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What do women want ?


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
A couple of questions for the ladies of TERB, if you would be so kind as to give your input. You can respond either here or on MBB ( links above). Preferably there though, as that's where the "controversy" stems from ..

I'd appreciate your perspectives, because we are just guys and get confused easily ... he he
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New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
we want (well i want)

most women want strength of charactor, depth, honesty, fidelty...
and a real knowledge of what pleases her in bed.....so care enough to find out... it matters alot...
intelligence is important also.. no one wants to be with a man who has the IQ of an ashtray....again a little suprise to his personailty is also good. like tilt her head and bite her nape or kiss her nape while moving her hair out of the way... the little things....really do amount to big things in my books.. consideration is also key...
just in my humble opinion...



Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
I dont know about anyone else, but I find that women want honesty, some measure of intelligence, and seem to appreciate long strong fingers and tongues and other bodyparts.

a good working knowledge of the nervous system helps along with a taste for the "decadent"

smiles innocently
time to practice practice practice... me thinks I'm going to be having a very busy december.



Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
Re: i just want.......

longfirmleggss said:
a man who has a tongue like Gene Simmons from the group KISS.....mmmmmmmmmm

well, that would require some minor surgery on my part but it can be arranged. [winks]


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
A Man Is a Man Is A Man!

I think women want a man to be a man, and all that entails!
But there is really, IMHO, one true character that any woman would relish!
An overwhelming Sensitivity towards the Needs of a woman!
A woman needs warmth, caring, understanding, strength, softness, gentleness, committment, LOVE!
And if the sex is good too!
Wow! Bonus!
Have I missed anything ladies?

Willywants (warmth, caring, understanding, and all the rest!)

PS: No sex change here! It's the human condition!


New member
Nov 25, 2002
Trent Hills
It is not for a man to say what a woman wants, she needs time to decide on what we bring and if it is to her liking. I find that her comfort must come first.
Anaalee: I can touch the end of my nose with my tounge does that count.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
To quote one of my favourite comedians of all time, Mr. Billy Conolley, whom i have had the pleasure of seeing live.

I received this email a long time ago, too bad I can't post it here, so you will just have to imagine Conolley ranting at the top of his lungs with that Scotish accent about "what women want"

"We want this and that

With the men to share in that

And more of that

Some of this

And fucking all of that

Less of that

And more of this

And fucking plenty of this

Nothing, we want it NOW

I want it yesterday

And I want fucking more tomorrow

And the demands will all be changed so fucking stay awake."

If you hear it, you will be in tears.

He is so right, it's frightening.

Women have no idea of what they want.

What they want one day, and works for them one day will drive them nutso the next day.

Even women will admit that they don't trust other women and many have male friends, but lack female friends.
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New member
Sep 6, 2001
Re: I have to add this.....

sweetdiane said:

Nice guys are still in demand, and we look for them all the time. I would choose nice over the demanding, arrogant, bad boys I used to like- anyday.
You've hit the nail on the head. Because another way of saying this is that during the time of your life that guys want you the most you like nice guys the least.



New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
The Huntress & Leo Buscaglia!

Now, I ask: Where on Earth can a man find such a woman??



New member
Nov 12, 2002
Liquid space
Huntrees , stop that I am trying to work ( I want to stop and listen to your quotes for the rest of the day) if your body wasn,t captivating enough, your mind certainly is. By the way interesting topic, I should print the responses and memorize.


Aug 10, 2002

Well, I was reading this thread and some things said on this thread struck me as being insincere

1] Women like guys who treat them well.
As much as I would like to believe this, I cannot ignore the reality that I see. By and large women end up, I dare say choose the most abusive guy they can find [being well of helps]. I am specifically referring to mental abuse. It is about who makes the other feel worse about themselves- power play.

2] Money is not very important.
Ya, sure. and pigs fly... consider any musician, sportsman, any rich guy.. they seem to get many hot looking women.. often inspite of their looks.. Well closer to day to day reality.. wonder why the wives of reasonably affluent guys look better those of average guys???? Hint- It is not the cosmetics. Sure, even a poor guy might get a '10' once in a while, but what are the chances she will be seen with him in public?

