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What am I doing wrong with the search button?


Active member
Aug 11, 2017
Hey fellas,

help a hobbyist out.

Been trying to do a search on Victoria or Iris HPL.

Nothing comes up yet a fellow Terbite was able to send me 3 links to reviews of Victoria.

What am I doing wrong ?

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
I’ve never liked the search button here. I’ve had more success using google, use the words you want and add “terb”.
Weird eh?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I just Searched 'Victoria' and got all sorts of hits, starting with this thread of yours, where her name is buried in the text of your post. If you don't ask for a search of tiles only, that looking within is what you must do.

TERB has three search buttons: the window with the Sherlock Holmes glass which is Everything but Crude, the Advanced Search under it, and a Search Forum at the top of each Forum's thread list. They're all a bit different. I'd stick to Search Forum, unless you really want every mention of the Gardening Club's prized blooms or how Victoria politics are worse than Toronto's. [That's a joke: Politics is excluded from searches]

Advanced Search lets you tailor the results more precisely to single content-types, just titles, or by specific posters and such , but its fussy. However if you don't use it, you'll have to open all the threads to find the mention of your target. If all you want is agency incall girls, that Forum is all you really need to search, and opening threads might be fun.

The big catch everywhere is that a search term must be at least four letters long. Why Agencies and TERBians keep coming up with three-letter abbreviations and shorter has baffled me for years. The Hot Pink List could be THPL and easily searchable. Or HPL!. Ah well, there is a sorta work-around: An asterisk * is a 'wild-card' in Search; it returns any letter/number/punctuation or space in that position. So '*HPL' should return, "… Iris HPL", because of the space. However, it wouldn't return, "HPL has …", as the opening sentence of a thread, but 'HPL*' would.

And as Buick said: Google also works. Have fun.
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