him for another. You need balance in a relationship.

For myself, I would rather partner myself with someone who agrees to disagree (sometimes, not always) and has the ability to purge negative feelings (if they arise). The last part reminds me of an old saying which I believe still holds true: Never go to bed angry. (unless you're single & horny and have some angry blueballs in which case it just can't be helped) ;-)


New member
Sep 10, 2001
jenny7943 said:

Sorely, I apologize but i must disagree...perhaps I'm still too much of an idealist.

I haven't read this entire thread however i did post my opinions for Pool's original questions on MBB

First of all you certainly don't need to apologize for disagreeing with me. Most people do( disagree not apologize).

Next point is that I am probably one of those who has lived too long and has become a little cynical.

Thirdly , I hope I am wrong, but I'm not sure.

Lastly, life is great with so many marvellous experiences around every corner.

One other little piece of advice that definitely is true,

Don't listen to old farts !!

Take care of yourself and thanks for the reply.


New member
Sep 17, 2002
yes, woman want alotta things...

and we need alot too. we need an equal mind and body to share experiences and memories. a true friend with all the benefits. we need to be trusted and to trust you. we need room to grow and our dreams to be acknowledged and supported. we need security. we need protection from the harsh elements and we need strength and commitment from our male counterpart.
we, in kind, will offer the same. its survival of the fittest out there people. at the end of the day or the end of a life it is our experiences with others, all the shit and all the glory, that make us who we are. we are masters of our destiny and 110% accountable for all actions. action follows thought. thoughts are powerful. i love all rich, poor ugly, beautiful, sick and healthy.
who do you love? david wilcox


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
What Women Want......

.......is very subjective with wants and needs varying from woman to woman!
Having just walked from an unrewarding long term marriage, I can see with clearer vision that what my wife wanted, I was unable to provide to her specification. She wanted total control of my life and used manipulative tactics to try and accomplish that end! She saw my weaknesses and played on them for all of our married life.
How many other women like her are out there?
On an interpersonal basis, what a woman may want from one man, may not be the same with another! The wants of another woman with the same man may be totally reversed!
The differences are due to the chemistry between two individuals, and, IMHO, they are astrologically influenced!
Never mix Cancer and Sagittarius! The resulting concoction can be volatile! Towit, my own circumstance!

Willywants (to move next door and see what fellow fire sign,
Leo, has to offer!)


New member
Aug 26, 2002
poorboy said:
All I know is that they want someone taller than 5'7".
Ain't that the truth...and that goes for the 5 foot nothing girls. I keep seeing them with 6 foot+ guys. I can understand a guy wanting a girl half his weight, and 15% less his height; read amaziiing sit-and-spin. But for me, that would be my 14 year old neice...ugghh...another thread. But a girl wanting a guy 15%+ taller and 100%+ heavier? Maybe it's physical security (or need to improve genetics of next generation) on her part. But really, it should be considered insecurity on her part.


New member
Aug 26, 2002
Biologically speaking

justifymylove said:
Biologically speaking...The reason it's so much more complicated for humans is that reproduction is expensive...women want the guy who's going to make reproduction worth it.
What percent of women are this analytical prior to having unprotected sex? You must have heard of abortion or the morning after pill? What phase of a women's life are you talking about? Does a woman decide this prior to "choosing" a guy?


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Ok one simple question here...............

Now why in hell... When I go clubbing... Are the only men hitting on me... SHORTER THEN ME?!?!?!?!?!?!


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
Small Packages!

At 5 foot 5 and a bit, never ever forget the bit, I have suffered the agony of the natural selection process, having been rejected by several women taller than I am!
Women are natuarally, instinctively driven to males who best represent the perfect specimen for fathering their children!
They are overwhelmingly drawn to men taller than they are, the one they see as the best hunter and provider.
What is so often missed, except by very few women, is the fact that good things come in small packages!
Jenn! The fact that you are taller than the average woman is perhaps why there is a higher percentage of shorter men are attracted to you!

Willywants (to lose himself in the arms of a 5' 10" woman!)