3] One of the principal reasons, I posted this reply was the repeated posts on this from a certain SP, who says stuff that does not match her demeanour in person or on the phone, especially when dealing with certain ethnicities, inspite of what she says on her site. I mean.. come on.. hypocrisy has its limits [I hope].. and someone had to tell the reality.

Well that is all I have to say at this time..


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
I'm Surprised.....

....at you Misty!
I would have thought Sensitivity would be your first choice!
Mind you, I guess there really is nothing wrong in laughing yourself all the way to an orgasm!



New member
Jun 3, 2002

I can sit here and make a list of things that I would like in a men or that I look for in a man, but I don't think that is reality. I mean Various men have various qualities as with women.

However, the one thing that I want is unconditional love. Someone who is going to love me "heart" and "soul" Not too many people love with both there hearts and souls as say people living in earlier days.

One thing to always remember:

"It's easy to fall in love, but hard to find someone who will catch you"



Jan 18, 2002
As posted on the MBB boards... :) ... just from a bit of personal experience in this weird hobby and with all my 20's friends...


Confident, good looking nice guys finish first.

The rest is a tie.... lol. In all seriousness, with all that I've seen, yeah physical attraction is the first thing that draws you together. But most of the female friends I know, have stuck it out with the nice guy in the end. They've all had jerk boyfriends in their past who they've been inexplicably attracted to, but in the end it was the nice guy that they kept.

Personally, I've been casually "seeing" a young SP who has a large number of men ask her out, both clients and people she meets socially. Her reasons for preferring to hang out with me when she has time as opposed to the other guys that have asked her out? She says that I "care for her past wanting to get just her in bed".


New member
Oct 28, 2002
Compatability is the Answer---But also does opposite really attracts????


New member
Oct 24, 2002
south of border
what a woman wants

I am not a 20 year old snot, I am a distinguished gentleman. It's not money, it's not looks, it's not anything to do with this. It is to do with how big your schlong is. I know this first hand. The guys that get the girls have a big one! Happened in high school, happens today. You get a reputation for your schlong, girls come running after you because of your hanger. Tom Jones, the singer had girls screaming, someone that had the personality of a rock. Granted, he had a great voice, but look at his pants. He had a monster. Girls like that. If you do not have a hanger, you will always come in second. Makes no difference what it looks like hard, it's the hanger and the reputation you get that will get the girls.


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope

I fall in love with men who see me for who I am and not whom I appear to be.

I love them for their minds and hearts... And if they come with a pretty face or a nice package then thats just icing hun.

Honestly... When I worte the post that my sig. line is pulled from I had no idea that I felt that strongly until it came out and quite frankly it just fit. I guess this totally trashes the JA image, but I think it is time to show the other side of who I am.

I think at times people assume it is based on the physical, yet I have found many a relationship that was based on the intellectual. Now don't get me wrong... I love being fu*ked silly(yes I just said that), and we all know I am severly over sexed... But honestly... There are times when you just want to be held. You don't want to have to ask... You just want it to happen.... You want the person you are with to learn to read your wants and needs without you having to ask.

I think this is the easiest way to sum it all up. Please note this is only my opinion based on what I have seen. What you have to realise is that every person is different in their needs and desires. This is what makes the dating game fun... So do your selves a favor and stop over analysing it all. PLEASE! It will only drive you batty.

red ram

Nov 2, 2001
i'm mobile
what women want???

MONEY.......i mean come on......why would any good looking woman go out with a guy that flips burgers at mc donalds???

they equate a wealthy guy to security....as in.....i get everything i want...without having to work for it??

do you really think strippers and hookers like many of us guys???....not from what many of them have told me....but money is what they crave.....

WHY....do you think they call that little patch of real estate between thier legs...a money maker??

pretty sad guys.....and i am sure i will get flamed....but it is the truth
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