Time for sure will solve this.
For mortgages, banks require 2 years clean credit and 2 forms of credit over 1K.
I suggest getting your letter of employment and paystub. Go into your local SEARS (before they close down) and BRICK and get a card. Failing those two, get a secured credit card (put down money, then use that money). Give it 3 months, go to equifax.ca and check out your score and make sure your cards are reporting. Then use your cards/ pay them off/ use pay off / repeat.
Anything secured will get your score going quicker, so a loan or car payment etc will do also. Remember, 2 years, 2 forms of credit. Anymore is nice, but not really required.
Essentially it's just a machine/program/formula without any type of common sense etc. Follow the easy guidelines that it looks for and you're set to go.