Now I know that I am one of the oldest guys that follow these threads, but I am a little surprised that nobody mentioned that they listen to country music. I have loved all types of genres as I have aged and I did go through a period of
enjoying folk and country, mostly by the many great so called unknown artists that most have not heard of. I won't bore anyone with names, but one day I will do a list of my favourites. Now there have only been a few female artists in country music that I enjoyed, but one of them was the JUDDS, mother and daughter duo Naomi and Wyonna. Two beautiful women that recorded some great songs. Too bad but mother Naomi died at age 76 recently.Funny thing, times that I saw them perform, it was hard to tell who was mother and who was daughter. Always thought what a great menage au trois that would be. LOL. My favourite song that they recorded was, GRAMPA, Tell Me About The Good Old Days. Always thought that song was about me.