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope

Just when I am feeling like I am too damn tall for my own good....... You remind me just how wonderful things that come in small packages are!

Willy your heart makes you a taller then I am physically.

Merry x-mas my friend.


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
Big Heart!

Thank you for the vote of confidence Jenn! I do believe when disparity of height is put aside, and two individuals can relate on a linear plain, (do not read horizontal into that), such as heart to heart or brain to brain, meaningful communication ensues!
Have a wonderful holiday season as well!

Kiarra! I like the way you identify wants vs needs! Basic needs are the same for both male and female, shelter and sustenance!
Wants are extraneous items that will, when satisfied, perhaps make ones day to day existence more comfortable. No doubt societal pressures do cause the masses to perceive many wants as needs!
"What do women really want?" as the opening thread asks, should really be a question posed in relation to needs!
The list of wants will vary considerably from woman to woman!
And as you suggest, simple communication will oft times reveal those wants! The same holds true for men!
Love this thread!!!



New member
Aug 26, 2002

I'm considering starting a poll:

>> Are you shorter/taller/same in height than Kiarra?

BTW, first we would need to know EXACTLY how tall you are? without heels, please include fractional inches, and also in cm for our euro friends (I've NEVER related to height or weight in metric)

So far, those shorter than Kiarra:

* Willywants
* ToronToto (tbd)
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New member
Aug 26, 2002

Don't mean to take your reply out of context, but:

Women are really not all that hard to figure out


The wants of a woman however can change for one day or even one minute to the next. At one time we may want a man to be a "yes man" and other times we want a man to put us in our place when we need it. The problem is figuring out when and what she wants at each individual time.

Isn't that one of our dilemas? Everything seems smooth, going okay...then kaboom!


New member
Aug 26, 2002

You are attempting to make a point for (A), below. However (B) is not instinctual (in the immediate sense) and contradicts (A). (C) also contradicts (A), but understandable.

(A) It's not analysis, it's biological instinct...It's more a unconscious response to those markers that traditionally indicate a good provider- of security, of genes, whatever.

(B) Abortion is a good example of how reproduction is costly- when a woman is pregnant with a child she cannot "afford" (for a any number of reasons) she will sometimes choose to terminate it. Ditto the morning after pill

(C) Unprotected sex is an act governed by the basic instinct to reproduce- however, humans have a whole bunch of things to consider that they sometimes a) are unaware of, b) choose to ignore, or c) believe they are above. That's just stupidity. What can you do?

Regarding last statement of (C) What can you do? As some of our grandmothers used to say <<keep your knees together>>. Please ignore this, as it is toooo prude for this day and age -- btw, knees together has it's own merits, hehe.

As to your latest post:

(D) All I'm saying is, at the most basic level, our drive to find a mate is propelled by the search for a good investment in offspring

Does this occur when:

* all the "bad boys" are gone?
* they are no longer appealing?
* they have "sucked you dry"?
* your, supposedly, instinctual instincts kick in?

Nice/intellectual guy with some good genes.

PS. This is NOT directed specifically towards you, but is relevant to what you've said.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Jenn angel

I have met many a woman who won"t date men who are not taller then they are.

I liken this to men who will not date women who are not shaped like BARBIE...........

This is foolish preconceived ideals that have no basis but are rather stigmas placed on them from piers who are shallow.



Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
I think I may have offended people once again...

I have to clarify something. When I stated that the only men who hit on me at clubs were shorter then I am I forgot to mention I have no problem with that.

You see... My ex... A friend who is still VERY dear to my heart is all of... 5'4". Now given the fact that I reallly like my 4 and 6 inch heels... I did have to take my heels off on the dance floor for slow dances... But hey... Height was never an issue when it really counted. Actually it made for the ability to do some VERY funky things!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
jenn angel

I would like to publicly say I am sorry for the conclusion I reached.

And ask your forgivness.



Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
No need hun...

I should have seen it from the other view point... People who don't know me and the type of person I am might not have seen the humour with which I made the other post.

If anyone should say sorry it is me.

Merry xmas.
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