What do men look for most when searching for a wife???


It's been good to know ya
Is it her current looks or whether you think she will look hot and sexy after 50 still, or her attitude and manners in public? Is it how she is in bed and if she is really sexually driven making you feel great in bed? Is it a woman with professionalism and great attitude with dealing with people inc. your family? Is it a woman that you know is great with kids allowing for a great family atmosphere in your home? Her current looks? What is the most important things that men seek out and in what order of preference?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
There is no one answer. Based on how I have changed over the years I would say that many of the qualities and characteristics that we look for in a potential wife would also change over the years.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Start a poll. Oops, that won't work.
Toooooooo many reasons to list, and multiple choices for answers


It's been good to know ya
pussylicker said:
Start a poll. Oops, that won't work.
Toooooooo many reasons to list, and multiple choices for answers
yup too many multiples that is what I was thinking. :(

Trust me if stacey could make it a poll she would anyone who knows me well knows I am a poll Queen.


It's been good to know ya
zanner69 said:
the whole package

looks, smarts, humour, personality, willing to try something new all the time; great in bed and the list goes on and on!!!

as you can see - just a little picky!!! - but Mrs. Zanner fits all these requirements!!!

Is that all in order?


May 20, 2006
stacey4u2luv said:
Trust me if stacey could make it a poll she would anyone who knows me well knows I am a poll Queen.
Did you mean pole Queen? :D Sorry, Stacey, couldn't help myself.

Now to your question. That's a doozie ...where do you start? I agree 100% with LancsLad ...there is no one answer. Even for the same guy, that answer changes with time. I've been married once before, which was a learning experience. I'm still a believer in marriage, and do want to find the right person for me for the long haul. Before, I've always looked for that "hot" sexual chemistry. Looking back, I've had that in droves. I've discovered it's not enough. Real friendship is more important to me now than anything else. Knowing that my partner is truly my partner ...a friend in good times and bad. In the past, I think I've picked people who were quite different from me. Now I seek compatibility. I'm freshly out of a 3-yr. relationship that had lots of chemistry, but I was surprised at how poorly I misjudged her character. IMO, she just wasn't there for me when she should have been. I didn't take the time upfront to know her well enough before making the commitment to share my life with her. Never again ...I'll allow much more time in the future. I'll just lick my wounds for the next little while, and hobby for a bit. When I'm ready ...the search will be on again. If I find that special compatible someone, I'll be done hobbying for good. I'm not one to hobby while I'm committed to someone, so get me while the going's good, girls. See you soon!


stacey4u2luv said:
Is that all in order?


looks - is first - because obviously that's the first thing you see - then I would put the body - needs to be in great shape - next smarts - because I need to have an intellectual conversation once and a while - then a good sense of humour -needs to laugh at my jokes and make me laugh - personality is next - and being great in bed (willing to keep me happy!!!!!!!!)


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Not sure about what Zanner said, sorry, I got stuck watching Mrs. Zanners ass. What are we talking about.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well I would also say looks is number one but not for the reasons you may think. I am also not talking about having to have Miss Universe or Bikini model looks, but I do have to find them physically attractive.

I find that when a woman is attractive (to me) what she looks like is very indicative of what kind of a person she ultimately turns out to be. For eg: IMHO if a woman takes care of herself physically, then she most likely takes care of other things with the same gusto. Say she is in reasonable physical shape, that would tend to indicate that she eats well, stays away from fried foods, probably doesn't eat a lot of red meat, is reasonably active, and in most cases she has some sort of self control. I know we all get the munchies for quick easy food (and junk food) but if you let yourself consume only that, then your looks, as well as your health, will suffer.

This sounds kind of odd, but I rate women on a 3 x 10 scale. 3 categories = 0 - 10 intelligent 0 - 10 physical and 0 - 10 emotional. Now for me to even think about getting involved with a woman she has to be at a minimum of 20.

This could be any combination of the above, 10 in looks, 10 in emotions and dumb as a bag of hair, well , I can work with that!

Now don't get me wrong, when I meet someone I don't pull out a scorecard and start taking notes, it is just a general way of me to intellectualize what I'm looking for in a partner.

BTW: In case you don't understand the 0 - 10 emotional scale, that is indicative of whether she is emotionally available or not. You'd be surprized to find how many women just aren't and won't allow themselves to be open to new possibilities emotionally. Maybe they've been hurt before, or whatever but they're just not going to let themselves be even open to the possibility of maybe getting hurt again.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
A lousy memory!


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Compatibility (includes looks)


May 20, 2006
to-guy69 said:
Compatibility (includes looks)
Well done hit the nail on the head.
P.S. Great sig line LOL!!!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
biancataylor said:
LOL...If I may put in my 2 cents:
I would say, some one that he his, physically attracted to, has a great emotional bond with, and can get along great both in and out of the bedroom, someone who listens, and understands him and is considerate of him,someone that he can talk to and vise versa.
Also is just that type of person they imagine themselves being with and that will pretty much treat them they same way the female expects to be treated
Your last line is the major problem that I find with finding available women these days: "The type of man they imagine themselves with...."

I know women have a vivid imagination when it comes to this and they have this unreasonable mental image of the guy they want....only problem is this "perfect" guy doesn't exist, or at least, in the real world....

I've said this before on TERB and I will say it again: When a woman won't "settle" for anything less than her ideal man, she's applauded and held up as being independant and strong "I am woman hear me roar" as it were.

But when a man won't settle for HIS perfect woman he's deemed as being "too picky"....sorry, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
I used to have an ideal but I found that it made me too inflexible and I had passed up opportunities with some great people. Now I just consider anyone a possibility.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
biancataylor said:
...... But would you not want a woman to treat you with the same love and respect that you have given her? This is just a thought.
Yes, that's why I exerpted your last line and responded only to it.....

As for "what women want" so far (on lavalife) I've been rejected because:
1) I'm bald (shave my head) and when a woman I pm'd responded with "sorry, but I'm looking for a man with a full head of hair" I sent back "well, I'm looking for a woman in her 40's without saggy boobs but that's damn near impossible" lol

2) I smoke but they said they drank often, you have your crutch, I have mine

3) They were looking for someone 6 ft or taller (i'm 5-8) and she was only 5' nothing lol wtf is up with THAT?

The best line I've ever read over and over in women's ads is the line "I love to laugh" well fuck me all to hell lol I have never met ANYONE who hates to laugh...DOH

I can see a scene like this, two women talking over coffee:

Marie: So Joan, how's it going with your new guy?
Joan: I broke up with him
Marie: what happened? you guys were getting along so well?
Joan: Yeah, he was everything I wanted in a man, he listened to me, he had all his hair, he was romantic, he "did little things for no reason", he liked "candle lit dinners", everything....
Marie: well, so tell me, what happened?
Joan: well we were taking "a long walk on the beach" and the fucking bastard TOLD A JOKE, can you believe it? The goddamn asshole made me LAUGH !I SO hate that...Did I put "I love to laugh" in my AD? NO I didn't so why the hell would he think I "love to laugh"????
Marie: That asshole, fuck, good thing you got rid of him now before you got too involved....


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
longfirmleggss said:
youre breathe...that ring is on soooooooooooo say good-bye to bj's...:D

and say good-bye to just about everything else that includes.....
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